Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Website Inspiration: Luca Pederzini

Clean long-scrolling One Page portfolio for Italian architect Luca Pederzini.

Full Review

by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love

10 Git Techniques You Need to Know Before You Join a Team

Have you been using Git for some time but never in a team environment? Are you familiar with the basics of Git but unsure how large teams use Git at work?

In this post, I’ll talk about the basic Git techniques that you must be familiar with before you join a team. I’ve listed them in an order that you’d logically follow to contribute to a repository, as the importance of each step is paramount. Let’s now jump into the list.

1. Cloning: Getting Started in a Team

If you’ve used Git for personal projects, you may only have initialized a project from scratch and added to it over time. When you’re working on an existing codebase, the first step is to clone the codebase into your local system. This enables you to work on your copy of the repository without any interference from other changes.

To clone a repository, run the git clone command, followed by the path to the repository:

git clone /path/to/repo

If your source doesn’t reside in the same system, you can SSH to a remote system and clone too:

git clone username@remote_system_ip:/path/to/repo/on/remote

If you’re cloning from a source on the Internet, you can simply add the URL:

git clone

Whenever you’re cloning a repository, you’ve the choice of multiple protocols to connect to the source. In the GitHub example above, I’ve used the https protocol.

2. Managing Remotes in Git

Once you’ve cloned your repository, it still maintains a pointer to the source. This pointer is an example of a remote in Git. A remote is a pointer to another copy of the same repository. When you clone a repository, a pointer origin is automatically created which points to the source.

You can check a list of remotes in a repository by running the following command:

git remove -v

To add a remote, you can use the git remote add command:

git remote add remote_name remote_address

You can remove a remote using the git remote remove command:

git remote remove remote_name

If you’d like to change the address of a remote, you can use the set-url command:

git remote set-url remote_name new_remote_address

3. Branching in Git

The biggest advantage of Git over other version control systems is the power of its branches. Before I jump into the essentials of branching, you may be wondering what a branch is. A branch is a pointer to a commit in your repository, which in turn points to its predecessor. Therefore, a branch represents a list of commits in chronological order. When you create a branch, you effectively create only a new pointer to a commit. However, in essence, it represents a new, independent path of development.

If you’ve been working on your own project, you may never have consciously used branches. By default, Git uses the master branch for development. Any new commits are added to this branch.

Branching is necessary for Git to bifurcate lines of work in a project. At a single time, there may be many developers who are working on a variety of different problems. Ideally, these problems are worked on in different branches to ensure logical separation of new code until code review and merge.

To check a list of branches and the current active branch, run the following command:

git branch

To create a new branch, run the following command:

git branch new_branch

Even though Git creates a new branch, notice that your active branch is still the old one. To start development in a new branch, run the following:

git checkout new_branch

To create a new branch and change the active branch, run the following command:

git checkout -b new_branch

To rename the current branch, run the following command:

git branch -m new_renamed_branch

Use the -D option to remove a branch:

git branch -D new_renamed_branch

Here’s a detailed guide on branching in Git.

4. Update your Local Repository: Merging

While we’ve checked the basics of branching in Git, the next logical step is to merge a branch into your base branch when you’ve finished working on a problem. To merge a branch, run the following command:

git checkout base_branch
git merge new_branch

While it may sound like an easy process, merging is potentially the most time-consuming process in Git, as it can give rise to conflicts.

5. Handle Conflicts

Imagine that you’re working on a file in a new branch. After you commit the changes, you request Git to merge your new branch with your base branch. However, the same part of the same file in the base branch has been updated since you created the new branch. How does Git decide which changes to keep and which changes to discard?

Git always tries to not lose any data in the process of a merge. If the changes to the same file were done in different parts of the file, you could get away by keeping both sets of changes. However, if Git is unable to decide which changes to keep, it raises a conflict.

When a conflict has been raised, running git status on your repository shows a list of files that were modified in both branches being merged. If you open any file with a conflict, you’d notice the following set of lines:

<<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>>> new_branch

The part of the file between <<<<<<<< HEAD and ======== contains that code which is present in the base branch. The lines of code between ======== and >>>>>>>> new_branch are present in the new_branch branch. The developer who’s merging the code has the responsibility to decide what part of the code (or a mix of both parts) should be included in the merge. Once edited, remove the three sets of lines shown, save the file, and commit the changes.

The post 10 Git Techniques You Need to Know Before You Join a Team appeared first on SitePoint.

by Shaumik Daityari via SitePoint

The performance benefits of variable fonts

#431 — March 11, 2020

Read on the Web

Frontend Focus

The Performance Benefits of Variable Fonts — This is a good look at the performance gains you can expect when using variable fonts, with a focus on font requests, file sizes and time to first render. If you’re just starting to explore using variable fonts, this is a great related resource.

Mandy Michael

Setting Height And Width On Images Is Important Again — Thanks to some recent changes in browsers, it’s now well worth setting width and height attributes on your images to prevent layout shifts and improve the experience of your site visitors.

Barry Pollard

AWS Webinar: How to Scale Kubernetes in AWS — Operating a Kubernetes environment at scale requires monitoring for performance and health. Join this webinar to discover how to proactively approach monitoring of your Kubernetes environments—at any scale and any level of complexity.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) sponsor

Many Podcast Episodes Won’t Play in Web Browsers Later This Year — An estimated 1 million+ podcast episodes aren’t available over secure connections, and it’s about to become a problem.

Dan Misener

The History of the URL — This is a great deep-dive into the anatomy of the humble URL and how it came into being.

Zack Bloom (Cloudflare)

Firefox 74.0 Released — Version 74 of Firefox arrived today. We’ve linked to the developer release notes as the headline features are minimal. Developer level changes include Feature Policy support enabled by default, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support removed, text-underline-position CSS property now enabled, and JavaScript gains the optional chaining operator.


More Accessible Defaults, Please — Due to the complex nature of web apps, it’s no longer correct to say the web is ‘accessible by default’. As Hidde points out, we need browser accessibility bugs to be prioritized.

Hidde de Vries

💻 Jobs

UX/Frontend Engineer @ Siteline — Join the founding engineering team at Siteline and help us revolutionize the payments process for construction.


React JS Developer (Remote) — 9+ million people plan outdoor adventures with our apps every day. If you are smart and ambitious, join us to inspire people to explore more of the great outdoors.


Find a Dev Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.


ℹ️ If you're interested in running a job listing in Frontend Focus, there's more info here.

📙 News, Tutorials & Opinion

How We Created a Static Site That Generates Tartan Patterns in SVG — There are thousands of Tartan patterns (the cloth that’s typically associated with Scotland) - here’s a look at how they were all digitally weaved with code (React).

Paulina Hetman

Scroll Snapping After Layout Changes — Starting in Chrome 81, scrollers remain snapped when the page layout changes, no longer requiring event listeners to force snapping, which fixes a shortcoming of this feature.

Yi Gu, Kaan Alsan, Adam Argyle

Can We Make Open Source More Sustainable? — TJ VanToll on the problematic economic model of OSS and a few options to make it more sustainable. Share your thoughts.

Progress KendoReact sponsor

Adding Scroll Animations to Your Page — This detailed tutorial was first published last year but has recently been updated to include IntersectionObserver methods.

CSS Animation

Intersection Observer API Makes Lazy Loading a Snap — Related to the above item, here's a decent overview of IntersectionObserver, using the example of lazy loading elements.

Leonardo Maldonado

How to Build a File Upload Form with Express and DropzoneJS — Lukas White takes an in-depth look at DropzoneJS — a configurable JavaScript library that makes it easier to deal with file uploads.

Lukas White

▶  Building an Animated Counter with JavaScript — JavaScript has just gotten so serious nowadays, so I like to frequently link to tutorials like this that cover building neat Web page effects.. like we used JavaScript for back in the 90s 😄 18 minutes.

Traversy Media

Why Svelte Is Our Choice for A Large Web Project in 2020

Ryan Atkinson

31 Days of #MarchMediaMadness. New Cloudinary Challenges, Win Daily

Cloudinary sponsor

Announcing Mobile First Indexing for The Whole Web


An Explainer for The Proposed 'IsLoggedIn' API

Theresa O'Connor

Modal vs Page: A Decision Making Framework

Ryan Neufeld

🔧 Code, Tools and Resources

OpenSilver: A Modern, Plugin-Free Reimplementation of Silverlight — This is a replacement for Microsoft’s deprecated Silverlight. It’s open-source and runs in current browsers via WebAssembly. Here’s the announcement post.


Bootstrap Treeview: A Simple Plugin to Build A Treeview with Bootstrap 4 — Here’s a live demo.

Sami Chniter

ls-lint: A Fast File and Directory Name Linter — Written in Go but clearly aimed at JS/front-end dev use cases. ls-lint provides a way to enforce rules for file naming and directory structures.

Lucas Löffel

geo-info: A Reverse Geocoding API — Used to to turn coordinates into human readable locations.


A List of Browser-Based SVG Editors

Chris Coyier

   ðŸ—“ Upcoming Events

PerfMatters, March 31 - April 1 — Redwood City, USA — A web performance conference with a focus on frontend web performance with talks by internationally renowned performance developers.

FrontCon, April 1-3 — Riga, Latvia — A two-day conference that focuses on front-end concepts and technologies. This event is still going ahead at time of writing but updated safety measures have been shared.

ImageCon, April 22-23 — San Francisco, USAThis event has been postponed due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Frontend United, April 30 - May 2 — Minsk, Belarus — Three days of sessions, workshops and socials for frontend devs and designers.

You Gotta Love Frontend Conference, May 14-15 — Vilnius, Lithuania — Described as having "big names with irresistible talks and a whole lot of fun".

by via Frontend Focus

China, CIS and US Lead the World in 5G Eagerness

5G is one of the most exciting technologies that the world is on the verge of discovering. However, it might still be a while before you are able to access it on your phone, and the fact of the matter is that there are some countries whose citizens might just be willing to pay a bit extra in order...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

Website Inspiration: Jesper Dahlqvist

Jesper Dahlqvist

Full Review

by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love


Viens-la is a digital and branding studio based in Paris
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

How to Use LinkedIn to Amplify Your Live Event Experience

Want more leads, connections, and exposure from the live events you attend? Wondering how to use LinkedIn to build rapport with people who follow the event? In this article, you’ll discover a strategy for using LinkedIn to build awareness for your business before, during, and after a live conference or trade show. Why Use LinkedIn […]

The post How to Use LinkedIn to Amplify Your Live Event Experience appeared first on Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner.

by Tom Treanor via Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner