Monday, March 27, 2023

A TikTok Ban In The US Is Not Coming Soon Due To This Big Reason

For a while now, we’ve been hearing a lot about how the US is making arrangements for a foolproof ban on the popular social media platform TikTok across the country.

The company's CEO was requested to Testify before the Senate yesterday in the country’s capital city of Washington DC and he did go very well prepared with his testaments that were all pre-written.

But the news of a ban on the app has been taking place for a good few years now. It really began to become intense for a fraction of a minute in 2020 under the leadership of US president Donal Trump but even then, it never receive a ban after all.

However, we do give full credit to the US Congress for never failing at trying. But now, toward the end of 2022, the ban speculations are running at full speed when the country opted to ban the app from all devices possessed by government officials. Moreover, they called the company out for being a huge threat to the nation’s security.

The decision was awfully interesting but did nothing in terms of stopping usage data from exiting the country’s borders because in case you weren’t aware, TikTok’s data collection goes far above the usual flagship applications.

With time, things began to look a little disturbing and yesterday, the US Congress was at it again. They really put China’s strong relationship with the platform on display. But similar to events in the past, we don’t exact the ban to actually ensue due to the simple reason of money.

In case you don’t know, it’s all about money talks, and in the world of politics, money does scream. Let’s not forget how the leading app is making a lot of revenue through its American market. But not only this, we are seeing the rate of revenue through iOS apps grow to new heights, almost like the firm is printing currency.

Meanwhile, thanks to data from App Intelligence by AF, we know that the net revenue of the TikTok app on the Play Store is a small error away from hitting the staggering value of $1,000,000,000 by last year. Yes, that’s one billion US dollars and we’re not even including revenue taken in from China. Also, this is what is left after the app is paying out its dues to Apple for having the privilege of taking space on its App Store.

The reason why the App Store was focused on so much and all nations were included other than China as the app’s main driver for revenue is indeed America. And so if the app does get banned here, it’s bound to receive a ban in other nations too.

We saw that arise with the government of the UK banning the app and soon after that, countries like New Zealand opted to pick up the pace and follow in its footsteps.

There are concerns over national security regarding TikTok, which may lead to a ban in the US. Despite the company's CEO testifying before the Senate, it is unlikely to happen due to the app's significant revenue in the American market. The UK has already banned TikTok, and other countries may follow suit.

Read next: India's TikTok Ban Paves the Way for Domestic and International Social Media Competitors, Could the US Follow Suit?
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

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