Saturday, August 20, 2022

Snapchat has conducted a survey on what internet privacy means to users on the internet

The internet is a vast place full of opinions, points of view, and judgments. On the internet, a user is subjected to all of them and thrust into their world. On social media apps like Snapchat people are even more variations of the internet and try to maintain privacy settings over their socials so that they can avoid the scrutiny of their peers.

The new rise of private groups on WhatsApp and Facebook provides a testament to this. Also, on Instagram people have started using IG Direct more than tagging people in comments or stories.

With all this happening it makes sense for most of the sharing to go on behind the scenes rather than being the star of the show. But, the real question that comes up is what exactly are the privacy apprehensions of users, and what are the exact key tension points for the users?

Snap Inc. set out to find the answer to this question with their new survey in which more than 13,519 daily social media users were questioned across 11 different markets that belonged to the age group of 13-40.

According to the data released in the report, the key findings of the study were;

77% of respondents consider online privacy as important, while only 72% of respondents are happy with the current level of online privacy that our fav social media apps have to offer.

90% of social media users have it as a priority that the apps they use care about their privacy while they engage on their platform.

Last but not the least, the platform should release features that help the users communicate better all while still having some control as to what information of theirs is available is a huge factor in building the company-consumer trust bridge.

Read next: 7 in 10 consumers feel uncomfortable if their online activity gets leaked to someone they are familiar with
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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