Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Future of Programming: WebAssembly & Life After JavaScript

Recently we heard that the web platform is getting a new browser-native compile target called WebAssembly (see What is WebAssembly: The Dawn of a New Era for details). Wasm makes the web platform a more attractive compile target for other languages. That leaves us wondering what might come after JavaScript.

JavaScript has some great features, but I sincerely hope we move on as soon as possible. JavaScript is great and it taught us a lot, but programming will evolve. There will be life after JavaScript.

I’m not a fan of C++ (I’m a recovered user and abuser of C++), but I am a fan of many things built with it, including the Unreal Engine, which runs great when compiled to JavaScript. There’s no good reason to write everything in JavaScript forever. It’s time to look to the future.

I’ve been using and really enjoying CoffeeScript from time to time, which helped inspire a lot of the new ES6 features. CoffeeScript feels much simpler than JavaScript. It has a more concise syntax, yet adds a lot of expressive capability that did not exist in ES5. Of course, I’d simplify CoffeeScript even more by ridding it of the poisonous class keyword. I like to fiddle with Haskell, too. But these languages represent the present.

So what could we do next?

Whatever catches fire after JS, I hope it has these features:

  • Built-in immutable data structures and immutability by default.
  • Literal forms for objects, collections, and primitive types.
  • A better default number type for most use cases.
  • Custom structural types, including good support for low-level binary types (bonus if we get definable literal syntax).
  • Lambdas with closures.
  • Functional utility belt built-in. Similar to the RxJS Observable API.
  • Native support for object and factory composition. Something like built-in stamps.
  • Realtime guarantees for low-latency processing & precision scheduling for apps like gaming, music & video production, DSP, scientific applications, synchronization of distributed systems, etc…
  • Minimal syntax, similar to Ruby, Python, or CoffeeScript. Now that I’ve had a chance to get comfortable without curly braces and semicolons everywhere, I feel a lot less confined by syntax.

First-class Support for Reactive Programming

Baked into the language, a simple, consistent API around all of these:

  • Streams.
  • Continuous data sources (UI inputs, time, vector images, etc…).
  • Collections including arrays and objects.

This API should be used the same way regardless of whether data flows through the functions one value at a time (i.e. iterables / generators + yield), in response to emitted events (e.g. Node-style streams), or continuous data sources such as audio, electrical signals, UI inputs, sensors, even time-independent things like vector graphics, etc…

A built-in API like this could wrap all types, which has the potential to simplify the syntax, as well.

For a really insightful perspective about how all this reactive stuff works, check out A General Theory of Reactivity.

Better Tooling

Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint
Unreal Engine 4 Blueprint

  • A fantastic visual IDE for easily modeling and visualizing reactive relationships in the system. Think NoFlo with a much better UX.
  • Time-travel debugging (example with JavaScript) enabled by immutable data structures. Time-travel debugging lets you easily shuttle back and forth in the history of your live, running program.
  • Compile to JS & wasm great support for browsers and Node.
  • Better analysis tools both static and runtime / dynamic. Specifically designed to help make programs more predictable by analyzing reactive dependency graphs. These could create great visual reports, too, including complexity reports, and marble diagrams to help you further understand and predict the behavior of your program.

Marble diagram for .merge()
Marble diagram for .merge()

Continue reading %The Future of Programming: WebAssembly & Life After JavaScript%

by Eric Elliott via SitePoint

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