Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What Will the Jobs of Tomorrow Look Like?

Long gone are the days when you could get a job and stick with it for life. The workers of today need to keep their skills well honed so that they can hop from job to job, and chances are that this will get kicked into overdrive for the workers of tomorrow. Previous generations used to change their jobs about two to three times, but in spite of the fact that this is the case workers these days change their jobs almost twice as often with an average of 5.7.

That raises a lot of questions about how the jobs of the future might cater to such employment needs. For one thing, 32% of knowledge workers stated that the ability to work remotely was a deal breaker for them. These workers have already quit their jobs due to the lack of work from home options that were provided to them.

61% of all employees indicated that they would switch jobs if they got the chance to start working remotely. If we only factor in workers between the ages of 18 and 24, this proportion jumps to 100% Considering that 91% of employees are happier when they can work from home, this is not a huge surprise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 66% of workers stated that remote work gave them more time to spend with their families. 61% reported being able to save more money, and 62% stated that it resulted in a boost in their overall morale.

The future of work seems to involve a devolution of current bureaucracies. Workers will be more likely to go for jobs that involve less complex hierarchies, and smaller organizations will be better equipped to provide such an experience.

Workspaces that are designed to optimize employee comfort and wellness may be able to hold on to more employees than might have been the case otherwise. The use of digital assistants is also likely going to rise dramatically, and there will be an increased culture of collaboration between workers regardless of their main role.

This will likely precipitate the rise of a new form of executive employee, namely Chief of Work. Such Chiefs of Work might be useful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up streamlining the new type of work that people are going to dedicate themselves to.

Home health support workers are going to see an influx of new roles by 2031, with an estimated 924,000 new jobs being available within the span of a decade. Restaurant cooks will also be in high demand, with around 460,000 new jobs coming about before 2031. The restaurant industry will be a huge boon for most people looking for gainful employment, with fast food workers and waiters also likely seeing increased demand.

A lot of the newer jobs will be low paying, but there will also be an estimated 370,000 new jobs for software developers by 2031. Their median salary is over $120,000, so this can be an excellent field for new workers to aspire to if they want to earn a good living and maintain their quality of life.

H/T: ExecutivePlacements

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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

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