Design Systems at GitHub
This post shares a brief history of how the GitHub team grew, what they have been working on, and what’s next. (medium.com)
React Developer Roadmap (github.com)
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Designing with Data
While design instincts are still valuable, data and analytics can help you hone your product understanding and ensure your decisions satisfy stakeholders. Joanna Ngai has compiled a list of things to keep in mind as a designer working with data. (uxdesign.cc)
The Holy Grail Of Reusable Components
Oliver Williams looks at augmenting HTML with components that have built-in functionality and styles. He also shares some details on how to make custom elements reusable across projects using NPM. (smashingmagazine.com)
What Tech Stacks are Indie Hackers Using for Their Apps
Looking for the best tech stack for building your product in 2018? Learn by example from tens of startup founders, some technical and some not, who share the reasoning behind the code running their businesses. (indiehackers.com)
The 6 Types of Product Teams You’ll be Working In
Ariel Verber has put together a small break-down of the characteristics of each type of team, to help us all make better choices in the future. (medium.com)
Tools / Resources
Styling React components
Ben Honeywill looks at the different ways of styling React components and discusses their respective pros and cons. By the end of the article you should have a good idea of all the different techniques available to you and be able to choose which one is right for your project. (bhnywl.com)
Draw inspiration anywhere with Affinity Designer for iPad
The first full-blown, truly professional graphic design tool to make its way onto iPad. Now available for just $13.99/£13.99/14,99€, with no subscription. (serif.com)
Release Drafter
A handy tool that drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master. (github.com)
Variable Fonts
A simple resource for finding and trying variable fonts (v-fonts.com)
Sketching in the Browser – Mark Dalgleish (youtube.com)
Announcing Apollo Server 2 (apollographql.com)
Wheel Color Generator (github.io)
Design Details with Sam Soffes (spec.fm)
Stripe Press (stripe.com)
Product Designer at MetaLab
The design team is looking for experienced individuals to help create beautiful and highly functional products for our clients and their users. As a product designer at MetaLab, you’ll be part of the entire project lifecycle from start to finish. (metalab.co)
Design Curator at Creative Market
As a Design Curator on the Design Team, you will be the embodiment of the design team’s mission and vision. These will be reflected in all aspects of your shop and product curation work. (creativemarket.com)
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Last but not least…
CSS in JavaScript: FTW or WTF? (vimeo.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #327 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.
by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly
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