Sunday, August 25, 2024

Nearly 39% of Americans Believe AI Etiquette Matters for the Future

During conversations with AI chatbots, you might wonder if politeness is necessary. Most people use words like “please”, “thank you” and other polite words while talking to AI chatbots. Talker Research conducted a survey of 2,000 Americans to find out how many of them talk politely with AI. The survey found out that only 7% of respondents describe their way of talking with AI models impolite and inconsiderate.

On the other hand, 48% of Americans think that they talk nicely to AI robots, with Gen-Z talking politely the most. Four in ten Americans (39%) believe that the way they behave and talk with AI models will somehow affect them in the future. 25% of the respondents said that they don't say “please” or “thank you” to AI models but aren't impolite. They just expect AI models to answer their questions and that's it.

56% of the Gen-Z were found to be the most polite while talking with AI. 52% of Millennials, 44% of Gen-X and 39% of Boomers are polite while talking with AI models. When the people who talked politely with AI were asked why they do it, 68% said that they just talk that way with everyone, while 29% of the respondents categorized themselves as compassionate and said that everyone deserves to be talked with politely. 48% said that they feel that AI deserves to be spoken to politely.

27% had a different approach and said that AI models and Alexa/Siri have no feelings so it's okay to speak to them rudely. 49% of men and 47% of women said the AI also deserves to be treated politely, while men (34%) are more likely to speak rudely to AI models than women (20%).

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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