Saturday, July 27, 2024

Research Shows that There's Been an Impressive Growth Seen in MarTech Products in the Last 13 Years

Martech Tribe and Chief Martech conducted a research and found that the software products for marketing technology have transformed and grown a lot in the past 14 years. When the first survey for marketing technology software was conducted in 2011, the number of Martech software was just 150. But in 2024, this number has reached 14,106. There has been 9.304% growth in Martech products in the last 13 years and a 27.8% growth in the last 12 months.

Large Martech companies handle 13% of the total marketing technology apps 36% of Martech apps are from medium sized companies and more than 51% of the marketing technology software or apps come from companies which have less than $10 million revenue. From 2017 to 2023, most of the martech apps come from tail companies(companies with less than $10 million revenue).

There were also 3,135 marketing technology focused ChatGPT bots found in GPT store. 32% of these ChatGPT bots deal with content marketing, 8% help in social media marketing and 8% are helpful in SEO. Other ChatGPT bots that are used in Martech help in product management, video marketing, content marketing and search and social advertising.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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