Monday, November 14, 2022

Elon Musk Carries On With Thousands Of Job Cuts While Hinting At New Changes On The App

Each day, Elon Musk is putting out more ideas on what to expect next on the Twitter app. And there were no surprises related to thousands of job cuts.

The firing spree is now headed to attack contract-based employees and it’s just baffling how the layoffs continue at such alarming rates. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the reshuffling phase is carrying on at a high pace at the Twitter headquarters.

On the weekend, we saw Elon Musk and his team transition and cut out 4,400 more contract employees out of a staggering 5,500. For those wondering, the app likes to use contractors for a range of different tasks. So you can’t really call them employees and hence were not a part of the staff cull that arose during the initial days of the acquisition by Musk.

Some insider reports have gone as far as mentioning how contractors weren’t informed about having contracts canceled. They only realized the reality of the situation when they found that they no longer had access to the company’s systems. For now, there is no news on what exactly the repercussions of such a decision would be. However, it is believed that it would affect moderation as well as tasks involving day-to-day ordeals.

One thing we know for sure is that Elon Musk has never been shy about his desire to conduct massive layoffs and reduce spending. Today, the app is incurring losses worth $4 million each day and he feels that firing people would work to address the matter, if not whole but at least in part. But what he may not be realizing is how losing out on this many contractors isn’t the best for the firm’s service. And we feel that if things are really beginning to crumble, this might be one of the main reasons why.

Before we forget, remember how Musk is also taking part in a constant back-and-forth ordeal where he fires and then rehires. How interesting is that and how negative can that turn out to be for the firm? Also, it just shows how much mismanagement there is in the organization.

Moving on, we have to talk a little about the famous Twitter Blue subscriptions worth $8 and how it had promised verified ticks. It has reportedly been a little messy and even went as far as giving rise to impersonations, defamation, and some misrepresentations. People were just so confused in terms of understanding what these blue ticks meant.

So many big names in the world have been suffering thanks to this new verification policy as people are impersonating leading brands and public figures, fooling others on the platform. Hence, Twitter has now put it on hold as the billionaire chief feels it certainly requires some modification. He did indeed confirm how he didn’t think the ticks would be available by this week’s end with a change of course.

This might be in the form of a new ‘official’ gray tick that comes alongside the original blue tick. It sounds quite bizarre to us too and although we don’t know how things would work out in the end, there is certainly going to be more transparency in the process of verification. Hence, a blue tick represents a verified identity in collaboration with a brand or business of some sort. In the end, imposters aren’t going to be able to copy people having parody accounts as no additional seal of approval comes forward. Still, we’re waiting for the firm to provide more details if and when that occurs.

Read next: Users Leaving Twitter May Be Trending Worldwide But New Poll Proves Otherwise
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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