Thursday, August 1, 2024

Reddit CEO Justifies Blocking Microsoft From Crawling Its Site As Google Attains More Data

Last week, we heard about tech giant Reddit being accused of favoring Google while others such as Microsoft were blocked from crawling the platform.

Many questioned the behavior, forcing the company’s CEO to finally come forward and reveal the real reason why Bing was on the block list. And no surprises here as money is involved.

While most tech experts assumed an exclusive deal was signed behind close doors that gave Google an edge, the reality is far from that. CEO Steve Huffman explained how it’s got to do with the mere fact that Microsoft just won’t play ball.

It refuses to pay while Google is the exact opposite. This leaves the app with no choice but to prevent anyone crawling its site for free.

The deal that is in place with Google is worth a staggering $60M where the search giant can make use of Reddit data to improve its AI systems. Microsoft isn’t being left out, the CEO adds. It’s just that it refuses to negotiate and that’s why not a lot can be done there.

Seeing the drama and chaos unfold with all of these tech giants has been interesting. No deal or settlement was reached between Microsoft and Reddit, despite numerous discussions. Reddit accuses some other AI firms of reaching agreements that puts the company at a loss while there were quite a few unwilling to make promises that they could abide by.

Microsoft is saying no to negotiations because it feels Reddit does not even deserve a dime for that data. While the software giant refuses to go into the details on why it is being so stern, it did explain how it would accept and respect the painstaking task of being blocked from scrapping data from its page.

We feel that Microsoft is literally handing Google the driving seat position by ignoring Reddit’s demands. It’s just giving more people the chance to use Google than Bing, not to menton how the former’s marketshare is already hitting peak.

One thing that is interesting is how Microsoft striking a deal with Reddit is going to give rise to another deal with all other digital publishers. This is something great for the publishers but not so fascinating for Microsoft who would be attaining so much data free of cost.

Even tech giant OpenAI is on the right side of the story for Reddit, striking a deal at the year’s start for its SearchGPT.

This is all making us think about one thing. Investors can soon become tired of Microsoft’s antics and behavior because even after investing so much in AI, there’s not a lot of return. Do you agree?

We will keep you updated on whether or not Microsoft caves into the demands made by Reddit as it’s a game of wait and watch.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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