Friday, January 17, 2020

Facebook Will Send Notification for Logins Through Third-Party App

When it comes to secure logins and notification procedures, Google and Gmail has set the benchmark. Every time there is a login from any anonymous device, Gmail sends the notification right away. After the privacy and data scandal, it seems that Facebook is taking the security of the users very...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Aabroo Saeed via Digital Information World

Instagram is all set to launch DMs on its web version, no update on the App of iPad

Using Instagram on PC wasn't very fun as it had many restrictions. It didn't have the feature of uploading photos and send DMs from the web version. Now starting from today, Instagram is testing the Direct Messages (DMs) on the web version. Since it's in the test mode, very few people were able...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Abdullah Matloob via Digital Information World

Facebook Gives Users More Control Over Targeted Ads

If you’re not already aware of this fact, the main way in which Facebook earns its money basically involves advertising. It uses its enormous userbase to provide advertisers and marketers with an enormous sandbox in which they can target ads and the like, and for the longest time Facebook was...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

Babel 7.8 released with built-in ES2020 support

#471 — January 17, 2020

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Babel 7.8.0 Released — The popular JavaScript transpiler now supports ECMAScript 2020 features by default with no plugins needed for nullish coalescing (??), optional chaining (?.) and dynamic import(). Work is also underway on Babel 8 with two upcoming issues outlined in this post too.

Nicolò Ribaudo

Goodbye, Clean Code — Much as Donald Knuth warned us away from premature optimization, here React expert Dan Abramov tells us to beware of premature refactoring and de-duplication. A well put and interesting argument you might appreciate here.

Dan Abramov

Faster CI/CD for All Your Software Projects Using Buildkite — See how Shopify scaled from 300 to 1500 engineers while keeping their build times under 5 minutes.

Buildkite sponsor

Native Web Components Come to Microsoft Edge — As featured in our Frontend Focus newsletter earlier this week, Microsoft’s Chromium-based version of Edge is now out and this also means “all major evergreen browsers now support Web Components natively.”

Polymer Project

What to Pay JavaScript Developers in 2020? — I think this is one of those “how long is a piece of string?” type questions but nonetheless Eric Elliott has brought together a variety of interesting stats.

Eric Elliott

The ECMAScript Archives — A collection of documents spanning from 1996 to 2015 relating to the activities of Ecma TC39 as the standards behind JavaScript were crafted over the years. Useful? Not really. Interesting? Depends how much of a geek you are, but the “issues list” in the first TC39 meeting’s minutes is kinda fun. “Why reserve Java keywords?”.. quite!


Announcing TypeScript 3.8 Beta — Type-Only imports and export, top-level await and ECMAScript Private Fields all.. await you :-) TypeScript has a way of dropping a final release just after we publish, so watch this space!

Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)

💻 Jobs

Senior Frontend-Focused Engineer in Munich — Do you love working with React, TypeScript, GraphQL, and working in a user-centred team? Then you're in for a treat 🍪 Let's protect some businesses together. 🙌


Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.


📘 Articles & Tutorials

A Class-Based enum Pattern for JavaScript — Always a pleasure to see Dr. Axel writing. This time he looks at a way to implement enums (as available in other languages) in pure JavaScript before showing off enumify, a library he’s created for the task.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

How to Build a D3 and Cube.js Powered Data DashboardCube.js provides the analytics framework, D3 provides the visualizations.

Artyom Keydunov

The Fastest Way to Get Great Bug Reports from Non-Technical Folk
Get less “the link is broken”, get great bug reports (with screenshot and browser data) from non-tech clients with BugHerd.

BugHerd sponsor

A Good VSCode Linting and Formatting Setup for TypeScript Projects — There’s a GitHub repo with the actual configs and rules.

Andréas Hanss

Letting Tools Make Choices — We used to link to tutorials by Jack quite often back in the day so it’s great to see him blogging again. Now, Jack is thinking about the process of working out which tools to use, why, and letting tools carry the ‘burden’ of choices you’d otherwise have to make yourself.

Jack Franklin

Working with Raw WebGPU — An overview on how to write a WebGPU application, where WebGPU is an under development W3C spec on bringing modern 3D graphics and compute capabilities to the Web (and JavaScript).

Alain Galvan

Understanding npm Filesystem Takeover Vulnerabilities — Last month, a security vulnerability affecting all JS package managers (npm, yarn and pnpm) was disclosed which allows malicious actors to use various arbitrary file overwrite tactics. Here’s what that means and why it matters.

Liran Tal

Building a Virtualized List From Scratch — Understanding a powerful tool for improving UI render performance.

Mark Jordan

6 Useful Decorators to Use in Angular Projects

Chidume Nnamdi

▶  How to Improve Error Handling in Your Node.js Apps

Heroku sponsorpodcast

How to Support IE 11 with Angular — Might be relevant if you’re targeting enterprise users.

Colum Ferry

Is TypeScript Worth It?“I would like the jury to know that I am, for the most part, a TypeScript fan but I do have some nagging doubts that I would like to discuss in this post..”

Paul Cowan

🔧 Code & Tools

Next.js 9.2 Released — The popular React-meets-server framework gains improved code splitting, CSS modularity, and new ‘catch-all’ dynamic routes.

Neutkens, Haddad, Kasper and Alvarez

uuid: Generate RFC-Compliant UUIDs in JavaScript — Seems very complete and covers UUID v1, v3, v4 and v5. Includes support for namespaces too.


Villus: A Tiny and Fast GraphQL Client for Vue 3 — An interesting writeup of how the creator approached the problem, too. Vue 3.0.0 alpha 2 is also out, BTW.

Abdelrahman Awad

FeathersJS/Hooks: Async Middleware for JavaScript and TypeScript — Koa-style middleware for any async functions for creating composable and reusable workflows and adding functionality without having to change a function or class’s original code.


react-email-editor — A drag-n-drop component that makes it easy to add a solid email editor to your React apps. Designs are saved in JSON & can be exported as HTML.

Unlayer on GitHub sponsor

Styled-Components 5.0: Faster CSS Styling for React ComponentsStyled Components is a popular way to bring CSS and JavaScript together for styling components and 5.0.0 officially dropped this week :-)

Evan Jacobs

Spectacle: A React and JSX-Based Presentation Library — Got a presentation coming up? Build your decks with JSX! The best way to get a feel for what it can do is via this live slide deck.


❓ The Coding Sans Software Development Survey

Each year we help out (for free – this isn't a sponsored thing) Coding Sans by linking to their State of Software Development survey. The latest one is out now, and if you're able to fill it out, that would be awesome :-) They release the results each time, so if you're intrigued what sort of things it covers and uncovers, this PDF of the 2019 results may be of interest.

You can take the 2020 survey here — thanks!

by via JavaScript Weekly

How to Protect Yourself from Being Tracked Online

You cannot turn on the news without hearing stories of cell phone hacking, government whistle blowing, or private photographs being leaked online. The PRISM program has been allegedly used by the United States government to track more than a million people. If all of this does not make you stand up...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Web Desk via Digital Information World

TikTok is experimenting with a more secure stream for brands to advertise after being accused of promoting unbearable content on its platform

Due to the increase in disturbing footages on the platform, TikTok will be providing a more secure platform aimed to help advertisers. This social video app is pretty much famous among teenagers and this new update by the app to provide a better stream could include some specified content from the...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by agha ali via Digital Information World

Article: Top 10 Squarespace Portfolio Templates to showcase your talent in 2020

With the new decade comes new motivation to step up and apply for that dream job.

A smart tactic is to back up your job application with a striking online portfolio.

Lucky for us, starting at only $12/month, Squarespace has dozens of beautifully pre-designed portfolio templates to start building yourself. No brief, no quoting, no meetings with freelancers. Just simple drag-n-drop editing of your projects.

In this round-up I’ve curated 10 Squarespace Portfolio Templates perfect to create an online presence and strengthen your next job application.

Top 10 Squarespace Portfolio Templates to showcase your talent in 2020

One Page Love Exclusive Coupon


Yay! Squarespace has been kind enough to give One Page Love readers the exclusive coupon OPL10 for 10% Off your first website or domain purchase. (There is a free 14-day trial with no credit card needed, so you can try risk free.)

Review Index:

  1. Tepito – personal intro, case-studies
  2. Pazari – category-focused
  3. Otto – CV-style, minimal
  4. Novo – even grid, case-studies
  5. Suhama – CV-style, minimal
  6. Nevins – 3 column grid, big image projects
  7. Utica – modern, big intro image
  8. Elliott – horizontal scroll images
  9. Matsuya – Pinterest-style grid, pop-up gallery
  10. Nolan – dark-schemed, case-studies

1. Tepito (personal intro, case-studies)

Tepito is a portfolio template with fancy loading case-studies.

The home page features a strong introduction image, alongside bio, recent projects and current location. While project pages feature a big hero background image followed by scattered images that transition in as you scroll.

Quick Tip! Pick your template based on design, not functionality. If you like the design you see, but are not seeing the pages or features you need? No problem, you can add any of Squarespace’s core features to any of their templates.

2. Pazari (category-focused, long-scrolling)

Pazari is a portfolio template dividing your work into categories.

Features include a home category breakdown, each linking to gorgeous long-scrolling image galleries.

3. Otto (CV-style, minimal)

Otto is a One Page portfolio template with a CV-style layout.

Features include introduction image, biography, minimal project image slider and any additional information needed.

4. Novo (even grid, case-studies)

Novo is a portfolio template focusing on big image case-studies.

Novo features an even home page project grid while the project pages feature lovely big images with lazy-load functionality (allowing a graceful browsing experience of projects with 10+ images).

5. Suhama (CV-style, minimal)

Suhama is a One Page portfolio template with a CV-style layout.

Features include a minimal text-only layout with a confident list of client names in big typography following by contact details.

6. Nevins (3 column grid, big image projects)

Nevins is portfolio template with a clean presentation of projects.

The home page features a 3 column project grid, each linking to a minimal project page with intro text followed by a long-scrolling full width image gallery.

7. Utica (modern, big intro image)

Utica is a portfolio template with a modern feel.

The home page features a big introduction image followed by recent projects. Project pages feature good whitespace with project title top-left, overview to the right and big image gallery below.

8. Elliott (horizontal scroll images)

Elliott is a portfolio template with a horizontal image slider.

Features include a unique horizontal slider of big images. You’ll notice this design accommodates portrait-orientation images really well within the slider. At the top of the page is a numbered navigation to browse other project galleries.

9. Matsuya (Pinterest-style, pop-up gallery)

Matsuya is a One Page portfolio template with a pop-up image gallery.

Features include a Pinterest-style grid of images, each launching a pop-up gallery image slideshow browsable via side arrows or keyboard controls.

10. Nolan (dark-schemed, case-studies)

Nolan is a dark-schemed portfolio template with a full width case-studies.

The home page features a big intro image of you or your team followed by client logos and a featured project. Project pages begin with the overview text followed by a gorgeous full width image gallery.

FAQ: What are the benefits of using Squarespace?

Squarespace is a leading online website builder. What sets them apart from the rest is their superior level of design and customer support. They have a huge support team and are available 24/7. Other main benefits are:

  • No Website Hosting Needed - their platform is fast and secure
  • Online Content Management - all edits are done within your browser, no software needed
  • Easily Drag and Drop Images - unlimited galleries with unlimited bandwidth
  • Free Domain Name - when registering for your first website, if you pay annually (renews at standard rate)
  • Beautifully Responsive - all templates work for all devices, so you only have to design your website once. Test and preview how your website will appear on a range of screen sizes.
  • Blog Sections - can easily be added to start sharing your journey
  • Commerce Solutions - are an upgrade away if you want to start selling products
  • Email Marketing - gather email addresses, send marketing emails and analyze the reader email activity

That’s a wrap! Don’t forget your 10% Off coupon: OPL10


I hope you enjoyed this round-up of templates to launch your new portfolio. Props to Squarespace for creating a platform where we can create beautiful websites, easily. If you missed it I wrote a tutorial last month on How to create your first Squarespace website in under 5 minutes.

by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love