Tuesday, July 26, 2016


A new platform dedicated to 360° music video sessions. Be at the heart of the experience & share your favorite artist's intimacy.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Monday, July 25, 2016

Millennials and Your Website: How to Make Your Domain a Magnet to Gen Y

How Millennials View Your Site and Why it Matters

Millennials are often the punchline of a bad joke. The “Me Generation” is spoiled and entitled — the list of eye-rolling insults from older adults is virtually endless. But any company, group or political party that doesn't take this generation seriously is making a monumental mistake. Millennials, no matter what you think of them, are the largest eligible voting base in many developed and developing countries and now hold more purchasing power than any other generation. For better or worse, they are the future of the economy.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Web Design Weekly #245


Strategies for Healthier Dev

A very good reminder for us to take care of our health so that we can continue to write great code and build cool products for decades to come. (alistapart.com)

​Don’t Get Frustrated – Get Hired

​Sick of pushy recruiters, and dead end interviews? Try Hired to hear from top tier companies, and get truly personalized career support from our Talent Advocates, so that you only talk to relevant companies. Over 4,000+ companies are looking for their next team member on Hired, could that be you? (hired.com)


The Service Worker Lifecycle

Ire Aderinokun goes into detail about the six states a Service Worker can be in – parsed, installing, installed, activating, activated and redundant. Great post to level up your Service Worker knowledge. (bitsofco.de)

A Psychological Approach to Designing Interfaces

It is easy to get overwhelmed by excessive choices. As designers, we need to be mindful of the amount of information or options we provide to our users. Less can truly be more. (medium.com)

Using Animation to Enhance UX

Used in the right way animation can improve an interface and enhance UX, sometimes even making it magical. Why and how do animations improve UX you ask? Callum Hart has the answers. (callumhart.com)

The WP REST API for Remote Control WordPress

The first article in the series by Scott Fennell that looks into setting up a complex control panel to manage 30+ WordPress multisite installs. (css-tricks.com)

Centered Logos Hurt Website Navigation

A comparison of sites with left-aligned logos to sites with center-aligned logos. This article delves into how logo placement can affect usability. (nngroup.com)

requestAnimationFrame Scheduling For Nerds (medium.com)

Tools / Resources


A collaboration platform for designers and developers that works with Xcode, Android Studio, Sketch and Photoshop. (sympli.io)

Considerations for Styling a Modal

Chris Coyier walks us through the many things to consider when styling a modal. (css-tricks.com)

React Gotchas

Internalise these rules and you’ll avoid some strange errors when using React. (daveceddia.com)


A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (slatejs.org)

HyperTerm – JS/HTML/CSS Terminal (hyperterm.org)

SpreadMethods for SVG Gradients (codepen.io)

ES6 for Everyone (es6.io)


How We Started Releasing Features Twice As Fast (smashingmagazine.com)

Vox Product Accessibility Guidelines (voxmedia.com)

Some ideas for websites you can build! (github.com)


Senior Front End Developer at Shopify

At Shopify we have one of the largest front end architectures in the world and our front end development team works on making our client side scalable, approachable and an exceptional experience for hundreds of thousands of shop owners across the world. (shopify.com)

Senior Product Designer at Campaign Monitor

At Campaign Monitor, design comes first. We pour our heart and soul into the way our product looks, feels and works – and it’s fair to say that we really do sweat the details. We’re looking for a Senior Product Designer who shares our vision for designing beautiful software that thousands of people love to use. (campaignmonitor.com)

Need to find passionate developers or designers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter

Last but not least…

The myth of the “Real JavaScript Developer” (youtube.com)

The post Web Design Weekly #245 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly

How Did You Get Started? A Look at the Best & Worst Web Design Tools

Recently, I got a blast from the past when I read that Adobe's Dreamweaver is making a comeback. I was a regular Dreamweaver user in my time, but since moving on (when I made the switch to Linux) I had more or less forgotten about its existence. This made me curious as to which other web authoring tools I have used throughout my career, so I decided to take a look.

A quick rummage in my bookshelf produced this gem — Frontpage 2000 Made Simple. Frontpage (now discontinued) was an editor by Microsoft and the tool I used to create my first ever web page. Its WYSIWYG approach made it appealing to novices (and in those days, most people were novices), as did its tight integration with Microsoft's range of Office products. Unfortunately, it produced very messy and invalid code, with pages tending to be optimized for Internet Explorer. As soon as I realized that I was serious about web development, I knew it was time to move on.

Continue reading %How Did You Get Started? A Look at the Best & Worst Web Design Tools%

by James Hibbard via SitePoint


Cospo WordPress Theme

'Cospo' is a multi-purpose WordPress theme that can pretty much showcase any website, product or application. The robust theme features neat load transitions within a very unique split-screen layout. This really is a refreshing way to showcase your next project - make sure you browse all the 24 demos that range from portfolios, launching soon pages, personal sites, download landing pages, restaurants, events and even musician sites. All included in the purchase of course. Don't need WordPress? Here is the Cospo HTML version for $17. (it's quite a difficult fixed height layout to capture and justify within a screenshot, so I've included the marketing promo screenshot below)

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Can We Have Static Types in PHP without PHP 7 or HHVM?

Now that PHP 7 has been out for a while with interesting features like error handling, null coalescing operator, scalar type declarations, etc., we often hear the people still stuck with PHP 5 saying it has a weak typing system, and that things quickly become unpredictable.

Vector illustration of programmer's desktop


Even though this is partially true, PHP allows you to keep control of your application when you know what you're doing. Let's see some code examples to illustrate this:

function plusone($a)
    return $a + 1;

var_dump(plusone("1 apple"));

// output


Our function will increment the number passed as an argument by one. However, the second and third calls are passing a string, and the function still returns integer values. This is called string conversion. We can make sure that the user passes a numeric value through validation.

function plusone($a)
    if ( !is_numeric($a) )
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("I can only increment numbers!", 1);

    return $a + 1;

This will throw an InvalidArgumentException on the third call as expected. If we specify the desired type on the function prototype...

function plusone(int $a)
    return $a + 1;

var_dump(plusone("1 apple"));

// output

PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 1 passed to plusone() must be an instance of int, integer given, called in /vagrant/test_at/test.php on line 7 and defined in /vagrant/test_at/test.php on line 2

This error seems a bit weird at first, because the first call to our function is using an integer!

If we read the message carefully, we'll see that the error message says "must be an instance of int" - it assumes that integer is a class, because PHP prior to version 7 only supported type hinting of classes!

Things get even more awkward with function return arguments in PHP 5. In short, we can't lock in their types automatically and we should check the expected value after the function call returns a value.

Augmented Types

Prior to the release of PHP 7, the team at Box came up with a nice idea to solve the typing safety problem on their PHP 5 application. After using assertions, type hints, etc., they decided to work on a cleaner solution for this problem.

We've seen how Facebook pushed PHP a little bit forward by launching HHVM and Hack, but the team at Box didn't want to fork the PHP source code or modify anything in the core. Their solution was to create a separate extension called augmented types to parse the method's phpDoc and assert types on runtime.

Continue reading %Can We Have Static Types in PHP without PHP 7 or HHVM?%

by Younes Rafie via SitePoint

SKODA controls every surface

Website showcasing the technology possibilites of SKODA 4×4 vehicles on every surface through flawless interactive journey.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery