Friday, September 30, 2022

Popular Game Streaming Service Stadia Comes To An End As Google Announces Shut Down

The last time we heard about the launch of Stadia was nearly 2.5 years ago. This is when the popular game streaming service was launched. But now, Google has opted to pull the plug on the venture, marking the official end.

Therefore, subscribers won’t be having access to the library after January of 2023 because it’s shutting down forever. As mentioned in a recent blog post of the firm, Google says it hopes to have all of its refunds for consumers done and dusted with by this time too.

In case you happen to be following closely, Google is yet to be acknowledging the struggles of the past regarding the project. We just saw a tweet in July of this year where it answered curious users’ queries on if the app was shutting down or not. And they didn’t quite say yes or no but spoke about how they’re keen on getting the best games for the platform.

They continued to carry out trials for months to create their audience and they did a great job, we believe.

Now, Google has shifted gears and is speaking about some rather interesting reasons as to why it has come to the decision. According to them, Stadia may have had strong support or foundation but it just didn’t pick up the pace as expected with users. So now, they’re winding down the service as stated in the post.

The firm was seen putting out a type of silver lining in its infrastructure and we saw game streaming of a low latency arise. Moreover, we’re also seeing some great chances to put forward this technology through other leading apps like Google’s YouTube, Play Store, and even AR ventures.

There is a great chance seen for the industry’s partners to make use of this type of technology and build on the future of gaming. Google adds how it’s always been committed to games and will surely invest more in the future. Be it tools, platforms, or technology- they’re going to use help from developers to make things better and arise with a bang.

Google adds that the service got plenty of great reviews overall. And the company was facing a huge battle in terms of its surrounding competition through the likes of Microsoft and even Sony, and Luna as well. The latter belongs to Amazon. But in February of last year, we saw a shutdown occur of its studio for internal development.

But things just didn’t do well in Stadia making the mark it needed to succeed in the competitive market and that’s why the tech giant isn’t keen on making more investments. As far as the employees who used to work there, well, they’re going to be shifted to several other positions around the firm. And we think that’s great as compared to laying them off as a whole. With times of economic uncertainty, that would be really bad for such individuals.

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by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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