Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Facebook Has Introduced An Exciting New App For Couples Only!

While Facebook’s New Product Experimentation (NPE) team always has something up their sleeves to make people connect in a better way, this time the company has decided to give life to a new app that is specially made for couples called “Tuned”. One may call the news as Facebook’s latest obsession...

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by Daniyal Malik via Digital Information World

Can you become invisible on the internet? Experts say 'not possible!'

In this digital era, it may be possible to vanish from people’s sight but it sure is impossible to ‘disappear from the internet.’ In fact, you cannot even fake a death on the internet – according to Frank Ahearn, a private investigator who specializes in helping people disappear and evade...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Saima Salim via Digital Information World

Google Featuring a News Section of Coronavirus across All Its Provided Services

Every day, the top search word is becoming Coronavirus. It even exceeds the search for weather, news and even showbiz. Because of this; Google has compiled all the information about the virus for its users. Now, there is a COVID-19 tab everywhere from news to assistants and in podcasts too. If you...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Facebook Gaming's New Tournaments Is A Small Gift for Users During COVID-19

If there is one recent product that is having a great 2020 then that has to be Facebook Gaming. People seem to be loving it and cashing onto the added interest during the COVID-19 pandemic, Facebook has announced a new feature for it that goes with the name “Tournaments” and it will let people play...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Daniyal Malik via Digital Information World

Twitter Eases Some Advertisers to Promote Content That Have the Reference to Coronavirus

Last month Twitter announced that they won’t be allowing any advertisement which mentions coronavirus or COVID-19. However, recently Twitter revised its policy and now allowing some of the advertisers to promote tweets that contain COVID-19 related information. But, the advertisement should be...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Firefox 75 arrives

#435 — April 8, 2020

Read on the Web

Frontend Focus

Changes in Firefox 75 That Will Affect Developers — Version 75 of Firefox dropped yesterday, bringing with it support for lazy loading, additions to the Web Animations API, implementation of the min(), max(), and clamp() CSS functions, plus a handful of accessibility wins. All of the user-facing features are detailed in the release notes here.


Why Do Some HTML Elements Become Deprecated? — An in-depth look at what factors influence obsolete and deprecated elements (such as <acronym> and <strike>), and a discussion of the subtleties around elements that seem like they should be deprecated but aren’t.

Ryan Grist

Webinar: Challenges of Building Complex Dashboards with Open Source Components — Charting components and open source libraries may get you basic dashboards quickly, but at what cost? Join this webinar with Lean UX leader Ryan MacCarrigan to learn about the challenges of designing dashboards for different user personas.

Logi Analytics sponsor

How Stack Overflow Built Its New 'Dark Mode' — Building a ‘dark mode’ for a site as complex as Stack Overflow isn’t just about switching some colors around in the CSS. Here’s the process they went through.

Aaron Shekey

Perflink: Low Friction JS Benchmarks You Can Share via URL — Version 2 just launched, details here. Tests now run isolated in web workers, ability to save and fork to/from local storage, works cross-browser, and more.

luke jackson

Extending the Limits of CSS — This is a bit of a history lesson on CSS, specifically dealing with how some in the community have done things with CSS that at one time nobody thought would be possible.

Rina Diane Caballar

💻 Jobs

Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join X-Team and work on projects for companies like Riot Games, FOX, Coinbase, and more. Work from anywhere.


📙 Tutorials & Opinion

An Introduction to the Web Contact Picker API — A look at the new Contact Picker API, a Chrome only API (for now) that allows web apps to resemble native ones in allowing users to select entries from their contact lists and share the details with a web page.

Phil Nash

Rendering Charts with OffscreenCanvas — Rendering charts can be an intensive operation for browsers, but what if you could delegate such work to a Web Worker? This post looks at what performance improvements you can realistically expect.

Chris Price

Our Tech Skills Platform Is Free for the Month of April. Start Today

Pluralsight sponsor

▶  Hacking Digital Style Guides for Accessibility: Type, Colour, Imagery — A mindful primer on how to approach certain accessibility considerations in your next project.

Tatiana Mac

▶  How to Sing a Song with the Speech Synthesis API and async/await — A fun little project if you want to play along.

Jad Joubran

Getting JavaScript to Talk to CSS and Sass — Despite being bedfellows for years, sharing data between JavaScript and CSS has not always been the simplest task.

Marko Ilic

Create Animated Loading Text with CSS — A neat little effect, getting text to move up and down like a wave.

Cody Pearce

10 Headless CMS Options for your JAMstack Website — A detailed and comprehensive overview of the headless CMS landscape that, including pros and cons of each option. (FYI, we’ve launched a new JAMstack focused newsletter if you dabble in that world.)

Nebojsa Radakovic

Centering Things with CSS Flexbox — Fairly basic for those well-versed in Flexbox, but a great start for beginners (includes an accompanying screencast).

Chris Sevilleja beginner

🔧 Code, Tools and Resources

Accessible UI Component Libraries Roundup — A good list of options for libraries that are built with accessibility in mind.

Raghavendra Satish Peri

MVP.css: A Minimalist Stylesheet for HTML Elements — No class names, no frameworks, just semantic HTML. 7kb.

Andy Brewer

Faster CI/CD for All Your Software Projects Using Buildkite — See how Shopify scaled from 300 to 1800 engineers while keeping their build times under 5 minutes.

Buildkite sponsor

Meanderer: A Micro-Library for Scaling CSS Motion Path Strings — Generates scaled (i.e. resized proportionally) CSS offset-paths, which is a feature that allows you to animate an object along a custom path.

jhey tompkins

A CSS 'Grab n Go' Visual Editor — Generates valid CSS (or SASS, SCSS and LESS) code for border-radius, border, box-shadow, text-shadow, filter and transform properties.

Veliov Group

A CSS Animation-Delay Demo — Consider this a little interactive guide to the different effects you can achieve with delays and variables.

Jhey Tompkins codepen

Web Font of the Week

Alata (or on Google Fonts)

Designed by Spyros Zevelakis & Eben Sorkin, this low contrast sans-serif font features geometric styling, drawing influence from early 20th C poster lettering and Greek mono line letters. Supports over 130 languages.

by via Frontend Focus

Facebook Helps The Coronavirus Researchers By Launching New Tools Providing The Location Data Of Its Users

Facebook is launching three new tools collectively called Disease Prevention Maps to help the researchers overcome the spread of the coronavirus.The new initiative made by the company is part of their ‘Data for Good’ program and the company has added a survey to its News Feed asking the users to...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World