Tuesday, November 10, 2015

FinderJS – Browse Hierarchical Data in Columns

FinderJS is a small UI component that allows you to browse tree-like data in columns, similar to the file manager in OS X. It supports both static and asynchronous data sources and is easy to customize.

by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed

#SocialMedia Addiction: Find Out Where People Have Admitted To Using Facebook - #infographic

#SocialMedia Survey: The Surprising Places Where People Have Used Facebook - Infographic

Do you use Facebook compulsively? If so, are you willing to reveal the extent to which you will go to check your Facebook page or update your status? Would you update your Facebook page on the toilet or during your own wedding? And would you be willing to tell people about it?

A new survey from Stop Procrastinating, the productivity website, reveals the full extent of the compulsive and secrets habits of Facebook users. Of 2000 respondents, 56% claimed they use Facebook compulsively. Of these, 68% were worried by their inability to control their need to access their Facebook page.

It seems that there is no barrier too great nor too high to stop them. Many have admitted to disappearing to the toilet during a dinner date to check their Facebook page or comment on or like a post.

Many users now feel obliged to check every new post. Yet such is the volume of new posts that it can require extraordinary amounts of time to get through them all. As such, many users are resorting to multi-tasking. Checking Facebook while undertaking other tasks, such as interacting with a pet, watching a film or while taking a bath, is now becoming routine.

But what does this mean for our need to switch off and recharge. If we are faced with the constant need to check Facebook and ensure that our private lives are public, are we preventing ourselves from having enough ‘me time’. Are we are at greater risk of Facebook burn out? Or are the lengths that people go to update their Facebook page show a new digital resilience, a new way of living our lives?

Decide for yourselves by checking out the full results of the Facebook addiction survey in the infographic below. The results may well surprise you.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Why Passwordless Authentication Works

passwordless login

In December 2014, I published Would You Implement Passwordless Login? It expanded on articles such as Justin Balthrop's Passwords are Obsolete and Ben Brown's Is it time for passwordless login? The Passwordless project for Node.js has inspired others, including options for PHP and Ruby.

I mentioned considering passwordless authentication for a client project. I'm pleased to say it's been operating for several months and has been a revelation. More about that shortly -- but first, let's recap …

What is Passwordless Authentication?

We're using the same authentication methods devised at the dawn of the web. Unfortunately, passwords are increasingly broken:

  • People rarely create strong passwords. Surveys report one in ten accounts use something from the top twenty most popular passwords. "123456" is used by more than 4% accounts; "password" remains the second most-used.
  • People use the same terrible password on multiple sites. If you happen to crack someone's Facebook login, you can probably access their PayPal account. Your single password is only as good as the security of the weakest system you use.
  • Corporation hacks are increasingly common and attract mainstream media interest. It's an easy route to make a name for yourself, extract revenge or indulge in blackmail. Few companies are prepared for acts of cyber-terrorism and, despite the usual claims of "sustained sophisticated attacks", many breaches are simple SQL injections caused by poor development techniques.
  • From a coding perspective, authentication is tedious and mistakes are made. Checking credentials is the start of your problems: you need to ensure there are no cracks in security, hash strings using strong (and slow) algorithms, allow users to reset forgotten passwords and answer support calls from confused users who are seemingly unable to remember or type a short string correctly.
  • Alternative solutions such as biometrics or OAuth depend on hardware or suitable social media accounts. Few sites implement it well, and still need to revert back to email/password methods for some users.

Continue reading %Why Passwordless Authentication Works%

by Craig Buckler via SitePoint

The 12-Factor Apps Methodology: Implement It in Your Own Apps with AppFog

This article was sponsored by AppFog. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make SitePoint possible.

In today's world of SaaS products, a common methodology has emerged with the purpose of providing an outline for building well structured and scalable applications. It's called the "12-Factor App" methodology, and it's about to change the way you approach the architecture of your next app.

If you've had a lot of experience deploying applications, then you may be well aware that the deployment process can be complicated and extensive to say the least. Virtualization, networking, and setting up runtime environments are just a few of the headaches involved. The 12-Factor App methodology doesn’t eliminate the complexity altogether, but it does create a framework for organizing the process in order to maintain a healthy and scaleable application.

But how should these difficult architecture necessities be handled, in such a way that each of the 12-Factor App principles can be met? The following paragraphs explain how you can meet the standards of the 12-Factor App methodology, while easily overcoming the difficult realities involved in your application infrastructure and deployment setup.

A key tool in this process is AppFog, a Platform-as-a-Service product offered by CenturyLink Cloud to allow application developers to build software without having to focus on infrastructure.


The 12 Factors

As made apparent by the title, the 12-Factor App methodology is a list of principles, each explaining the ideal way to handle a subset of your application. The 12 factors are as follows:

1. Codebase - One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys

The first principle of the 12-Factor App methodology is related to your application's codebase. The most important point here is to ensure that your application is tracked with revision control, and that it sits in a central repository that is accessible to your developers. This is most commonly handled by using Git or SVN to store your code.

Continue reading %The 12-Factor Apps Methodology: Implement It in Your Own Apps with AppFog%

by Tim Evko via SitePoint

How To Win Customers And Influence Them

Creating personal connections with your customers is one of the most impactful things you can do to be successful—even more impactful than improving your product’s quality or credibility.

Why? Because people don’t make decisions rationally; they make them emotionally. That means if you can develop a relationship with your customers, they’ll be far more likely to forgive mistakes, make additional purchases, continue their subscription, recommend you to their friends, family, and acquaintances, and so on.

To get you started, I’ve rounded up four creative ideas for creating those personal connections.

Continue reading %How To Win Customers And Influence Them%

by Aja Frost via SitePoint

20+ Docs and Guides for Front-end Developers (No. 6)

It’s that time again to choose the tool or technology that you want to brush up on. If you feel like you’ve been working hard at building but maybe not learning as much as you’d like, I’ve got your back.

Please enjoy the sixth installment of our Docs and Guides series and don’t forget to let us know of any others that we haven’t yet included in this or a previous post.

1. DevTools Challenger

An interactive site that demonstrates how to use the new animation-related features present in Firefox Developer Edition.

DevTools Challenger

2. The HTML & CSS Workmanship Manual

A good HTML/CSS styleguide to help developers write “durable, reliable” code, loosely inspired by NASA’s Workmanship Standards Program.

The HTML & CSS Workmanship Manual

3. ECMAScript 6 Cheatsheet

I don’t think we can have too many ES6 learning resources, so here’s another one. ES6 is a huge step forward in JavaScript’s history and this reference will give you ‘everything about the latest version of the ECMAScript standard’.

ECMAScript 6 Cheatsheet

4. React Cheat Sheet

React is officially the “current big thing” so this quick reference should be a big help. The page is filterable using a search form at the top and each feature includes a link to the official docs.

React Cheat Sheet

5. Six Speed

A chart that displays performance report information for different ES6 features relative to the ES5 baseline operations as rendered by various transpilers (Babel, Traceur, etc).

Six Speed

6. U.S. Web Design Standards

“Open source UI components and visual style guide to create consistency and beautiful user experiences across U.S. federal government websites.”

U.S. Web Design Standards

7. ECMAScript 6 — New Features: Overview & Comparison

Another nice ES6 learning resource. What’s really great about this one is the fact that it has two code examples for each feature, including how the same thing is accomplished in ES5.

ECMAScript 6 — New Features: Overview & Comparison

Continue reading %20+ Docs and Guides for Front-end Developers (No. 6)%

by Louis Lazaris via SitePoint

Adding GeoLocation and Maps to Windows Phone Apps

Maps have become an essential part of app use cases from tourist guides, to business directories and social recommendations. Unsurprisingly, the Windows Phone platform supports Bing maps by default and makes it easy to implement.

Continue reading %Adding GeoLocation and Maps to Windows Phone Apps%

by deivi taka via SitePoint