Thursday, August 18, 2022

New Survey Proves 49% Of Android Users Prefer Switching To iPhones Because It’s Safer

The debate between Android and iPhone devices is one that has evolved in the past few years. But a new study is shedding light on what Android users really think about making a switch to iPhones and why.

According to the research published, almost half of Android users wouldn’t mind making the switch to Apple smartphones. And the reason being is simple: they call it safer and more private as compared to Android.

The results of the survey aren’t a huge surprise for obvious reasons. Many can’t help but hold a clear superiority of iPhones over all others. And in addition to that fact, consumers definitely feel a little safer when using the latest version of the iPhone 13 when compared to the latest Samsung S22.

The news comes to us thanks to the report published by Beyond Infinity, which set out with the task to have nearly 1,000 Americans interviewed for this purpose of mobile security.

Regarding users’ habits and feelings, around 76% of iPhone users feel safe and satisfied with their devices. On the other hand, a good 74% of users of Android devices carried the same sentiments.

Both smartphone users say it’s a remarkable difference between both devices and they’d definitely prefer the iPhone maker over Samsung any day. Moreover, it was interesting to see iPhone users claim that they were more than twice as likely to trust their device than any other, especially Android.

In specific words, the iPhone happened to be the most secure device that they’ve come across in their lives.

Meanwhile, other key findings seen in the study were related to how cloud services really affect both Apple and Android users.

Around 20% of the users surveyed having iCloud keychain claim to feel so safe, while the rest can’t be said for Google users in regard to their Password Manager. Only 13% of the latter felt safe there.

On the other hand, let’s move on to Apple users, of which 27% feel so safe when using their iCloud. In comparison, around 22% of users from Google Drive felt the same.

Ever since we’ve come across newer versions of operating systems, there has been a straight upgrade in security advancements. That is why 33% of Android users are feeling the pressure to switch to Apple’s iPhone and avail the benefits like a new lockdown mode that would be launched soon.

The study has also shed light on how iPhone users tend to be more updated and concerned about their privacy and security status than others. For instance, they’ll be busy choosing pins comprising six digits rather than the usual four.

These users are also part of the bunch who are continuously monitoring the tracking of their current locations. They are going to avail better enhancements related to security like facial recognition too. And yes, no Android devices are offering the benefits and technology as Apple yet.

We also saw the research asking respondents who shed light on any security breach incidents that they were involved in. And neither of the two groups was strangers to hacking and malware incidents. But again, it was much less with iPhone users.

A greater majority of iPhone users were reported to have never been through any sort of security breach, in comparison to their Android counterparts.

In those situations where a security breach did manage to take place involving their iPhones, around 20% said they could completely recover the data that had been lost. But at the same time, some users may be thinking they’re too safe as a greater majority of Apple device owners reported devices getting lost.
Read next: What Do People Really Search For Online And Why? New Survey Highlights Top Ten Secret Search Topics
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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