Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Online Portfolio of Matteo Orilio,italian designer.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Can PuliPHP Re-Revolutionize PHP Package Development?

Puli is a new toolkit built on top of Composer that helps to manage and exchange resources like configuration files, images, CSS files, translation catalogs, and others. These are, you’ll agree, often difficult to maintain and share across projects.

Puli logo

Puli provides a framework-agnostic solution to this problem, keeping track of every resource location and avoiding the problems of using absolute or relative paths inside different systems.

How it works

  • You map resources via CLI.
  • A puli.json file keeps track of them.
  • You use a ResourceRepository instance to handle resources.

The Puli project also provides libraries for other functionalities like URL generation, or Twig support.

Puli components

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by Nicola Pietroluongo via SitePoint

Is a Designer a Storyteller?

Last year renown Austrian graphic designer, Stefan Sagmeister criticized he sees as a growing trend towards people referring to themselves as 'storytellers'.

In the video, he says that storytelling is a fad in the design industry. Master storytellers such as novelists and blockbuster film-makers don't call themselves storytellers. Yet, it is such a common occurrence in the design and UX field to meet people touting its benefits.

Warning: Please be aware that Stefan uses colorful language that may offend some.

You are not a storyteller

A subtle distinction

While not every designer is necessarily a storyteller, Stefan's argument isn't completely valid either. He isn't against storytelling per se. He is against people calling themselves storytellers – a subtle distinction.

The reason for his comments could be the abuse of "storytelling" as a buzzword. A lot of education around storytelling focuses on telling the customer a brand's story.

However, applying storytelling techniques for enhancing user experience has been an effective tool to developing products. The key differentiator being – storytelling is a technique used internally among the design team and collaborators.

This is not at all about applying the hero's journey, a three act structure or trying to parallel some cryptic film-making technique to how we design websites. It's more on the lines of yet another tool to converse about the experience we are building.

In her 2011 article, "Why we need storytellers at the heard of product development", Sarah Doody flips the idea of storytelling on its head. She says:

The first goal of a product storyteller is to facilitate collaboration and co-creation.

Looking at storytelling as a technique for collaboration rather than sales gives it more depth and meaning. In that article, she explains how storytelling helps unify a product's message and distinguish it in a crowded marketplace.

Naturally, the next question is how can one begin applying this technique in their daily work? What are the exact steps to follow in building digital products based around a story?

Begin with the problem

It's common to hear people begin conversations about an app they are building. Apps, browser extensions, plugins and products, in general, are a means to an end. A piece in the bigger scheme of things. Storytelling helps set the focus around the experience of the customer and the problem that is being solved rather than the solution.

Identifying the actors

Any story has two major components – a plot and actors. Identifying the actors involves some amount of research. The more real the actors are, the better the story. The first step in building a story is to understand who the key actors are. Sketch out a broad category of people who might potentially be users. Based on this as a starting point, we will be able to perform some user research.

Continue reading %Is a Designer a Storyteller?%

by Vinay Raghu via SitePoint

A First Look at Sailfish OS 2.0

Jolla have released the biggest update to their Sailfish operating system. Version 2.0, shipped for the launch of the Jolla tablet, reached the Jolla phone before the first table shipped, giving a significantly new experience to the current users.

Since the release of the phone, Jolla have made updates available every month, constantly improving the OS, making it more fluid, bug fixing, better memory handling and Android app support.

The latest update, named "Eineheminlampi", will change everything, let's see how.

Continue reading %A First Look at Sailfish OS 2.0%

by Michele Tameni via SitePoint

4 Entrepreneurs’ Horror Stories About “The Struggle”

Startup Struggles: Real Horror Stories From Real Entrepreneurs

Every rose has its thorns, the darkest hour is just before the dawn, nothing worth having comes easy …

You get the picture. Success rarely comes without its struggles, a fact that these four entrepreneurs know all too well.

Continue reading %4 Entrepreneurs’ Horror Stories About “The Struggle”%

by Joshua Kraus via SitePoint

New eBooks Available for Subscribers

This Week in Mobile Web Development (#77)

Read this on the Web

Mobile Web Weekly October 7, 2015   #77
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Takeaways From Mobile Web Behavior — Richard Howe looks at what we can learn from the ways in which users interact with websites on mobile.
Smashing Magazine
Holly Schinsky recommends
Learn Ionic in your Living Room — A set of resources to learn Ionic at home including tutorials, twitter groups, online courses and a new site from Ionic called Appcamp with a set of free courses for learning mobile web dev.
The Official Ionic Blog
Brian Rinaldi recommends
The State of JS Performance on Android in 2015 is... Poor — The creator of the popular Discourse forum software (which heavily uses Ember) finds Android isn’t keeping up with iOS’s JavaScript performance leaps.
Jeff Atwood
This issue is sponsored by Telerik
Interested in building mobile apps? — Develop iOS and Android mobile apps using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

Peter Cooper recommends
Mobile Browser Traffic Is 2X Bigger Than App Traffic, and Growing Faster
Brian Rinaldi recommends
The Cost of Mobile Ads on 50 News Websites — Visualizations of the data collected by the New York Times regarding the performance of mobile web sites when using ad blockers.
NY Times
Holly Schinsky recommends
Coding for the Big Screen with the Apple TVOS SDK — How to use the Apple tvOS SDK to create apps for the new Apple TV and publish them to the App Store.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
A new Device Adaptation spec — PPK suggests the changes he thinks are necessary to the W3C Device Adaptation spec.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Using Responsive Images (Now) — Chen Hui Jing talks shows the way responsive images can serve images of different quality or art direction depending on the user’s viewport.
A List Apart
Holly Schinsky recommends
Getting Visual Studio Cordova Tooling Working with the Ionic Framework — How to set up Visual Studio 2015 for mobile development with Cordova and Ionic.
Justin James
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Introducing the U.S. Web Design Standards — The U.S. Web Design Standards are the U.S. government’s very own set of common UI components and visual styles for websites.
Mollie Ruskin, Carolyn Dew, Maya Benari, and Colin MacArthur
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Putting Mobile Ad Blockers to the Test — The NYTimes tested 50 news sites with and without ad blockers and found that they improved page performance significantly though they had limited impact on battery life.
NY Times
Peter Cooper recommends
Mobile Web Performance using WebPageTest and HTTPArchive
Doug Sillars
Holly Schinsky recommends
Thali Open Source Platform for Peer to Peer Data Sharing — Thali is a new open source project for creating a peer to peer network for data sharing to allow for refined control over your data.
Thali Project
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Ionic 1.6.5 and updates to Services — What’s new in the latest version of Ionic and Ionic Platform services,
Raymond Camden
Brian Rinaldi recommends
A Master Detail layout for Ionic — How to use Ionic to build a master/detail responsive layout.
Scott Logic
Holly Schinsky recommends
Angular iOS9 UIWebView Patch — A patch to work around an issue with the iOS9 UIWebView causing infinite digest errors in Angular.
GitHub - Igor Minar
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Curated by Brian Rinaldi and Holly Schinsky for Cooper Press.
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