Friday, August 2, 2024

Unbelievable 2026 Trend: AI to Create 48% of Business Social Media Posts!

Capterra conducted a survey of 1600 social media marketers to find out how many companies are going to use generative AI in the future. According to the survey, 48% of the companies are planning to use generative AI for social media marketing by 2026. Right now, only 39% of the companies think so but this percentage is going to increase in the upcoming years. The survey says that use of generative AI in the marketing field is going to increase a lot in regional powers while other regions are also going to use AI tools for social media marketing.

Right now, Australia, Canada, USA and Brazil are doing above-average use of generative AI while Canada, Spain and Brazil are going to increase the use of AI the most in the upcoming 18 months. Currently, AI is being widely used in English speaking countries because most of the information AIs are trained on are in English. Even though most AI models offer translation features, English speakers can make the best use of available data.

38% of the companies are going to adapt to AI in hopes that it will increase work productivity and efficiency. 34% of them are going to use it for easier idea generation and 33% of companies will use it for increased content production. 94% of companies who are already using generative AI say that it has saved them a lot of time and 73% say that AI has helped them increase impressions and engagements. 34% also claimed that AI generated content performs well as compared to 49% who said human created content performs better.

Generative AI also comes with many risks to the companies. 43% of the companies say that maintaining the authenticity of AI generated content is top risk for them. 35% say that it is challenging to make the audience interested in AI generated content while 19% say that overcoming internal resistance is a risk for them. Overall, 94% of the companies are worried that using generative AI content is going to harm their reputation. Experts say that if businesses and companies want to implement AI, it is important for them to know its potential risks. Businesses should make AI policies to save their time, improve engagements and yield competitive advantages. It is also advised that companies shouldn't risk publishing boring or misleading content and should thoroughly check the content before posting it on social media. Make sure to track the performance of AI generated content and make changes in your strategies accordingly.

Take a look at the charts below for more insights:

Read next: Evolution of Social Media Job Responsibilities Highlighted in New Analysis
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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