Friday, August 30, 2019

Trojan-Dropper discovered in Google Play Store with 100 million+ downloads

App researchers found a Trojan-Dropper malicious module hidden in Android app CamScanner. Here, it should be noted that the CamScanner app is very popular and has been downloaded over 100 million times from the Google Play Store. The findings were revealed by Kaspersky security researchers Igor...

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by Saima Salim via Digital Information World

YouTube Kids app releases variety in its content filters for youngsters of different age

YouTube always tries to build a connection with its users through the services it provides. The team of YouTube always attempts to improve its user experience by launching a variety of new features and products. YouTube introduced several policies to secure its users from being a victim of any sort...

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by agha ali via Digital Information World

Website Inspiration: Poolside FM

RAD experimental One Pager for Poolside FM mashing 80s themes with a 90s operating system interface. Honestly it’s such a good time and you find yourself keeping the browser tab open to continue the vibes while you work.

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by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love

Website Inspiration: Simona Alina Andone

Minimal One Page portfolio for art director Simona Alina Andone featuring a fast-paced slideshow of her work that follows your cursor.

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by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love

Website Inspiration: Emily Sneddon

Minimal personal One Pager with beautiful viewport sized typography for designer, Emily Sneddon.

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by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love

US citizens will now receive local alerts from Facebook

US authorities and First Responders use a tool to alert the locals about possible emergencies like storms, missing people, etc. Facebook is planning to work with this tool to further expand its use. The social media platform said all the US governments and First Responders who have Facebook Page...

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by Aqsa Rasool via Digital Information World

In the coming years, text messages may top all other modes of digital Interaction

Every passing second a new technology is introduced that makes the users’ rely more on digital devices than ever. We are living in the era of tech where users prefer socializing through digital platforms as compared to real-life interactions. Although the social networks helped users to create...

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by agha ali via Digital Information World