Thursday, May 30, 2024

New Analysis: Google AI Overviews Impacting 16% of Ecommerce Queries

Founder of Onely, Bartosz Góralewicz, did an analysis of 25,000 ecommerce queries to find out how much impact Google AI overviews have caused on search results. The results of the analysis revealed that 16% of the commerce queries on Google have AI overview results with 13% search volume. However, 80% of the sources that Google AI lists aren’t available organically and do not appear in organic rankings. If you rank in the top three on Google, there is just an 8% chance that you will appear in the AI overview.
Aleyda Solis, who is an international SEO consultant, says that there is a huge difference in Google’s traditional rankings and the rankings which appear in AI overview. Google is also trying to make results “accelerated”, instead of summarizing top ranked websites in product related queries. Replying to Bartosz Góralewicz analysis, Solis stated that Google isn’t mentioning 80% of the pages that aren’t organically ranked in its AI overview, rather it is making an “accelerated” approach which is making going through search results easier for users. Solis also talked about the impact AI overviews have caused on traffic.

Bartosz Góralewicz says that Google is still rolling out its AI overviews and in future, it can become more advanced for high-cost queries. Google will also try to enable ads in addition to more search visibility to ecommerce websites. Retailers and people with ecommerce websites have to adapt new SEO strategies if they want to keep up with this new search environment. As Google is going for accelerated product displays, ecommerce websites will have to bid farewell to traditional ranking strategies.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: How to turn off AI overviews in Google
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Global Websites at Risk Due to Exposed Sensitive Data

A research team from Cybernews has discovered serious issues affecting 58,364 websites globally. These websites have mistakenly left their configuration files, known as .env files, open to the public. These files contain critical data like passwords and API keys necessary for accessing important services like databases, mail servers, and payment systems.

Unfortunately, this oversight has left these sites and their visitors vulnerable to attacks, data breaches and even complete takeovers. The investigation began on April 9th, and used publicly available indexes to review the .env files. The analysis uncovered 1,141,004 secrets that were not protected. Among the exposed information, database credentials were most common, found on over 27,000 websites. This could potentially allow unauthorized access to sensitive user data such as names, addresses, and passwords. Other frequently leaked secrets include application keys and email credentials, which could be exploited for data theft and phishing attacks.

Further findings showed that sensitive information from marketing automation tools and cloud storage services like AWS were also compromised. This kind of exposure could lead to unauthorized access to a wide range of private company and customer data. The study also revealed that high-risk credentials, which could allow attackers to take over entire websites or conduct extensive attacks, were found in 10% of the leaked secrets.

The United States hosted the highest number of affected websites, followed by Germany, India, and France. However, the issue is truly global, with significant numbers of vulnerable sites across various countries.

The researchers pointed out that .env files are often inadvertently exposed due to their hidden status in some operating systems, which can lead to them being uploaded accidentally. Other common reasons for these exposures include mistakes in version control, misconfigured web servers, and simple human error.

To prevent such risks, it’s crucial for web developers to use secure storage solutions for sensitive data and enforce strict access controls. This can help protect not just the websites but also the millions of users who may unknowingly be at risk due to these security oversights.

Read next:
• Reducing Social Media Use Boosts Mental Health in Youth
• Android On A Mission To Make Sensitive Fingerprint Scanners Available For All Mid-Range Devices
by Mahrukh Shahid via Digital Information World

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Reducing Social Media Use Boosts Mental Health in Youth

A study highlighted in the Psychology of Popular Media journal suggests that young adults can improve their mental health by limiting their social media use. Researchers focused on individuals experiencing emotional distress and found that cutting down screen time to one hour a day over three weeks decreased depression , anxiety, and the fear of missing out.

During adolescence and young adulthood, individuals go through major social, physical, and emotional changes. This makes them particularly susceptible to mental health issues. Statistics include that about 20% of young people are diagnosed with a mental disorder annually, with depression and anxiety being most common. This vulnerability was notably evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw significant increases in depression and anxiety among Canadian youth.

With over 81% of Canadian youth spending at least two hours daily on social media, concerns have grown about its impact on their psychological well being. Previous studies have pointed to a link between extensive social media use and deteriorated mental health symptoms. However these studies often relied on self-reported data and did not explore causality.

To address these limitations, researchers at Carleton university conducted an experiment with 220 undergraduate students who were regular social media users. The study began with a week of usual social media activity followed by three weeks where participants were divided into two groups. The intervention group was asked to limit their social media use to no more than one hour ago per day. Compliance was monitored through daily screenshots of their social media usage.

The findings were significant. Participants who reduced their social media use reported fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety. They also experienced less fear of missing out and increased their nightly sleep by about 30 minutes. The experiment showed that even a slight reduction in social media time could lead to notable improvements in mental health.

The study only lasted three weeks, and it's unclear if these benefits would continue over a longer period. Furthermore, the results depended on self-reported data, which might not always accurately reflect actual usage. Despite these limitations, the research offers promising insights into how reducing social media use can positively affect mental health. Future studies might explore what activities replace reduced screen time and whether these activities contribute further to improving mental health.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: New Google Research Claims An Alarming Rise In Image Disinformation Is Taking Place And AI Is To Blame
by Mahrukh Shahid via Digital Information World

Instagram Adds New Perk For Paid Subscribers That Allows Them to Restrict DM Requests To Other Meta Verified Users Only

It's a feature that has been in the testing phase for a while now but we can finally confirm how Instagram is rolling out another great benefit for Meta verified users.

The app will now enable paid subscribers the chance to restrict requests for DMs to other paying members only. This was shared recently through a new screenshot that was published by Radu Oncescu.

He revealed how all verified profiles on the popular social media app can now make the most of this option of restricted message requests online to those being verified.

In case you’re still wondering, the term verified users refers to those on the platform having notable accounts such as those belonging to IG team members or those who have paid subscriptions after signing up to the company’s verified initiative.

This way, such settings provide users with the chance to filter unneeded content or junk and make sure only those of a serious nature are entertained across the user’s DM.

When we mention the term serious, we mean accounts of high-profile individuals and those capable of paying the fee for getting verified. It does not mean scammers cannot reach you as many can afford that fee. But it does mean that there would surely be a dramatic fall in the large number of bot profiles that add users like you to random conversations. Other examples include the decreased likelihood of poor marriage proposals taking center stage inside inboxes that might seem annoying to tackle on a usual basis.

It honestly does also depend on how many such requests you get across your DMs and if you have the spare time to sort through those online. In case you happen to be off the lot and not getting too many such requests in general, it might be a waste and not worth your time or effort to have it filtered. But in terms of personal utility, the value does increase.

We feel this could be valuable to a small number of users on the app but if you happen to be one of those keenly looking forward to benefiting from it, then congratulations as this update will soon be launching.

We also find it interesting how it’s a rollout that’s awfully similar to what tech entrepreneur Elon Musk included for paid users on the X platform in 2023. This enabled those who were verified to have DMs restricted to only those who were paying.

The only difference now is that it got rid of verification tags from all those accounts featuring non-paying members. So that means the only DMs you attain arise from those who have been given the chance to make a payment. But again, seeing it reactivate the premium accounts without additional costs was major news for those having more than 2500 followers.

As a whole, it’s quite similar, we have to agree. Now the question is whether or not it adds value in real life for users or not and from what we feel, it’s a little questionable on that front right now.

Read next: OpenAI Rolls Out New Efforts To Ensure Its Generative AI Systems Are Safer For Use
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

OpenAI Rolls Out New Efforts To Ensure Its Generative AI Systems Are Safer For Use

The makers of ChatGPT want the world to know that user safety and security are two primary goals at the moment when it comes to AI systems.

The company was seen speaking more on this front and also shed light on how training for its next AI model has also begun, putting a lot of speculations to rest.

During the early hours of the morning, it was mentioned how its board of directors rolled out a new Safety and Security Committee which would examine how the firm’s safety procedures come into play in terms of product development.

The news was published through a blog post that stated more details on this front and how the tech giant’s CEO would be included in that certain committee. Other members would be those from the company’s board as well as employees it deems to be a powerful part of the firm like the chief scientist and its leading member for security affairs. Meanwhile, a host of other leading experts would also be contacted from outside the firm which would attain the role of consultants for the tech giant.

The blog post stated how the initial task right now had to do with evaluating the processes running in the company and what safeguards were in place for three months. When that period is up, the committee will share more recommendations with all members of the board. After getting a comprehensive review on this front, the AI giant would go public with all of the findings and which recommendations were adopted that are consistent with user security.

The news about this new committee coming into play has been in light of the shocking discovery that the firm had to disband its superalignment team at the start of this month.

This was designed to better provide means to ensure humans remain at the forefront and AI is unable to supercede them as the fear of humans getting extinct due to AI being smarter is very real.
As one can expect, the news left a lot of questions in people’s minds including what steps the company was doing to prevent this from happening.

Now, we’re seeing how those fears are finally being put to rest with this new committee coming into play.

But on the other hand, news regarding the training of a new frontier model is also not being taken lightly. The company vowed that this new project would bring to light a host of capabilities linked to their AGI goals. This would all be done ensuring security remains the top priority at all times.

At the start of this month, the tech giant revealed a new launch of its latest GPT-4 model called GPT-4o. It’s certainly more realistic in its approach, featuring real-life voices and interactions to make users feel more comfortable that they’re talking to something very similar to another human and not a machine. And the best bit is that it’s free for all.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: How Does Google Rank Content? New Trove Of Leaked Documents Unveil The Company’s Search Algorithm Workings
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

How Does Google Rank Content? New Trove Of Leaked Documents Unveil The Company’s Search Algorithm Workings

If you’ve ever been keen on knowing how Google Search works, this just might be your lucky day.

A new trove of bombshell documents (hat tip to Mike King and Rand Fishkin) was leaked online that gives an unexpected look into the search engine giant’s algorithm, answering a plethora of questions that have been under wraps for years.

Documents in bundles were unraveled that arose from the company’s internal API warehouse. Thanks to a new bot that works on an automated basis, the documents were provided to the co-founder of Spark Toro who has now made the shocking findings public so most of us can benefit.

A thorough review and analysis was given on this front and thanks to the leaks, we’re bringing forward the data to you in terms of what to expect next for this algorithm.

The details are certainly invaluable concerning those working with SEOs who can really interpret what this means in better language. The news is certainly huge and a leak that most of us could never encompass because let’s face it, we’re talking about Google here.

From what we know so far, we can confirm how the current documents delineate how the data is accurate till the date of March of this year so it’s fairly recent. Secondly, a massive 2596 modules had been represented via API documentation and had a staggering 14,000 attributes attached to it.

No details regarding weighting were provided but re-ranking functions were highlighted which can adjust data as per requirements. Meanwhile, content could be demoted for a few reasons including location, links not matching with target pages, product reviews, and user dissatisfaction where SERP (search engine result pages) signals are involved.

Remember, the company carries a copy version for each page getting indexed so that it recalls the changes it makes simultaneously. However, the firm only makes use of 20 changes during a link analysis.

This does not prove how the firm’s reps may have lied in terms of links not getting a top 3 ranking or as a whole, links matter so much less for the sake of ranking. Two factors could be the truth but again, more details regarding weighing are required here.

Another major finding that is not shocking is how clicks really do matter if and when you wish to have your content rank well. If you want the best, keep producing documents that feature all of the above as the tech giant makes use of several measurements including longer Clicks.

Documents that are longer in duration could be truncated but shorter ones do get a score depending on their original factor.

To put it simply as per the experts, the greater the number of clicks can only come when you have a broader array of queries coming into play. You earn a lot of diversity when you wish to rank. It all does make sense as stronger content will ensure that happens always.

Content producers and publishers need to ensure they drive better traffic to get the best user experience in the end so that it sends great signals to Google and your page gets the best ranking.

Yes, Google makes use of clicks via ranking, especially when it comes down to the Navboost System. And if there’s one thing to take home from this all, Brand matters the most.

Markets who wish to better organic search or their traffic need to come up with the best brand outside of Search.
Other interesting points mentioned included a discussion about authorship and how the company stores data belonging to authors to see if the data actually belongs to them. Other than that, models like Chrome data were talked about that delineate how Google utilizes information from the Chrome browser for the sake of better ranking purposes.

The Android maker even whitelists a few domains linked to topics such as the elections or the COVID-19 period. Google also carries the capability to enhance or demote certain pages through a feature dubbed Twiddler.

In the end, a few expert pointers were provided that Google firmly believes in including fresh content where data is marked by date. Next, seeing if a document belongs to a core topic or not is determined. Thirdly, page titles carry weightage while the company is said to store data linked to domain registration.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: The 9 Best Competitor Analysis Tools In 2024 For Digital Marketers and SEOs
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Top 9 Alternatives of Midjourney that Are Easy to Use For Beginners

Creating art through AI has become a new trend, with Midjourney leading the way with its remarkable capabilities. However, its recent transition to only paid subscription model has left many geeks like us seeking alternatives. But don't worry, there are plenty of other options available in the market. In this post, we unveil a curated selection of the top 9 Midjourney alternatives, emphasizing 'free use' armed with potent text-to-image capabilities. Whether you're a seasoned artist or an aspiring enthusiast, these AI image generators offer a liberating canvas to explore your creativity without emptying your pockets.


LeonardoAI offers a unique opportunity to train your own AI model (yes based on your input data), allowing you to generate hundreds of variations from your training data. Many users prefer it as a free alternative to Midjourney for this reason. Particularly advantageous for game developers, this tool enables the creation of models for various items from existing work, with customizable themes like futuristic, medieval, or fantasy. To access the LeonardoAI, you must join their early bird access waitlist and await an email invitation. Reviews highlight its value, with one user noting its affordability compared to Midjourney. However, it should be noted that LeonardoAI requires a waitlist and early bird access only. Pricing options range from a free tier offering 150 credits per day to paid plans starting at $10 per month.

2- PlayGround AI

Playground AI is the top best alternative of Midjourney that lets the users generate the first 500 images for free. Playground AI works the fastest and can generate more than one image at a time. However, the free version entails limitations, such as a waiting period after generating the initial 500 images and a decline in image quality after 50 images. Pricing options range from a free tier offering 500 images per month to paid plans starting at $12 per month, catering to varying user needs.

3- Bing AI Image Creator

Microsoft Bing also has its AI image creator but not many people know about it. It is now powered by Dall-E and can also be used as an image generator. But users cannot edit or customize its generated images like other tools.

4- Stable Diffusion

It is a text to image generation software that many websites on the internet use to create images for their websites. The flaw of this software is that it cannot produce perfect human images like other software. Users also complain of server problems due to high traffic on its website.

5- Craiyon

Craiyon is similar to the Dall-E model and generates images easily. It is best for users who are beginners in AI image generation. Users do not need to sign up for using this tool. It is a good software but images take some time to generate. The big drawback of this tool is it produce too pixelated images, means you can't get a big enough image out of it.

6- Adobe Firefly

Adobe is combining Photoshop to generate AI images for its users. There are many features available in Adobe Firefly like text to brush, text to vector, text to template, etc., in addition to text to image. The only con of this software is that image generation takes some time.

7- Lexica

Lexica, powered by the Stable Diffusion AI image generation model, offers impressive results. With a user-friendly interface and quick image generation, it's highly accessible, especially for beginners. One notable aspect is its ability to generate similar results based on any input, aiding inspiration. However, commercial use requires a subscription, with plans ranging from free to $48 per month.

8- Google Gemini

Google Gemini serves as a compelling alternative to paid AI image creators like Midjourney, especially for users seeking free of cost solutions. As part of Google's AI tools, Gemini offers decent image generation capabilities. Users can leverage its features to create high-quality visuals quickly and efficiently, tailored to their specific needs. However, it is not available in all markets, plus users may still encounter limitations in terms of customization, censorship and advanced features compared to dedicated image creation tools.

9- Meta's 'Imagine' AI image generator

Meta's 'Imagine' image generator is a user-friendly tool that creates AI-powered images in a quick manner. Similar to Midjourney, it offers a seamless experience for both beginners and experts. Imagine's unique feature lets images change in real-time based on your input, making it a promising alternative for creative projects. As Meta refines Imagine, it stands as a compelling option for those seeking an AI image generator with dynamic capabilities.


With so many options available, you have a world of AI creativity at your fingertips. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, these tools offer endless possibilities to bring your ideas to life without breaking the bank.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World