Friday, October 28, 2022

Twitter Sheds Light On How To Make The Best Use Of Its Platform During An Emergency

Twitter is a popular app for so many users around the world. But did you know how useful it can be during times of crisis?

Well, the popular network on social media is taking out the time to make users realize how they can best utilize such platforms for emergency situations.

Let’s take the upcoming summer season in Australia for example. It can be overwhelming because of the large number of wildfires that were observed in the previous year. Hence, the platform is going public with ways through which it can assist users in times of urgency and need. And no matter which region you may be in, the app vows to be by your side.

In the past year, Twitter highlighted how some uberly dangerous events took center stage in Australia. They included the likes of floods, natural calamities, bushfires, and a lot of others. But Twitter never left the country alone and did everything to assist with the relief efforts. So here are some tips that were shared by the company recently and we feel it’s a great initiative.

For starters, there is a lot of chance of misinformation so that’s why the app needs you to follow the most trusted sources out there in terms of breaking news and minute-by-minute updates. Some great sources during distressing times included the likes of the Red Cross and a few other organizations. These really step up their game and provide the most authentic data there is. Other great sources to follow include the likes of weather providers and emergency handles.

Next up, it’s a great idea to visit the app in a reverse chronological manner. Users can simply press on the stars icon that’s located in the upper right-hand corner to view the newest feeds on the timeline first so you’re alert with any breaking news as it takes place.

On the other hand, the app recommends the use of hashtags for searching for relevant information and also for making the stream of tweets more organized. This way, users grab a hold of information quicker and can have tweets witnessed by so many others out there that may be on the lookout for something similar.

Twitter also recommends users track their ‘Twitter Moments’ and while you have thought it’s an outdated feature, well, think again. Users are now being recommended to keep a track of such customized overviews regarding events so you’re updated on issues that are relevant.

In the same way, a feature called Twitter Lite was also recommended as a go-to app solution that outlines quicker and more reliable service for any users located in remote locations or places where telecommunications were disturbed for some reason.

We feel these notes are super useful and can really help the average user stay on top of their game of what’s going on in terms of a natural disaster. Experts have always called the app out as being great at handling updates related to some serious events out there.

We all live in the most unpredictable of times and the recent past has taught us that nothing can be taken for granted and anything is possible. Remember, the pandemic is the greatest example of something that really blindsided so many of us in the world. Similarly, matters like global warming and climate change have really led to flooding disasters and that’s why it’s so important now than ever to be aware of your surroundings with the help of social media platforms like Twitter.

Read next: Trouble For Twitter As App Reports Losing Out On Its Most Active Users
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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