Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Inside Java 9 – Part I

Two months back I took you for a dive into Java 9, looking at new language features and APIs. But there are lots of things I had to left out, so here comes a two-parter to fix that. In this first part we'll be looking at new version strings and command line syntax, multi-release JARs, improved logging, and much more.


In the first part we skipped Jigsaw because everybody's talking about it already. In this part we'll do the same with JShell, the brand-new REPL for Java. (I.e. a thing where you can type Java code and it immediately evaluates it.) If don't know (much) about it yet but would like to, watch this great introduction Robert Field gave last year at Devoxx Belgium (I think).

New Version Strings

To ease into this, let's start with something simple: version strings.

Or so I thought until I tried to understand Java's version naming schema. It started with JDKs 1.0 and 1.1 - so far so easy but things go downhill from there. Apparently, versions 1.2 to 1.5 were at some point rebranded as Java 2. (Remember J2SE? That's the 2 in there.) With JDK 1.5 it became clear that this didn't really work out so Sun started calling it Java 5. Sometime around Java 6 the whole idea of Java 2 was silently buried and ever since things cleared up a little - we simply say "Java X". (Did you know that all Java version up to and including Java 7 had cool project names like Tiger and Mustang?)

The version strings reported by the JVM were untouched though - they always reported 1.x.... Now, with JEP 223, version strings and the naming schema align. If you check the relevant system properties (see the demo), this is the output you will get:

java.version: 9-ea
java.runtime.version: 9-ea+138-jigsaw-nightly-h5561-20161003
java.vm.version: 9-ea+138-jigsaw-nightly-h5561-20161003
java.specification.version: 9
java.vm.specification.version: 9

This is not overly informative because it's run on an early access build. In the future java.version will report strings like 9.1.2, which follow the schema $MAJOR.$MINOR.$SECURITY:

  • $MAJOR marks the major version Oracle is planning to release every two to three years.
  • $MINOR marks the smaller releases for bug fixes and other details that follow regularly in between - it resets to zero when a new major version is released.
  • $SECURITY is really interesting - it gets bumped with every release that "contains critical fixes including those necessary to improve security" and is not reset when $MINOR increases.

To make parsing that string unnecessary we get Version, a nice little class that does it for us.

Version version = Runtime.version();
System.out.println("Reported by runtime: " + version);
switch (version.major()) {
    case 9:
    case 10:
        System.out.println("Value Types!");

GNU-style Command Line Options

Java's tools have a lot of idiosyncrasies when it comes to the syntax of their command line options:

  • some use a single dash for long versions (-classpath), others use two (--gzip)
  • some separate words with dashes (--no-gzip), others don't (again -classpath)
  • some have single letter forms (-d), others two (-cp, seriously what's wrong with that option?!)
  • some assign values with the equals sign (-D<name>=<value>), others require a space (I won't even...)

On Linux and other GNU-based systems, by contrast, pretty much all tools use the same syntax for their options:

  • two dashes for long versions
  • words are separated by dashes
  • abbreviations consist of a single letter

In a recklessly courageous move Java 9 changes all command line options to match these rules, thus breaking all scripts! Nah, just kidding... ๐Ÿ˜Ž But JEP 293 established a guideline mirroring and adapting those rules and new options are expected to follow it. Old options might at some point be migrated towards the cleaner syntax but that's not part of Java 9. The JEP contains a lot of details and examples - give it a read.

A Mixed Bag Of Extensions And Updates

Java 9 ships with a lot of JEPs that extend or update existing functionality. Here they are, somewhat ordered by topic, some summarized, some in more detail.


While Java itself can be written in UTF-16 (yes, your code can sport emojis), property files used to be limited to ISO-8859-1. Let's say you have a file like this one:

money = € / \u20AC

Then accessing this file with Java 8 yields:

money = รข▯¬ / €

With JEP 226 those times are finally over and no more Unicode escapes are required. Running the same access code on Java 9 shows what we expected:

money = € / €

(The full example even has a ๐Ÿ˜Ž but our code highlighter doesn't play well with that.)

Note that there are several ways to access property files and only the one via PropertyResourceBundle got updated. How exactly the encoding is determined and how that can be configured is documented in the API note of the JavaDoc. The defaults are sensible, though, and make the API "just work" for common cases:

try (InputStream propertyFile = new FileInputStream("")) {
    PropertyResourceBundle properties = new PropertyResourceBundle(propertyFile);
    properties.getKeys().asIterator().forEachRemaining(key -> {
        String value = properties.getString(key);
        System.out.println(key + " = " + value);
} catch (IOException e) {

You will find this code and a comparison to the Properties API in the demo. If you try to run it on Java 8 for comparison, you will find a nifty little API change Java 9 made for those poor developers who are still using the ancient Enumeration.

In other Unicode-related news, Java 9 supports Unicode 8.0. Yay! (JEP 227, JEP 267)


TIFF images are now supported by the Image I/O Framework (in javax.imageio). The Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) project implemented readers and writers for the format, which are now standardized and moved into javax.imageio.plugins.tiff. (JEP 262)

Retina-style HiDPI screens pose unique challenges for desktop UIs. Java already dealt with them on Mac and now follows suit on Linux and Windows. With this "windows and GUI components should have an appropriate size based on the platform recommendations, text should remain crisp despite any default scaling indicated by the HiDPI settings, and icons and images should be smooth and preferably have details appropriate for the pixel density of the display." (JEP 263)

On Linux the Java desktop triumvirate (AWT, Swing, and JavaFX) can now use GTK 3. For the time being, the JVM will default to GTK 2 and only use GTK3 if indicated by the new system property jdk.gtk.version or "GTK 3 is required for interoperability, and this requirement can be detected sufficiently early". (JEP 283)

JavaFX used an outdated GStreamer version, which is updated to 1.4.4. This should improve stability and performance of replaying media with JavaFX. (JEP 257)

HarfBuzz is the new OpenType layout engine and displaces ICU, which is discontinued. (JEP 258)


The SHA-3 hash algorithms SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, and SHA3-512 were implemented. They can be used via the MessageDigest API. (JEP 287)

When using SecureRandom (on any Java version) you either get a native implementation based on your operating system or a pure Java version. The latter "uses an older SHA1-based RNG implementation, which is not as strong as the algorithms used by approved DRBG [Deterministic Random Bit Generator] mechanisms." Since older but especially embedded systems rely on the Java variant, its security was boosted by implementing the DRBG mechanisms described in NIST 800-90Ar1. Alongside that SecureRandom's API was improved to allow passing parameters to DRGB and future algorithms (JEP 273):

Instantiation instantiation = DrbgParameters.instantiation(128, RESEED_ONLY, null);
SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("DRBG", instantiation);

byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

[caption id="attachment_142693" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Published by Ali Bindawood under CC-BY-ND 2.0 Published by Ali Bindawood under CC-BY-ND 2.0[/caption]

New Java Virtual Machine Features

The machince doing all the work for us - I wonder, will rise up one day? It got some love in this release in the form of a couple of new features, so maybe we calmed it. If not, I, for one, welcome our new ~~insect~~ machine overlords.

Continue reading %Inside Java 9 – Part I%

by Nicolai Parlog via SitePoint

How eCommerce Professionals Can Reduce Checkout Abandonment Rates

Checkout Abandonment

If you own or work for an eCommerce website (small or large), chances are that a significant percentage of your prospective customers are getting to your checkout page and then leaving in droves. Let’s take a look at the art of reducing checkout abandonment and how you can fix it — starting today.

Statistics on the percentage of abandoned shopping carts are staggering — from over 75% according to SalesCycle, to a low of around 60% according to MarketingSherpa. Whatever the exact figure is, it’s bad.

Understand Why Customers Are Leaving

Research shows that the number one reason consumers leave eCommerce websites during the check-out process is because of "extra costs too high" (i.e. shipping, tax, fees). These are followed by the website asking you to register an account (the lack of a ‘guest checkout’ option), long and complicated checkout processes, not being ready to purchase, high product prices, the need for a Save/Wishlist feature and more.

One such research study was conducted by the Baymard Institute in 2016 with 1,044 response participants throughout the US.

Baymard Institute checkout abandonment study

Source: Baymard Institute, Reasons for abandonments during checkout research study

Similar research findings were uncovered by Forrester Research, BI Intelligence, VWO and many other firms.

When VWO surveyed participants in 2016, they found the most commonly cited reasons for website visitors not completing their purchases online were:

VWO checkout abandonment survey

A thorough usability study conducted by the Baymard Institute found a whopping 520+ usability-related issues concerning the checkout process — and these were on big-name shopping sites like 1-800-Flowers, Levi’s, and Apple. You’d think they’d know better, right? It just goes to show that a poor customer checkout experience isn’t limited to SMBs.

The good news is that all of these issues can be fixed, leading to a smoother, more seamless checkout process. Of course, it’s one thing to tell you why customers are leaving, but it’s another thing entirely to guide you through how to fix the issues that cause them to give up.

Let's go through some of the biggest problems and how to fix them.

Extra Taxes, Slow Shipping and High Shipping Costs

With the rise of Amazon Prime offering free two-day shipping on everything from electronics to pet food, it’s easy to see how customers have adapted to expecting things to be here sooner rather than later. But you’re not Amazon, so does that mean you have to simply deal with disappointing customers with slow or high shipping costs? Not necessarily.

The Solution

Depending on where your business is based, you may be able to work with local couriers to help streamline your shipping process. Traditionally, this would require a heavy investment in customized, in-house software to pack and track items, which is the route that Amazon took. Thankfully for the rest of us, there are plenty of specialized shipping software solutions that integrate the most popular couriers in your local geography while enabling you to manage tracking, shipping, inventory and in some cases, even accounting and fleet management.

And while there’s not much you can do about high taxes (short of setting up shop elsewhere), you can help soften the blow through the strategic use of coupons and geo-fencing, which involves defining a perimeter area that notifies customers in that area of special deals and discounts.

Improve checkout abandonment rates with free shipping

One of Australia’s leading eCommerce retail brands not only offers free shipping over a certain amount, but tells you how much to add to your card in order to qualify for it. By offering multiple payment options (including AliPay), they open themselves up to flexibility of payment methods.

But perhaps the biggest and most impactful change you can make (if at all financially feasible) is to offer free shipping, which is the biggest contributor by far to higher conversion rate numbers. Just how far are customers willing to go for free shipping?

You may be surprised.

According to a ComScore study, 90% of customers surveyed would take significant actions to qualify for free shipping, including 58% who said they would add more items to their cart in order to qualify, and half who said they would choose the slowest shipping option.

Website Issues: Slow Loading Time, Crashes, Complex Checkout

On the other side of the spectrum are website-specific issues often related to the shopping cart platform or the technology that powers the site itself. There are two issues here — the speed of the website and the speed of the checkout process. Both can affect customers interchangeably.

For loading issues, it’s worth checking out what could be causing the slow page loading speeds. You can do that with tools such as GTMetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights. Both tools will give you useful tips on how to make your pages load faster. For comparison, look at how they checked

Amazon page performance scores

While there's some skill in knowing which of these may be 'false positives', GTMetrix provides a wealth of information on where to start in terms of improving performance and load speed (which can be a complicated subject). Best-practices like using CSS sprites are useful opportunities for load speed optimization (although not so commonly applied).

The Solution

Since this is SitePoint, I won't go into detail with what's necessary to fix each of these problems — but if you run into any difficulties, grab your nearby server administrator and fellow front-end devs and start working through each. Failing that, doing a Google search for "fixing [issue]" and the relevant reading can be used to solve almost any load speed issue.

Even if your page is blazingly fast, what about the checkout process itself? Unusually complex checkouts, a lack of guest registration and even requesting too much information on the checkout form are small but nevertheless significant areas of concern for customers.

According to the Baymard Institute’s Usability Report, customers also have issues with checkout in terms of inputting their shipping and billing information. Things that should be common sense rarely are, and instead add enough minor irritation to sour the customer experience altogether. We’re talking about missed improvements like:

  • Making shipping address the same as billing address by just clicking a checkbox
  • Preserving information entered in forms even when there’s one or more errors
  • Auto-detecting city and state/province after postal code is entered
  • Clearly labeling which fields are required and which are optional
  • Only asking for the same information one time (such as name, email address, address, username/password)

Here's one example of a well-thought out check-out process:

Kogan secure checkout example, Australia's largest online department store, has a streamlined and simplified check-out process. They've gone for a multi-step check-out process (allowing for cart recovery e-mails if a visitor drops out after 'Step 1'). The elegant usage of HTML5 placeholders for each form field, clear reminders of what's in the cart, total order value and total delivery cost instill trust in the customer. The usage of the word "Secure" prior to Checkout also instils trust. You can get through the checkout faster by using a social login such as Facebook or PayPal. They've also used the word "Continue" rather than "Submit" for the primary call-to-action button.

Getting to the "Thank-You" Page

Getting to the Thank You page is a customer’s end goal, but many sites throw up every conceivable hurdle to try and prevent them from doing that. One common complaint from users is that the checkout process requires too much information. While most shopping carts have a fairly standard and unassuming billing/shipping detail window, there is certainly room for improvement.

Continue reading %How eCommerce Professionals Can Reduce Checkout Abandonment Rates%

by James Spittal via SitePoint

Quick Tip: Mock REST APIs Using json-server

Sometimes you need to prototype the front-end of your application without a back-end in place. Creating even a basic mock API to develop against can be time-consuming. The json-server library solves this problem for you by providing a fast and easy way to create complex RESTful APIs for development and testing.

This quick tip will teach you how to create mock REST APIs using json-server, allowing you to get a fully-featured API up and running in as little as 30 seconds.


You should have basic knowledge of RESTful principles and how to consume APIs.

You'll need the following tools:

  • nodejs - json-server is built on top of nodejs.
  • curl - to test the routes of your mock server.

Windows users: There are curl binaries available in 32-bit and 64-bit varieties from the curl downloads page that will allow you to follow along with the examples in this article.

This tutorial assumes you’ll be using a bash-like terminal.


To install json-server, open your terminal and enter:

$ npm install -g json-server

This will install json-server globally on your system so that you can start the server from any directory you like.


In a RESTful API, a resource is an object with a type, associated data, relationships to other resources, and a set of methods that operate on it. For example, if you are creating an API for movies, a movie would be a resource. You can apply CRUD operations on this resource using your API.

Let's create an API with a /movies resource.

Creating a Resource

Create a file called db.json and add the following content to it:

  "movies": [
    {"id": 1, "name": "The Godfather", "director":"Francis Ford Coppola", "rating": 9.1},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Casablanca", "director": "Michael Curtiz", "rating": 8.8}

After saving the file, start your server with the following command:

$ json-server --watch db.json

That's it! Now you have a movies API; you can fetch movies from this server, add new movies, delete movies, and a bunch of other stuff.

To test our mock API, we can use curl to make an HTTP request:

$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/movies"

This will return a list of all the movies you have on this server. In the above case, you'll get two movies. Now to get the movie with the id of 1, just specify the id at the end of the URI: http://localhost:3000/movies/1.

To add movies to the server, you can send a POST request to the API with the movie details. For example:

Continue reading %Quick Tip: Mock REST APIs Using json-server%

by Ayush Gupta via SitePoint

This Week's HTML5, CSS and Browser Tech News #264

W3C Publishes HTML 5.1, WebAssembly Browser Preview, and more.Read this e-mail on the Web
FrontEnd Focus
Issue 264 — November 2, 2016
The latest minor revision of W3C’s interpretation of HTML. Its relevance as a spec versus WHATWG’s work remains under dispute, however.

Pointer events unify the pointer input model for the browser, bringing touch, pens, and mice together into a single set of events. IE 11, Edge, and Chrome 55 support them so far.
Google Developers

Webpack is a popular JavaScript, CSS and resource/asset bundler. This post walks through using the soon to be released 2nd version.
Drew Powers

Google Inc.
Chrome Dev Summit 2016 will feature two full days of talks from the Chrome team, including a keynote address by Chrome VP Darin Fisher. All sessions will be livestreamed from our website on November 10-11. Sign up here for livestream updates.
Google Inc.   Sponsor

The WebAssembly project has reached the browser preview milestone, with multiple interoperable implementations from Firefox, Edge and the V8 project now available.
Seth Thompson

A look at getting information from MIDI devices, such as digital pianos, in the browser (Chrome and Opera so far) with JavaScript.
Stoyan Stefanov

What types of assistive technology are used to access the Web? Screen magnifiers and readers come in as most common.
Chris Moore

An overview of OpenType features, explaining why they’re important to typefaces, and explaining the tradeoffs they have on performance. 26 minutes.
Helen Holmes

How shaders work and how you can build your own to render graphics in the browser.
Smashing Magazine

A brief survey to find out what tools and frameworks developers are currently using in their projects and workflows. Ashley promises to share the results on his blog.
Ashley Nolan

A fantastic, thorough guide to creating SVGs for use on the Web. Packed with examples and code.


  • Shouldn't Companies Apply to You? - Try HiredYou're modern, you’re savvy, you're efficient. Why keep job hunting the old way? Try Hired and get in front of 4,000+ tech companies with personalized support to help you land your dream job. Hired

In brief

Blink/Chrome Intent to Ship: WebGL 2.0 news
This will narrow the graphics feature gap between desktop and mobile devices.

What's New and What's Changed in Bootstrap 4 news
Telerik Developer Network

What's New in Chromium 54 and Opera 41 news
Custom Elements v1, Canvas imageSmoothingQuality, BroadcastChannel API, and CSS text-size-adjust
Mathias Bynens

async/await Support in Firefox news
Support for async/await has been added to the Firefox Nightly build. Demo here.

Project Quantum: A Quantum Leap for the Web news
Mozilla’s latest effort to develop a next-generation web engine.
David Bryant

Webmention: A W3C Proposed Recommendation news
Provides a mechanism for a page to notify another page when it mentions its URL.

10 Principles for Smooth Web Animations tutorial
Anand Sharma

Carousels Don't Have to be Complicated tutorial
Chris Coyier

A Deep-Dive Into The Service Worker Lifecycle tutorial
Jake Archibald

Vertical Alignment in CSS video
Guy Routledge explores vertical-align in this 5 min screencast with transcript.

Control Image Aspect Ratio Using CSS video
How to resize images and videos to fill their parent and maintain their aspect ratio with pure CSS.
Damon Bauer

Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Developers tools
Web & mobile devs get all their favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE
ActiveState  Sponsor

flv.js: An HTML5 FLV Player code

Shave: Truncate Text To Fit Within an HTML Element code
Dollar Shave Club

Recordy: Audio Recording for Browsers code
Record your microphone (or any other input) and add effects to it directly in the browser.
Maximilian Torggler

Sorting a 50K Array With and Without HTML5 Web Workers demo
Afshin Mehrabani

Building a responsive HTML5 app? Learn the must-know techniques with this whitepaper 
If you're a HTML5/JS dev, responsive web design is or will be a requirement in the near future. This whitepaper will give you the must-know on responsive web.
Progress  Sponsor

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress. If you like this, you may also enjoy: JavaScript Weekly, Node Weekly, and React Status.

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© Cooper Press Ltd. Office 30, Lincoln Way, Louth, LN11 0LS, UK

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