Thursday, June 23, 2016

Getting Started With React

5 Tools to Measure Social Media ROI


Do you struggle to determine an accurate ROI in social media marketing? Wondering which of your social media campaigns are most profitable? It’s important to know whether or not the money you’ve invested in your social media marketing has provided a return that’s worth what you’ve put in. In this article, you’ll discover 5 tools to help you [...]

This post 5 Tools to Measure Social Media ROI first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Ana Gotter via

Ales Nesetril

Ales Nesetril Portfolio

Minimal One Pager for digital product designer Ales Nesetril using a clean 4-column grid with good whitespace.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Fantasy Shopping

An e-commerce concept to encourage online retailers to consider leading by smart design vs engineering and functionality
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Blogging Law 101 for Content Creators and Marketers [Infographic]

In the digital world, content is everywhere online. Every day, there are new bloggers popping out of the woodworks. There are many content creators, website administrators and content marketers.

There is no need for a qualification to post and venture online but many don't know the laws of blogging that govern online content.

Is it really safe to use others ideas?

If someone steals your ideas, are there any laws that can protect you?

Sure, there are laws, imposing them may be a tough issue in the digital world. Infringement of copyright protected material is a serious issue and if found guilty the penalties could range from hefty financial fines, prison time and your content and even website can all be taken down.

by CENT Muruganandam via Digital Information World

Zoomify – Simple Lightboxes with Zoom Effect

Zoomify is a jQuery plugin for simple lightboxes with zoom effect.

by via RSS Feed

Four Important Ways Buyer Personas Improve Your Business

A customer buying records

I’m interviewing candidates for a marketing position, and one of the questions I like to ask is, “which marketing gurus do you follow, and why?” One interviewee responded that she follows HubSpot and downloads a lot of their content.

You and every other marketer, I thought.

When it comes to inbound marketing content, there are a handful of organizations whose content stands out, and for me, HubSpot is one of them. It seems like every article is written with me in mind. How is it they know me so well?

The answer is buyer personas.

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your target audience. For instance, one of the services we provide is direct marketing for charities and nonprofits, so we’ve created buyer personas to represent the development director at each of those organizations.

However, the development director for a Boy Scout council is different from the development director of a college or university. And a humane society development director is nothing like either.

Not All Buyer Personas are Created Equal

What I mean by “different” is that the goals, challenges, job roles and values of those development directors will differ depending on the type of nonprofit they work for.

A Boy Scout development director, for example, has a yearly fundraising goal that he must achieve to receive a salary increase, and he must make a name for himself to get promoted. That may not be true of other organizations.

A Boy Scout development director may be an avid hunter. A humane society development director? Unlikely.

What does hunting have to do with marketing, you ask? Because knowing your buyer that well lets you accomplish four important business and marketing goals.

1. Buyer Personas Let You Create Irresistible Content

Going back to my HubSpot example, not every piece of content they produce is about inbound marketing. A recent article that got my attention was How to Keep Your Computer’s Desktop Clean & Organized: 7 Helpful Tips. (Did I mention how all their articles were written for me?)

Developing effective buyer personas means actually talking with some of your customers. And one of the questions you must ask is, what’s your typical day like?

My day involves creating all kinds of files in a mad rush to create content, then saving them in the most expedient location—usually my desktop—then neglecting to file or discard them once uploaded. So my desktop … yeah, desperately in need of cleaning and organizing.

In other words, all your content need not be related to your product or service. In fact, it shouldn’t be, because your prospect is nowhere near as interested in that as you are. What they are interested in is improving the quality of their life.

And if your content can help them do that, they’ll keep coming back to your blog for more.

That establishes trust and credibility for your brand, giving you more opportunities to engage with them and convert them into customers.

2. Buyer Personas Let You Create Persona-Specific Content

Another division of our company provides a very different product, serving a vastly different clientele. It’s a web-based marketing application for companies whose customers are homeowners. So a roofer can use the software to find homes with roofs that are 20 years old.

But an insurance agent uses it to find homes whose property insurance is due to expire to offer the homeowner a better policy.

Marketing successfully to such a diverse customer base requires buyer personas. I’ve never been a roofer or sold insurance, but I’m pretty sure their “typical day” is nothing alike.

They do have one thing in common, though. Both use our software to find customers. So rather than writing a generic one-size-fits-all article, we can show insurance agents five proven ways to close more sales and offer roofers The Complete Roofer’s Guide to Lead Generation.

Continue reading %Four Important Ways Buyer Personas Improve Your Business%

by John Tabita via SitePoint