Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Speed Up Your UX with Skeleton Screens

However well-designed your user interface may be, at some point or other, the people using it are going to have to wait for something to load.

[caption id="attachment_133504" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Waiting Credit: Marco Giumelli - Waiting [/caption]

A 2014 MIT study showed that humans can perceive discrete images in as little as 13 milliseconds however deciding where to focus takes between 100 and 140 milliseconds. In practical terms, this gives us around 200 milliseconds to present a user interface state change in order to appear instant.

Between 200 milliseconds and 1 second, people feel they are within the flow of their actions. After 1 second without any other feedback, focus starts to shift. Beyond 10 seconds, user focus is likely to be lost entirely.

To make people happy, we need to give an indication that something is happening. This leaves us with three basic options:

  • progress bar if we can measure the duration;
  • spinner if we can't; and
  • nothing at all.

Psychological studies into progress indicators show that our interpretation of them is anything but linear. Our method of processing a delay doesn't match up with reality.

Understanding this concept leads us into the realm of manipulating interfaces in order to improve perception.

In software design, skeleton screens provide an alternative to the traditional methods. Rather than show an abstract widget, skeleton screens create anticipation of what is to come and reduce cognitive load.

Skeleton Screens in the Wild

Apple have incorporated skeleton screens into their iOS Human Interface Guidelines under the name 'launch images'. Apple's guidelines recommend showing an outline of the initial application screen excluding text and any elements that may change.

Apple's Clock

Apple's Clock is a classic example of a skeleton screen. The launch screen sets the expectation of what the app will look like and creates an impression of the app loading faster than it actually does.

iOS Apple Clock 1

This launch screen shows the basic outline of the app and the four icons at the base of the screen.

iOS Apple Clock 2

Once launched, the all the text and variable UI elements are filled in.


Nintendo has recently launched their first mobile application which pays absolutely no attention to UI guidelines or common decency.

iOS Miitomo 1

The initial launch screen shows the title of the app and a background image none of which reflect the application's use.

iOS Miitomo 2

After launch, a load screen first has a "Loading" text indicator as a minimalist spinner,

iOS Miitomo 3

… then a numeric progress indicator,

iOS Miitomo 4

… followed by another spinner,

iOS Miitomo 5

… and finally the application itself.

Over the incredible 14 second load time, Nintendo use 2 spinners and one progress bar none of which do much to ease the load time. The dynamic "tips" during the load screen also act as a spinner by changing the UI state and creating a sense of progress.

Each discrete screen requires a new visual scan and makes the launch process seem even slower than it actually is.

Continue reading %How to Speed Up Your UX with Skeleton Screens%

by Chris Lienert via SitePoint

What's New in Android Studio 2? Find Out in Our New Course

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The post Image Maps jQuery Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

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A simple, lightweight drag and drop sorting jQuery plugin.

The post DDSort : jQuery Drag and Drop Sorting appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Navigating Responsibly


Incredible parallax scrolling One Pager providing information on what Danish Shipowners are doing to help with environmental and climate challenges. So much to love in this Single Page site but highlights are definitely that mobile navigation load animation, the stunning big typography and that seriously gorgeous load transition of the off-canvas case studies. Top work this by Danish digital agency, Spring/Summer.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Liberate Your Search in Rails with Tags

Search is an essential part of any website, even more so for a content-centric website. A good search system is a fast one that provides accurate results. Search and filter are mostly the same depending on how you look at it. For this article, I'll treat search and filter as the same kind of function.

There are many existing methods to implement search from the tools we use like PostgreSQL full text search, which you can use in Rails. Today, however, we'll see how to implement tag-based filtering in an Rails app using PostgreSQL.

Let's get started.

About the Implementation

Let's see how the tag based implementation works. Assume we have a table called companies and it has the following relation association chain:

companies -> BELONGS_TO -> cities -> BELONGS_TO -> states -> BELONGS_TO -> countries

Continue reading %Liberate Your Search in Rails with Tags%

by Vinoth via SitePoint

Coffee Finder SF


Minimal interactive One Pager built by Zach Cole that suggests a good coffee spot in San Francisco based on a few user-inputs. Really like the clear conversational tone of the questionnaire.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love