Saturday, September 17, 2022

Even after taking eco-friendly measures, Apple is in a hotspot for its iPhone 14 release

For the last couple of months, a number of original equipment makers have been showcasing the durability of their products.

Samsung took the opportunity to sell its latest foldable based on its sustainability by introducing the Galaxy for the Planet movement, in which the company shared its plan to use fewer resources for the production of its devices in order to minimize the burden on the environment.

A similar decision was also announced for Nokia, in which it was shared that the company will be getting back into business by following the three “R” rule, which includes recycle, refurbish, and resubscribe.

At the time of the announcement for the upcoming iPhone 14, Apple also promised that the company would be using recycled materials for the magnets as well as for the circuit boards used in device manufacturing. By 2025, the company will be able to exclude plastic from all of its products.

Because of these recycled parts, the overall carbon footprint is now 10% lower than in previous iPhone generations.

As being one of the largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world, refurbished devices make sure that the emissions levels are dropped to a minimum as the device is sustainable enough to be used for a longer time period.

By 2030, the company aims to achieve this goal for every Apple product so that the environment doesn’t need to suffer from any of their products.

However, on the other hand, some environmentalists and critics believe that the aims and goals of Apple are just words on a piece of paper. If the company really wanted to do good work for the environment, they wouldn’t have released the iPhone 14 generation.

This statement was further supported by Apple's own statement, which stated that these devices will emit carbon emissions during manufacturing. So a device that starts its journey with such an emission will be susceptible enough to cause more damage throughout its time period.

It is also believed that another reason why the iPhone 14 shouldn’t have been released is that it doesn’t offer any major changes as compared to the iPhone 13, so the company could’ve waited for some time before releasing a new device with more noticeable changes.

The debate will carry on between environmentalists and such companies as long as they don’t agree to take major steps towards the protection of the environment.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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