Monday, October 19, 2015

Social Media Oversharing: Your Biggest Security Risk Could Be You - #infographic

Social Media Oversharing: Your Biggest Security Risk Could Be You - #infographic

Cyber criminals are smart- from curated malware and targeted attacks, security breaches happen every day. Cyber attacks have have increased more than 70% over 2013 and 47% of all US adults have had their personal data exposed by hacking attacks in the last year. With the increased volume of attacks and breaches, our biggest risk to security is ourselves.

Oversharing, while annoying in most situations, can also be an incredible security risk to accounts and could be making it easier for criminals to access information. How much of you is actually on your social media accounts? Even data that you don’t mean to share easily ends up for everyone to see, from phone information to location to even usage habits that give hackers clues into your accounts.

by Guest Author via Digital Information World

Design Games — Design the Box

Design the Box is the eighth in our series of Design Games.

Is this your first time visiting our design games series? A design game is basically a fun activity played by a small team and used to provide input to a design problem. They may involve users of a product, a project team, stakeholders, or even management.

For a more detailed description of what a design game is, check out our first design game post or refer to our other design games.

Description of Design the Box

Participants design the box for a new product (even one that will never be sold in a box). In doing so, they identify key features and selling points for the product.

To use this game, ask participants to design the box for a product. On the front of the box, they should include:

  • The name of the product
  • A tagline describing the product

On the back of the box, they should include:

  • Key features (3-5 features only)
  • Constraints or requirements (again, just a short list)

The game should be played with a physical box, post-it notes and thick markers (thick so people don’t go into a lot of detail).


You’ll need:

  • A product, service or system to be the focus of the activity
  • Something to be the ‘box’, such as old cereal boxes covered in white paper.
  • Fat markers

You may also prepare an instruction sheet and an example of the activity.

RunBack of an example box showing features and constraints

Start by explaining what the aims of the activity are – to come up with ideas and features for a product and succinctly describe them. Explain the product or service idea. You may want to provide a lot of background, so participants focus on their ideas in some detail, or you may want to provide only very sketchy background so participants focus on generating high level ideas.

Get people into teams (teams of 3-5 work well). Allow enough time for the teams to discuss the idea, focus on what they would like to present, and prepare their box.

This may take anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour, depending on the complexity of the topic.When everyone has prepared their box, ask each team to explain what they have created and some of their rationale.


There is little work needed to analyse the outcomes from this game. As the key idea of this game is to identify key features, pay attention to these and the underlying rationale for including them.


The post Design Games — Design the Box appeared first on UX Mastery.

by Donna Spencer via UX Mastery

Web Design Weekly #208


Design Systems

Adam Morse is without doubt one of the most talented developers in the front-end space at this present time and in this piece he does a little brain dump about how he thinks about design systems and building things on the web. (

If one hit a week isn’t enough, follow WDW on Twitter


Using Web Fonts In 2015

As with most aspects of web development the way we implement things changes all the time. In this post Anselm Hannemann explains the best way to currently load web fonts. (

Responsive Image Workflow

Responsive images can be an overwhelming change to implement in your existing project but hopefully this post by Jon Yablonski gives you some helpful tips to make the transition easier. (

What UX Designers can Learn from Architects

Lim Ling looks at the steps architects take before going into designing to ensure they are addressing the target users’ needs. Unlike in UX design, many of these steps are mandatory and regulated by authorities. Some interesting reading that I’m sure most designers will find enjoyable. (

The Tragicomic History of CSS Color Names

If you are keen to nerd out on the history of CSS Color names this article is for you. (

The Future of Web Development – React, Falcor and ES6

The engineering team at Widen are living on the edge when it comes to using all the “new” toys. In this post Ray Nicholus give the low down on how they went about restructuring things to be futuristic. (

An Introduction to Sprite Animation

A nice easy to follow tutorial that gives an overview of how you can set up a basic looping animation with a small amount of JavaScript. (

What attributes make a logo memorable? (

Tools / Resources

Simplicity in Front-End Tooling

With so many tools currently available it’s easy to keep adding more and more to your workflow but taking a step back and assessing the necessity is extremely important to limit complexity. Especially when other developers need to help out. (

Interview Questions Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

Eric Elliott shares some really great advice to help you nail your next interview. (

Tools That Help Inform Design Decisions

In this post Lee Munroe shares some useful tools to help collect quality data to help take your site or app to the next level. (


The fastest way to build beautiful Electron applications with simple HTML & CSS. ( – Create Useful .gitignore Files For Your Project (

Prototyping with Principle (

A cartoon guide to Flux (


The Snowballing of Practice

A great reminder from Chris Coyier about learning, the frustrations with leaning and why we shouldn’t get too annoyed with ourselves in the early stages because things will become easier. (

The Obvious, the Easy and the Possible (

Pippin Williamson – AMA (


UI Designer at Melewi

If you’re a UI designer interested in being part of a constantly evolving team, with the freedom to travel and work remotely, please flick us an email. (

Web Developer at Spotify

We are looking for web developers to join our teams throughout Spotify. We need engineers in all areas of web development, from people with excellent front end skills through to people with deep knowledge of back end integration. (

Need to find passionate developers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter

Last but not least…

How Google’s Primer team approached UX (

The Future of JavaScript (

The post Web Design Weekly #208 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly

Combining WP_Query With the Main Query

So far in this series you've learned how to use WP_Query to create custom queries for use in your theme or plugins.

In most cases, you'll use WP_Query with a completely new set of arguments which are separate from that in the main query, but what if you want to include the main query in your arguments?

Examples of when you might want to do this include:

  • on a category or taxonomy page, displaying only posts of one post type
  • on a category page, displaying posts with the current category and another category or a tag or taxonomy term
  • on a page for a post type, just displaying posts with certain metadata

I could go on—there are plenty of opportunities for combining the main query with your own custom query.

I'm going to demonstrate this with three examples: the first one will be a simple example with one loop; the second will use foreach to output multiple loops, one for each post type; and the third will output two post types on a category archive by using two separate queries.

Defining a Variable Based on the Main Query

However you're going to combine your main query with WP_Query, you need to store the current query object in a way that makes it easy to use in your WP_Query arguments. The easiest way to do this is by assigning it to a variable.

You do this before defining your WP_Query arguments, like so:

The get_queried_object() function returns the currently queried object, whatever that may be. On a single post, it will just return the post object, while on an archive it will return the category, tag, term object or whatever object relates to the archive. It returns the ID of the queried object.

You can then use this $mainquery variable in your WP_Query arguments. Now let's take a look at some examples.

Example 1: Displaying Only Posts of One Post Type on a Category Page

Let's say your site has a custom post type added to it and you've enabled categories for that custom post type. On the category archive for each category, you don't want to display posts: instead you want to display posts of your new post type—let's call it product.

Your query might look something like this:

Because the category_name parameter I've used above takes the category slug as its argument, you need to add ->slug after the variable to output the category slug.

This gives you a query which fetches posts of the product post type from the database with the currently queried category. You'd use it on the category.php page template.

Note: You could also achieve this result using the pre_get_posts hook to amend the main query, combined with a conditional function to check for category archives.

Example 2: Combining the Main Query With WP_Query and foreach to Output Multiple Loops

The next example will output all of the posts for the current category page, but instead of showing them all in one block it will separate them by post type.

This means you can sort your post types into blocks or columns on your page using CSS, or just separate them out into different lists.

To do this, you'd use the following code:

This uses the $mainquery variable we used before, but it also adds a $post_types variable to store all of the post types registered on the site, and a $post_type variable to store each individual post type in turn.

Example 3: Two Separate Queries for Two Post Types

The final example is similar to the second one, but separates out the post types into two separate queries, each with its own distinct loop. This gives you more control over what's displayed for each, so you could display posts differently from products, maybe including a featured image for products or giving them a different layout.

Let's say your site has the product post type registered, with categories enabled for it, and you're also writing blog posts with the same categories. On each category archive page you want to display the most recent ten posts, and then you want to display a list of all products in the same category.

To do this, you'd use something like this code:

You'd then write each loop differently to output different data for each post type.


As you can see from the examples above, it's possible to use WP_Query not only to create completely custom queries separate from the main query, but also to incorporate the currently queried object and create more powerful queries on archive pages.

The examples above can also be done with other archive types: for taxonomies, authors, dates and more. See if you can come up with more possibilities!

by Rachel McCollin via Tuts+ Code

What’s New in Ember 2.0?

This article was peer reviewed by Stephan Max. Thanks to all of SitePoint's peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

Ember is an JavaScript framework, based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and used for creating single page applications. Recently, version 2.0 of the framework was released under the motto “Stability without Stagnation”. What this means is that Ember 2.0 didn’t ship with any new features, as those features intended for the 2.0 release (such as the Glimmer rendering engine) were already present in previous versions.

Ember 2.0 also removes many of the older APIs which had been deprecated in the 1.x versions. This means that if you can create an Ember 1.13 app which is free from deprecation warnings, the upgrade to 2.0 will be seamless. This is in stark contrast to the furor surrounding last year’s Angular 2.0 announcement.

The features intended for Ember 2.0 have been termed “precursor features” by the Ember team. So, for the rest of this article, I will be highlighting the major precursor features and how to use them. We will also examine some of the features intended for future releases.

If you would like to follow along, you’ll need to create an Ember project using the latest version of the framework. Show me how.

Precursor Features for Ember 2.0



Views have been deprecated in favor of components. Consisting of two parts (a JavaScript component file and a Handlebars template), components are isolated by design and are better suited to reuse throughout your application (unlike views). A compatibility addon is available which will be maintained by the Ember team until version 2.6 of Ember. This is to help transition apps making heavy use of views to the latest Ember. Compatibility of this addon with Ember will stop at version 2.4. When building new Ember applications, developers should favor components over views.

ArrayController and ObjectController

ArrayController and ObjectController have been deprecated in favor of the generic Controller class. This is because they created some unnecessary confusion among developers and there was ambiguity about which controller type is generated by Ember if none is specified. With this deprecation, there will only be one type of controller.

To make this transition, change code which looks like this:

exports default Ember.ObjectController.extend({


exports default Ember.ArrayController.extend({


exports default Ember.Controller.extend({

A controller addon is also supported until Ember 2.6 to help transition apps.

Attribute Bindings

In past, the {{bind-attr}} helper was used to bind properties to DOM attributes. With Ember 2.0, you no longer need this helper. Instead of doing something like:

<a {{bind-attr href=location }} >Link Text</a>

You can now do something like this instead, which is much nicer and clearer

<a href={{location}} >Link Text</a>

Continue reading %What’s New in Ember 2.0?%

by Lamin Sanneh via SitePoint



Impressive infographics in this interactive One Pager by Carlo Zapponi visualising how all the programming languages are used on GitHub. Carlo is, no surprise, in charge of data visualisation at The Guardian.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

nuContextMenu – Modern jQuery Context Menu

nuContextMenu is a jQuery plugin to create modern context menu with Font Awesome support for web apps.

by via RSS Feed