Thursday, June 23, 2016

7 ways to prepare for cross-cultural usability testing

It’s a diverse world we live in. Around 13% of the population in both the US and the UK was born overseas, jumping to 25% of the population in Australia. Technology and online communication continue to make geographical separation less relevant.

But while geography may be less relevant in the digital age, culture hasn’t lost its significance. If you’re conducting usability testing in a cross-cultural setting, it’s important to be prepared. After all, in an ever-globalising world, chances are that cross-cultural usability testing will crop up at some point in your career.

I learnt about cross-cultural usability testing the hard way when I was working on a project which involved a significant Japanese audience. I had never been to Japan or had the opportunity to get to know their culture in-depth.

The first round of testing for my project didn’t go well, which was a surprise. I thought I had set clear expectations with the group about speaking thoughts aloud. The findings were confusing, and I didn’t get a good sense of mutual communication, despite good rapport and good participation.

I discovered afterwards that I had made a few assumptions that led me astray. I didn’t realise that Japanese people tend to communicate implicitly, or indirectly via signals like body language and facial expressions. A think-aloud method was a big leap from their usual communication style.

Once I realised this, I changed my program to better accommodate those cultural differences. This led to far better results in the sessions that followed.


Here are a few important lessons I picked up along the way, which will come in handy if you find yourself about to embark on cross-cultural usability research.

1. Establish rapport and trust from the beginning

When there’s an obvious cultural difference, it’s even more important to build trust early on. Pay more attention than usual to addressing concerns and questions of each participant at the outset.

2. Avoid stereotypes and assumptions

Assumptions can lead you astray in any usability testing scenario. In cross-cultural testing, it’s even more important to leave assumptions at the door and create a non-judgemental space.

Avoid stereotyping, which is easier to fall into when you’re floundering in new contexts. Suspend any judgements that aren’t specifically related to the research.

3. Be sensitive to cultural differences

Be mindful of cultural taboos, inappropriate topics and the way race, gender and class might affect things.

For example, while Americans wouldn’t bat an eyelid at pointing to someone, a Thai person would find this offensive, instead using their chin to indicate the person. Equally, there might be topics your group isn’t comfortable discussing.

Be sensitive to cultural differences in communication, etiquette, customs and body-language.

Be sensitive to cultural differences in communication, etiquette, customs and body-language.

4. Define the boundaries

You can use a simple exercise to understand what people are happy to talk about. With my Japanese group, I created hand-drawn index cards with the interview topics written on them. We then played a sorting ‘game’ where they put them in two piles, of either ‘private’ or ‘public’ and had the ability to comment on their choices.

Any topics in the ‘private’ pile that I could live without, I discarded. The other ‘private’ ones I was very careful when asking amongst the other topics during the interview. I raised some others gently towards the end, after explaining why I needed to know, and only when I felt I had established a harmonious relationship with the participant.

5. Create cultural bridges

While understanding and acknowledging cultural differences is important, so is finding things you have in common.

I used a whiteboard to take turns playing another simple ‘game’ that acknowledged our different cultural backgrounds. We used this opportunity to figure out what we had in common, creating cultural ‘bridges’ throughout the session which helped establish rapport.


6. Be sensitive to language barriers

If language is an issue, make sure you communicate to participants as simply and clearly as you can.

Use straightforward language. Avoid metaphors, proverbs and colloquialisms, which are likely to confuse non-native English speakers. Be mindful that verbal and non-verbal cues are likely to be different.

Don’t forget to allow extra time. Most people might translate the English into their native language to understand better before responding.

7. Get a second set of eyes and ears

Given the increased potential for misreading signals or behaviour, the need to have a second person scribing notes is even more important than usual. A second perspective might help pick up things you miss.

A cross-cultural element in your usability testing adds an extra layer of complexity. But a little cultural sensitivity and preparation will go a long way to help you get meaningful results.

Do you have experience with cross-cultural usability testing? Share your tips in the comments.

The post 7 ways to prepare for cross-cultural usability testing appeared first on UX Mastery.

by Luke Chambers via UX Mastery

The 5 Best Social Media Management Tools Of 2016 (Rated By Their Own Users)

G2crowd has analyzed hundreds of detailed reviews from users of the top social media management software. Here are the winners based on the 6 most important criteria, i.e user satisfaction, product direction, easy-to-learn (maintenance), customer Support, usability and ability to meet business needs.

Are you looking for a social media management tool to increase your productivity?

Choosing the right social media management tool can take a lot of trail and error.

One of the best ways to make that decision is to review what users of certain tools have experienced themselves.

We are excited to show you an updated version of an infographic that we shared on the blog late last year. The infographic was written by the social media tools expert, Ian Anderson Gray and includes a review of five top tools.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

jQuery’s JSONP Explained with Examples

If you're developing a web-based aplication and are trying to load data from a domain which is not under your control, the chances are that you've seen the following message in your browser's console:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://external-domain/service. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://my-domain' is therefore not allowed access.

In this article, we'll look at what causes this error and how we can get around it by using jQuery and JSONP to make a cross-domain Ajax call.

Same-origin Policy

Regular web pages can use the XMLHttpRequest object to send and receive data from remote servers, however they're restricted in what they can do by the same origin-policy. This is an important concept in the browser security model and dictates that a web browser may only allow scripts on page A to access data on page B if these two pages have the same origin. The origin of a page is defined by its protocol, host and port number. For example the origin of this page is 'https', '', '80'.

The same-origin policy is a saftey mechanism. It prevents scripts from reading data from your domain and sending it to their servers. If we didn't have this, it would be easy for a malicious website to grab your session information to another site (such as Gmail or Twitter) and execute actions on your behalf. Unfortunately, it also causes the error we see above and often poses a headache for developers trying to accomplish a legitimate task.

A failing example

Let's look at what doesn't work. Here's a JSON file residing on a different domain which we would like to load using jQuery's getJSON method.

  function(json) { console.log(json); }

If you try that out in your browser with an open console, you will see a message similar to the one above. So what can we do?

A Possible Workaround

Luckily, not everything is affected by the same-origin policy. For example, it is quite possible to load an image or a script from a different domain into your page—this is exactly what you are doing when you include jQuery (for example) from a CDN.

This means that we are able to create a <script> tag, set the src attribute to that of our JSON file and inject it into the page.

var script = $("<script />", {
    src: "",
    type: "application/json"


Although that works, it doesn't help us much, as we have no way of getting at the data it contains.


JSONP (which stands for JSON with Padding) builds on this technique and provides us with a way to access the returned data. It does this by having the server return JSON data wrapped in a function call (the "padding") which can then be interpreted by the browser. This function must be defined in the page evaluating the JSONP response.

Continue reading %jQuery’s JSONP Explained with Examples%

by James Hibbard via SitePoint

This week's JavaScript news, issue 289

This week's JavaScript news
Read this e-mail on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Issue 289 — June 23, 2016
ECMA has approved the spec. The two key features this time are the ** exponentiation operator and Array.prototype.includes.

A React Native app generator that includes component and usage examples, theming, convenience screens, and more.
Infinite Red

See how to build a basic lexer, parser and evaluator in JavaScript.
Tadeu Zagallo

Our API automation platform keeps getting better with new streamlined commercial packages.
DreamFactory   Sponsored

Videos and summaries of six talks from the React Europe conference that took place earlier this month.
Dylan Kirby

TJ VanToll, Cody Lindley, Ed Charbeneau and Todd Motto debate whether Angular 2 has what it takes to match the success of Angular 1.
Telerik Developer Network

A well-informed proposal to resolve standing issues over whether JavaScript files are treated as regular scripts or modules.
John-David Dalton and Bradley Meck

Byron Houwens explains the benefits of types and interfaces in this intro to TypeScript, a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript.
Byron Houwens


In brief

Looking for more on Node? Read this week's Node Weekly too :-)

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooper Press.

Stop getting JavaScript Weekly : Change email address : Read this issue on the Web

© Cooper Press Ltd. Office 30, Lincoln Way, Louth, LN11 0LS, UK

by via JavaScript Weekly

WordPress Plugin Development for Beginners

WordPress plugins are a critical component of the WordPress platform, allowing you to easily extend functionality. A common question I often get asked is "What's the best resource that covers WordPress plugin development for beginners?".

Luckily, there's a vast amount of high quality articles and tutorials for those getting started with WordPress development, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to round up some of the better resources to help you on your way.

I’ll start the list off with the official WordPress documentation, which is a great first step:

There's a lot more than that, but you should definitely follow the official documentation, it's constantly being updated.

You'll need to learn a little PHP, luckily SitePoint has the best collection of PHP news and learning materials on the web - which you can find here. SitePoint also has a huge collection of articles and tutorials on WordPress development, here’s a selection of the highlights to help get you started.


An Introduction to WordPress Plugin Development

Simon Codrington covers the basics of what you need to know about building your own WordPress plugins and best practices for WordPress plugin development.

Read article

A Real World Example of WordPress Plugin Development

Simon Codrington revisits his article on an Introduction to Plugin Development with this real world example of WordPress Plugin Development.

Continue reading %WordPress Plugin Development for Beginners%

by Chris Burgess via SitePoint

Interview: Richard Millington on Building Great Communities

Richard Millington

Communities are a critical part of many organizations. Building and fostering a community is not an easy endeavor — organizations have to take care to successfully integrate it into their business models. Today, I’m happy to be joined by Richard Millington, who has studied communities for several years and helped many organizations with theirs.

Richard is the Founder of FeverBee, a community consultancy, and The Pillar Summit, an exclusive community management training course.

Elio: Thanks for accepting my invitation, Richard!

Richard: My pleasure.

Elio: Can you briefly explain what FeverBee is about? What made you start Feverbee in the first place?

Richard: FeverBee is all about using social science to solve social problems. It’s remarkable how many of the challenges we face when building communities, trying to collaborate better, share knowledge with one another, have their roots in social psychology, motivation, and habits.

What we try to do is distill an unwieldy amount of information into very practical steps that will help people build powerful communities and collaborate better with their staff or customers.

We’ve been doing this since 2008. Prior to that I had been managing communities in the video gaming sector for many years. After I graduated I did an internship with Seth Godin and learned a lot about how to build successful communities. Since then the company has grown through offering consulting to some of the world’s top organizations, training a generation of community professionals, and publishing books that help provide advice. We do a bunch of other things too, but this is a good summary for now.

Elio: I’ve noticed communities and contributors have gradually gained a bigger role in today’s business models. What’s the reason for this shift?

Richard: I think communities are a little overhyped at the moment. There are plenty of great examples of organizations building communities and succeeding. However there are far more examples of communities that tried to build a community and failed. Either they couldn’t get the concept right or they didn’t figure out how to get people to join and participate.

One of the natural problems here is the attention barrier. There are simply too many communities around today competing for a finite share of audience attention.

However, the community approach has worked extremely well for many organizations both internally and externally. This is partly the result of having much better technology than we used to. While forums were great, the tools we have now are far easier to use, more integrated, better designed, and more aligned with our habits. It’s also partly the result of social changes. The office cubicle isn’t as popular as it used to be. We expect to participate and collaborate more with one another.

We’re slowly getting better at having a clear use case for the community. We’re seeing fewer communities for people to chat about whatever they like to in the morning and far more communities where people visit for a particular purpose. That might be to get answers, to share ideas, build their reputations, etc…

The value when there is a clear use case is quite clear: organizations save money, they increase customer loyalty, and improve productivity.

But be careful of the hype. Not every organization should build a community and those that do are going to struggle in the war for attention at the moment.

Community values

Elio: Community Management is a rather broad term. What are some metrics you think are important when measuring community impact, as this is usually a difficult aspect to pin down?

Richard: This is a HUUUGGGEEE topic. I’ll try to simplify. Community ROI isn’t easy to measure but it always can be measured. If you can define it, you can measure it (to steal a quote from Michael Wu).

First, let’s distinguish between community health metrics and ROI metrics. They’re not the same and not as correlated as you might imagine. Health includes measures of activity, membership and sense of community. ROI is the money the business gets back from its investment.

Depending upon the data we have access to we either use database analysis, sampling techniques or surveys to identify.

Has the spending of members increased since joining the community MORE than the spending of non-joiners increased by the same period? If the average customer was spending $60 before and now spends $90, while a non member was spending $40 and is now spending $60, you can attribute a $10 difference ($30 members - $20 non-members) to the community. Multiply that by the number of active members and you have a figure you can use.

Has the community generated new business? Were leads identified through the community and has conversion rate increased? My friend Jenn at Moz knows that members whom perform {x} tasks are more likely to convert into customers. That’s relatively easy to track.

Has retention increased? Have the retention rates of members in the community improved by more than the retention rates of non-members since joining / not joining the community?

Call deflection. This is more relevant to customer service communities. You identify the cost per call (total cost of call staff + overheads / number of calls) and then see how many of those questions are answered in the community instead. Then check how many would have called a customer service line (survey) and whether they resolved the problem. This can get much more complicated than this, but you get the basic idea.

For topics like productivity and collaboration, people tend to measure all sorts of things. Reductions in email, self-reported cases of value, surveys of perceived value, etc. The ultimate measure, arguably, is employee productivity ratios. You divide the revenue by the number of employees. But so many things can influence this that it often becomes unpractical. A simple thing you could do is survey members to see how much time they spend looking for documents and then survey them later.

For non-profits, you’re looking more at satisfaction surveys and doing before/after with costs per satisfaction points. Again, a huge topic, but you can measure it.

The common mistake here is to compare members against non-members. Don’t do that. You’re just comparing your best customers against everyone else. It’s a huge sampling error.

Elio: What about critical mass? Most community managers struggle to reach it. What would be your best advice for someone trying to reach critical mass before a community does things on its own?

We’ve covered this topic in a lot of depth before. I’ll try to summarize here:

1) Start really small. Find the smallest possible niche who’s needs no-one else can be bothered to satisfy and absolutely dominate this niche. Gradually expand from there.

2) Build relationships before you launch the community. The biggest factor in getting a community off the ground is the number of pre-existing relationships you have. The more well known you are, the better. Follow the CHIP process here. Once you’ve built strong relationships with 50+ members of the target audience, then launch the community and invite people to join it.

3) Keep it really simple initially. Only have one area where people can participate and focus everything you’ve got on making that one area as incredible as it can possibly be. You really want this to be an amazing place for everyone to visit every day. Defy expectations, be twice as good as what they’re expecting… this is how people will grow and refer you.

4) Focus on inviting people, building relationships, and discussions. That’s it when you’re just getting off the ground. Narrow your focus to doing these 3 things incredibly well.

That should be enough to get going for now.

Elio: Then there is the question “What’s in for me?” that many community managers encounter in their community. After all, most community members dedicate their free time to something they do not get paid for. How would you suggest community managers handle these situations?

Continue reading %Interview: Richard Millington on Building Great Communities%

by Elio Qoshi via SitePoint

jQuery Character and Word counter plugin

This jQuery Word and character counter plug-in allows you to count characters or words, up or down. You can set a minimum or maximum goal for the counter to reach.

  • Create a custom message for your counter’s message
  • Force character/word limit on user to prevent typing
  • Works against copy/paster’s!

The post jQuery Character and Word counter plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain