Saturday, November 19, 2022

AR/VR Shopping in the US: The Next Big Thing or A Big Flop?

Despite the growing popularity of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), a new report finds that these technologies have yet to acquire 90% of US adults because they face challenges in terms of adoption.

AR and VR are two of the hottest new technologies on the market. And while there are many potential applications for these technologies, one of the most fascinating is shopping.

In theory, AR/VR shopping could revolutionize the way we shop. It would allow us to try on clothes, test out products, and get a real feel for how they would look and feel in our homes before we ever make a purchase.

But is this the future of shopping? Or is it just a passing trend that will soon fizzle out? Only time will tell. But in the meantime, let’s take a closer look at different research done on AR/VR shopping in the US to see what the potential is for this new technology.

A recent study finds that just 13 percent of US adults use Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) when shopping, a number that’s remained relatively stagnant since 2016.

A survey in June based on US social media users found that most respondents still aren’t using AR or VR when shopping, even though the technology has been around for a few years and was rated as the least significant digital shopping feature. The customer's wants were based on satisfactory customer service.

The use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in shopping is becoming more popular in the US among teenagers, with several retailers investing in these technologies. While young shoppers are enthusiastic about the potential of these technologies, adults are skeptical about their usefulness.

The report of the Deloitte study from September evaluates that VR shopping is still in its early days, with just 5 percent of respondents saying they’ve used it. Only 6 percent of respondents said they had used AR to shop.

In conclusion, AR/VR shopping in the US is still in its early stages. While there are a few big players in the space, the average consumer including teenagers and adults is not yet familiar with the technology. For AR/VR shopping to become the next big thing, retailers need to invest in educating consumers and developing compelling use cases.

AR/VR shopping still hasn’t reached 90% of US adults

H/T: Insider Intelligence

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