Friday, September 30, 2022

YouTube Will Help Users Gain Insight On Medical Disorders By Sharing Patients’ Personal Stories

When it comes to acquiring knowledge on health conditions, people love turning to the internet for help. Be it a minor inconvenience or a serious disorder, everyone is out to get information that’s reliable and accurate.

On Wednesday, YouTube was seen making an announcement of plans to help users gain more insight into serious disorders. And they intend on doing that by providing a first-hand perspective, straight from patients who have suffered from such conditions. After all, who better to give input than this?

The rollout is all set to begin this week and it will come under the section that’s named Personal Stories. After adding queries related to your health in the search results, people will see a new panel pop up in regards to similar health conditions across the app. This will comprise videos of those people who were diagnosed with the same condition.

YouTube went on to shed light on how so many people arrive on this platform to nail the understanding linked to complex matters on the theme of health like human biology or complex conditions.

Some of the app’s findings saw how users tend to ask queries that are human-centric. This includes answers to queries like how they would be able to survive something like this or how are people living in this way. And that’s why a firsthand experience is definitely what they require as satisfactory responses.

Speaking at the launch, YouTube shed more like on how the section reserved for Personal Stories will also feature tales of cancer survivors and those battling or have battled depression and anxiety. With time, the firm will plan on expanding the ordeal so as to cover various topics and areas outside the US.

Meanwhile, content that would be declared as eligible in this respect must be those that focus on authentic experiences of living through either mental or physical disorders.

Content that’s promotional isn’t eligible for the functionality. So as you can see, YouTube has set up a series of stringent guidelines that it wants people to follow so as to enable the spread of correct information and prevent misinformation rates.

This functionality isn’t meant for those seeking medical advice. Yet, we’re seeing YouTube be criticized immensely as health misinformation rates on the app are skyrocketing.

During the start of the year, around 80 different fact-checkers were seen writing to the app about keeping strict control on videos promoting incorrect information about the pandemic.

As you can imagine, releasing another venture related to health means criticism is bound to come the app’s way. For it to be successful, YouTube will need to be transparent about how it plans to moderate such content being presented.

The last thing anyone wants is to see people suffering from disorders be provided with advice that’s misleading or fake. So keeping a check or moderating such situations is going to be a huge challenge.

Read next: YouTube Is Adding Surround Sound And Other Social Features To Its TV App
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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