Elon Musk is working on turning X into a go-to place for news, challenging traditional media outlets. He believes X can offer truth directly from the public, despite skepticism from many about this claim. To support more detailed updates, X has already made it possible to write longer posts. Soon, users will get to publish full-length articles right on X. This new feature is in the testing phase and might get its own special section in the app.
This update, called "X articles," will allow users to write and share their own blog-like posts. Each article will have a custom link in the X feed, showing a picture, a headline, and a short summary. This approach is quite similar to the old link preview format on Twitter, which Musk removed but then brought back due to its practicality.
Screenshots: Digital Information World
Like Facebook's "Instant Articles," these X articles will load quickly and look appealing because they are built to fit within the app. However, Facebook stopped using Instant Articles as they didn't align with how people used the app anymore.
Despite this, X is reintroducing several features that seem familiar, like live-streaming and video calls. Musk hopes that adding the ability to publish articles directly on X will attract more creators to the platform. This might even come with a way for creators to earn money, though the details are still not clear.
Musk, who supports the Republican party, aims to use X to highlight important political topics, especially with the U.S. election coming up. He hopes that by enabling users to publish articles on these topics, X will become a significant tool for sharing political viewpoints.
The launch date for this feature is not announced yet, but it's expected to come out soon. It could offer a new space for those interested in Tesla, Republican viewpoints, or political theories to share and read articles. It also promises new possibilities for content creators looking for more ways to reach audiences and possibly make money.
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by Mahrukh Shahid via Digital Information World
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