Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Facebook Ad Clicks Had Immense Growth, Expected To Produce Impressive Q4 Results

Facebook ads are getting more clicks from users than ever before, as shown by the Facebook tools for advertisers. The company is expected to reveal impressive results of the fourth-quarter today. Advertisers use a Facebook tool, Audience Insight to gather data to target different demographics....

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by Aqsa Rasool via Digital Information World

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

RED Company

RED Company
RED Company levels up real estate. At Build in Amsterdam, we’ve created an identity and platform where this philosophy is brought to life.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Has Social Media Really Been Our Worst Enemy?

What are the three things that you possibly can’t live without? The normal answer would be oxygen, water, and food right? However, this was only true before social media came into this world, as today the list also includes Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram for majority of the population. ...

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by Daniyal Malik via Digital Information World

70 Percent of All Web Domains Fail to Be Renewed One Year after Purchase

It is more common than people might expect to devise a seemingly innovative idea for a new website, business, blog, marketing platform or eCommerce channel, make a rash purchase of a domain to support it and subsequently let the platform lapse just months later. In fact, a staggering 70% of all...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Service Box 142

The post Service Box 142 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Preloader Style 255

The post Preloader Style 255 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

5 Reasons Why Mundane Micro-Influencer Content Is Insanely Popular [Infographic]

None of us would ever admit to wasting time watching influencers pick out new throw cushions or boxing up their weekly meals. Yet most of us do just this, with half of us watching an hour of YouTube content each week. The rise of micro-influencers — internet personalities with less than 50K...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World