Saturday, April 15, 2023

WhatsApp Is Bringing New Security Enhancements And Working On New Group Chat Features

WhatsApp is again proving to the world why it’s one of the best texting platforms out there today.

The company is making sure its users stay guarded and protected at all times, thanks to the launch of a new array of security enhancements.

If you happen to be an avid WhatsApp user, we’re sure you know by now that it’s not exactly simple to switch from one particular device to the next. We do hope to see things getting better with the launch of its companion mode. But for now, we’re seeing the app stick to a more classic approach to keep things simple.

This would stop the account from getting hijacked and being transferred without any sort of authorization. As per a recent post published in the company’s blog, we are seeing a new endeavor called Account Protect come into play. It requests authorization and verification for old devices before an account gets transferred to new devices.

Device Verification is just one of the means that WhatsApp plans to use to ensure users are safe and their accounts are secure. If you visit the app’s engineering page on the Meta website, you’ll see how it’s a huge dive into the realms of technology and very technical.

Furthermore, it doesn’t require interactions with users and will be active throughout. And while the app is known for its end-to-end encryption feature, there are certainly times when you can see malware interfering with the secure surroundings. And in the end, it affects the overall functions of the platform and sends out texts without the user noticing or giving consent.

The app confirmed in the blog how its authentication keys are really secure but there are always exceptions. You can see the app stealing this kind of data. And one particular example related to this is a third-party client on the app that’s unauthorized. When the authentication key gets compromised, hackers or bad actors could use this data to impersonate others in chats and product texts that are not wanted. The worst are images that lead to huge scams.

The issue is problematic for users and everyone else involved. Similarly, it can be hard to see what is going on in the world. You also have device verification and that would entail three new parameters that prevent these kinds of activities from taking place later on.

Other than that, the company is launching some new features for users to enjoy. This would be related to group chats and was first announced a few weeks back through the app’s official webpage.

Now, the app is staying true to its promise of allowing 1024 users to join a group chat so the more members there are, you don’t have to worry about them being excluded.

The new limit is going to be officially launched worldwide with the company speaking about giving more regulatory control to admins for groups.

This would entail a new system for approval that was part of a previous beta in a recent update. Similarly, you can now look for groups that a certain contact would be a member of by looking for the name.

The features are coming soon so if you don’t happen to have them at this moment in time, don’t worry. They are rolling out in the next few weeks. It’s really important for users to keep on updating the app through the respective Play Store and App Store so they don’t stay behind in terms of the latest offerings by the WhatsApp company.

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by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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