Monday, December 26, 2022

Americans are looking for more exercise and save money in 2023, survey reveals

With the new year right across the corner, resolutions are bound to start coming out. Many of us make resolutions every year, and some of us, contrary to popular opinion, follow through with them. And now this is the time to either finally remember old half-forgotten resolutions or to make new ones.

To find out what exactly the resolutions made by Americans were, Statista conducted a survey where they asked 413 Americans over the age of 18 and younger than 89 what their resolution was. This survey was conducted in the period between October 25 to November 2, 2022.

According to the survey, the most common resolution for people to make was to exercise more which was made by more than half of the respondents. 52% of the American adults who took the survey said that their new year resolution is to exercise more in the upcoming year. Next up in second place was the resolution to eat healthier with 50% of people swearing by it. In third place was the resolution to lose weight. This was the chosen resolution of 40% of people and it wraps up the big three which are all health-related.

As this year in which inflation rates reached all-time highs come to an end the hustle to save money continues as it should. The resolution to save money took 4th place with 39% of respondents making it their plan for the upcoming year.

The survey also included some classic and as some might say cliché resolutions like spending time with family and friends rather than wasting it on social media which was at a high place in the survey.

Stress while on the job is no new thing and reducing that is exactly what 19% of respondents want. Some of the less common resolutions included reducing the use of Alcohol and other toxin-containing stuff like cigarettes alongside working more for the betterment and preservation of the environment like becoming vegetarian or sometimes entirely vegan. However, 10 percent of respondents are planning to become vegan/vegetarian in the upcoming year.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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