Thursday, March 16, 2023

Major Tech Companies and Open-Source Projects Among the Most Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks, Report Finds

Recent analysis shows that Google, Fedora Project, and Microsoft had the most exposures in 2022. The good folks over at AtlasVPN analyzed the information from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system to determine which companies and products were most at risk for cyber attacks.

It highlights that Google had the most vulnerabilities with a total of 1372 exploits reported in the previous year. This was followed by the Fedora Project with 945 susceptibilities and Android with 897. Other companies, with a major open-to-attack ratio, included Chrome Operating System, Fedora Linux, and open-source software such as Debian.

Besides this, according to an analysis from CVSS, Microsoft products are ranked 9+ (the score that determines the intensity of vulnerabilities). The Apple developments also rate at 9+ with over 17% share in weaknesses. Google comes third with ratings of 9+ and 14% of the overall share.

But to keep note, a product's vulnerability count does not always indicate how secure it is. Popular and open-source goods frequently have more flaws since more people are finding hacks for them.

While the number of vulnerabilities in Google's products is concerning, it is worth noting that Google also has one of the largest product portfolios in the world, with numerous products and services used by millions of people every day. This makes it a prime target for cybercriminals.

In response to the study, various organizations stated that they take security seriously and work continuously to improve the security of their products. They also urged users to enable two-factor authentication and to keep their software up to date to minimize the risk of cyber-attacks.

Despite the efforts of these organizations, the report highlights the need for increased vigilance when it comes to cybersecurity. With cyber-attacks becoming more frequent and sophisticated, individuals and businesses need to take steps to protect themselves and their data.

Some recommended steps include using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, keeping software up to date, and being wary of suspicious emails and links. By taking these steps, users can help minimize the risk of cyber-attacks and protect their sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.

Read next: 88% of Passwords Used By Businesses Consist of Basic Phrases
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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