Friday, January 10, 2020

CSS Text Effect Style 61

The post CSS Text Effect Style 61 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Email Signature Style 51

The post Email Signature Style 51 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Twitter to remove the Audience Insights Element from its Analytics Section

Twitter is removing its audience insight tab from its analytics by the end of this month. Audience Insight serves as a tremendous tool for users who wants an in-depth data analysis of account followers, demographic analytics, ads behavior details and other stats. Twitter launched this tool back...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Abdullah Matloob via Digital Information World

eMarketer predicts U.S. User Growth on Instagram to decline with time, drops down to 6.7% in 2019 from 10.1% in 2018

Competition for Instagram is increasing with time, especially after the introduction of Snapchat and TikTok on the internet. It has become really hard for Instagram to cope with the changing trends on social media and still stay on top. According to the eMarketer, the U.S’s User Growth of...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Madiha via Digital Information World

Which JS projects got the most GitHub stars in 2019?

#470 — January 10, 2020

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Snowpack: A 'Run Once' Dependency Builder/Modularizer — An interesting project (formerly known as pika/web) from the folks behind Pika. The idea is that you run Snowpack once after npm install and it prepares your dependencies as ES modules that can be loaded dynamically by the browser so you don’t need to rebundle on every code change you make. This isn’t good if you want to target old browsers, but for the 90% of cases, this could change your dev process.

Fred K. Schott

2019's JavaScript 'Rising Stars' — If you don’t like popularity contests, skip this one, but it’s the latest annual roundup of which JavaScript projects did well in terms of gaining GitHub stars in 2019. Vue took the top spot for the 4th year in a row, but the subcategories are more interesting.

Michael Rambeau and Sacha Greif

Get Best in Class Error Reporting for Your JavaScript Apps — Time is money. Software bugs waste both. Save time with Bugsnag. Automatically detect and diagnose errors impacting your users. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in minutes. Try it free.

Bugsnag sponsor

Dan Abramov on What JavaScript Is Made Up Of — Dan (of React core team and Redux fame) reflects on his mental model of what JavaScript is in terms of raw concepts.

Dan Abramov

How to Move a Project to TypeScript - At Your Own Pace — We’ve recently commented how 2019 seemed to be the year of many people ‘switching’ to TypeScript.. but if you’re intimidated, you might like this guide to moving an existing project in a gradual way.

Dominik Kundel

The State of Storybook at the End of 2019Storybook is a popular tool for developing and showcasing UI components (originally just for React, but now supporting Angular, Vue, and more). 2019 saw even more growth for Storybook’s ecosystem and community.

Michael Shilman

⚡️ Quick Releases

💻 Jobs

Full-Stack or Front-End Engineer - Rails/React (Remote/NYC) — Got 2+ years of experience? Come help build the next iteration of our growing digital recovery platform centered providing alcohol abuse treatment.


Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.


📘 Articles & Tutorials

An Abbreviated History of JavaScript Package Managers — This post explains why npm, Yarn and pnpm were created and the problems they’ve set out to solve over time.

Matt Goldwater

Understanding Async/Await — A straightforward and easily accessible tutorial on using promises and how async and await can make the resulting code more straightforward.

Sarah Drasner

CFP for ForwardJS San Francisco and Ottawa now OPEN — Submit your proposal to speak at ForwardJS Ottawa (May 26-29) or San Francisco (July 20-24) Ticket sales begin Jan 15.

ForwardJS sponsor

Off Main Thread Architecture with Vuex — Inspired by Surma’s articles on using Web Workers to take work off of the main thread, Abdelrahman was inspired to see how this could help with Vue and Vuex.

Abdelrahman Awad

How To Create And Deploy an Angular Material App — This article will help you get started with a new Angular project from just a thought to deployment (on Netlify, in this case).


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Why I Avoid Nesting Closures“A little tendency I have to reduce cognitive load for readers of my code.”

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A Basic Example of the Web Share API — The Web Share API enables native sharing (via other apps/social networks) on pages.

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Comparing the Different Types of Native JavaScript 'Popups'window.confirm, window.onbeforeunload, etc.

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Top GitHub Best Practices for Developers - Expanded Guide — Implementing these best practices could save you time, improve code maintainability, and prevent security risks. sponsor

▶  Why GitHub Actions Is One Developer's New Favorite Programming Tool — While Github Actions is commonly associated with deployment and pipelines, it’s ultimately an engine for running JavaScript in the cloud, and that opens up some neat use cases as demonstrated here. 17 minutes.

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🔧 Code & Tools

Craft.js: A React Framework for Building Drag and Drop Page Editors — It’s a bold move to make the landing page for your project be a text editor itself, but I like it :-)

Prev Wong

Code to Graph: Visualize JavaScript Code as a Network Diagram — An interesting idea and fun to play with.

Vincent Lecrubier

Faster CI/CD for All Your Software Projects Using Buildkite

Buildkite sponsor

Mocha 7.0 Released: The Popular JavaScript Test Framework — Mocha has been a popular go-to test framework for both Node and the browser for years now. 7.0.0 isn’t a huge release but drops Node 6 support and makes enough changes and deprecations to warrant the version update.


Postgres.js: A Fast, Full-Featured Postgres Client for Node — Claims to be the fastest even (at 2-10x faster than the popular pg module) but we’ll let you be the judge of that :-)

Rasmus Porsager

scalajs-react: React, but for Scala.JS — Feeling brave? Scala.js provides a way to build front-end apps using Scala (which is then compiled into JavaScript) and scalajs-react brings React into the mix too.

David Barri

😂 Last but not least..

The Size of a node_modules Folder When Installing The Top 100 Packages — We’ve all heard the jokes about the size of node_modules directories, but I found it neat that someone’s actually tracking this on an ongoing basis. And if you really want to clean up those folders, check out npkill.

Koen van Gilst

by via JavaScript Weekly

4 Reasons to Use Image Processing to Optimize Website Media

4 Reasons to Use Image Processing to Optimize Website Media

This sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

Image optimization is a big deal when it comes to website performance. You might be wondering if you’re covering all the bases by simply keeping file size in check. In fact, there’s a lot to consider if you truly want to optimize your site’s images.

Fortunately, there are image processing tools and content delivery networks (CDNs) available that can handle all the complexities of image optimization. Ultimately, these services can save you time and resources, while also covering more than one aspect of optimization.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the impact image optimization can have on site performance. We’ll also go over some standard approaches to the problem, and explore some more advanced image processing options. Let’s get started!

Why Skimping on Image Optimization Can Be a Performance Killer

If you decide not to optimize your images, you’re essentially tying a very heavy weight to all of your media elements. All that extra weight can drag your site down a lot. Fortunately, optimizing your images trims away the unnecessary data your images might be carrying around.

If you’re not sure how your website is currently performing, you can use an online tool to get an overview.

Results of a website speed test

Once you have a better picture of what elements on your website are lagging or dragging you down, there are a number of ways you can tackle image optimization specifically, including:

  • Choosing appropriate image formats. There are a number of image formats to choose from, and they each have their strengths and weaknesses. In general, it’s best to stick with JPEGs for photographic images. For graphic design elements, on the other hand, PNGs are typically superior to GIFs. Additionally, new image formats such as Google’s WebP have promising applications, which we’ll discuss in more detail later on.
  • Maximizing compression type. When it comes to compression, the goal is to get each image to its smallest “weight” without losing too much quality. There are two kinds of compression that can do that: “lossy” and “lossless”. A lossy image will look similar to the original, but with some decrease in quality, whereas a lossless image is nearly indistinguishable from the original but also heavier.
  • Designing with the image size in mind. If you’re working with images that need to display in a variety of sizes, it’s best to provide all the sizes you’ll need. If your site has to resize them on the fly, that can negatively impact speeds.
  • Exploring delivery networks. CDNs can be a solution to more resource-heavy approaches for managing media files. A CDN can handle all of your image content, and respond to a variety of situations to deliver the best and most optimized files.

As with any technical solution, you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of each approach. However, it’s also worth noting that these more traditional approaches aren’t the only options you have available to you.

4 Reasons to Use Image Processing for Optimizing Your Website’s Media

As we mentioned above, CDNs are one possible way to solve image performance conundrums on your website. One example of the services a CDN can provide is found in KeyCDN’s image processing.

This particular service is a real-time image processing and delivery option. This means it can detect how a user is viewing your site, and provide the optimal image type for that use case. Let’s look at four reasons this can be a very effective feature.

1. You Can Convert Your Images to Advanced Formats

We’ve already discussed how PNG and JPEG are the most common and recommended formats for graphic and photographic elements respectively. You might not know, however, that there’s a new file format available that might be beneficial when you’re looking to boost your site’s performance.

We’re talking about WebP, which is Google’s new, modern image file format.

webp logoThe WebP logo. Source: WikiMedia Commons

The WebP format can work with both lossy and lossless compression, and supports transparency. Plus, the files themselves hold a lot of potential when it comes to optimization and performance.

This is because WebP lossless files are up to 26% smaller than PNGs of equivalent quality. In fact, KeyCDN did a study to compare just how much of an impact the WebP format can have. It found an overall 77 percent decrease in page size when converting from JPG to WebP.

Consequently, KeyCDN offers conversion to WebP. This feature uses lossless compression, and the most appropriate image can then be served up to each user based on browser specifications and compatibility.

In addition to conversion, there’s also a WebP Caching feature that offers a one-click solution for existing users. Without changing anything else, KeyCDN users can easily take advantage of WebP images via this option.

The post 4 Reasons to Use Image Processing to Optimize Website Media appeared first on SitePoint.

by SitePoint Sponsors via SitePoint

Website Inspiration: UnSpam 2020

Great reference to successfully transferring a positive vibe to digital via fun copywriting and great images in this One Pager for the UnSpam 2020 event by Really Good Emails.

Full Review

by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love