"Mr Branding" is a blog based on RSS for everything related to website branding and website design, it collects its posts from many sites in order to facilitate the updating to the latest technology.
To suggest any source, please contact me: Taha.baba@consultant.com
Monday, August 3, 2015
Team Les Chameaux
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day
taggingJS : jQuery plugin for Tagging
taggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system. It is like 5 kb
and support major browsers in the world!
The post taggingJS : jQuery plugin for Tagging appeared first on jQuery Rain.
by Admin via jQuery Rain
Watermark – Add Watermark on Images
Watermark is a jQuery plugin to add watermark on images use HTML5 and Javascript.
by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed
#SocialMedia Marketing: How to Perfect Your Vine Strategy - #infographic
More than 100 million people view Vines each month. That makes the platform fertile ground for a smart marketing strategy to increase your brand’s exposure.
Because the platform is fairly new, and the format unique, the folks at Surepayroll thought it might be helpful to explore exactly how you can use this Vine to help your business. Once you do, it can be a great way to use video to increase engagement with customers and prospects."
by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World
Web Design Weekly #197
On The Verge
This topic has been doing the rounds this week, but I think Jeremy Keith’s take on The Verge’s article “The Mobile web sucks” nails it. So many thoughtful points and advice as always. (adactio.com)
Get a free DeployBot account and stop stressing when it’s time to deploy code.
DeployBot is a simple app for deploying your code anywhere without complex recipes or configs. Build and compress your assets with Grunt, Gulp, Sass, LESS, CoffeeScript or any other tool in a container on our servers before deploying. (deploybot.com)
Front End Development is Development
Geoff Graham puts forward a point on why front end development is every bit as difficult and worthy of the title as any other subset. A great post with some very thoughtful comments. (css-tricks.com)
Spatial Interfaces
An epic post by Pasquale D’Silva that will no doubt be something that could be re-read for many years to come. He explores what makes a great spatial interface and looks at some big name companies for reference. (medium.com)
Modern CSS Layout, power and responsibility
Rachel Andrew reminds us that we need to continue to talk about accessibility and semantics alongside showcasing what these new tools can do for us because it’s not going to be all smooth sailing. (rachelandrew.co.uk)
Stop pushing the web forward
Peter-Paul Koch puts forward the idea that we should stop pushing any new features out for a year and that way we we’ll have a much better idea how to use the current features and an understanding of where we want the web to be pushed forward to. Interesting thinking, but I can’t see many stopping for a year at this present time….. (quirksmode.org)
Tools / Resources
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Modern JavaScript Tooling
The JavaScript world can be very overwhelming, especially when you start to look at tooling. Thankfully in this post Marcin Grzywaczewski tries to gives a quick overview about what the popular tools do – and whether you need them or not. (reactkungfu.com)
When to Use Em vs. Rem
You may have come to terms with using flexible units of measurement, but you still might not fully understand when to use rem’s and when to use em’s. In this tutorial, Kezz Bracey helps you figure it out. (tutsplus.com)
Font Magician
Font Magician is a PostCSS plugin that magically generates all of your @font-face rules, which means you never need to write a @font-face rule again. (github.com)
Show me the React
A Google Chrome extension that highlights React components on the page. Handy for those learning React and curious as to what is being built with it. (github.com)
Stretchy – Form element autosizing, the way it should be (lea.verou.me)
ES7 Decorators I want to use now (medium.com)
What The FlexBox? (flexbox.io)
Pixel Picker (github.com)
Redesigning a registration form step-by-step (joshwayne.com)
Inside Design at Ted (invisionapp.com)
Front-End Engineer at Vimeo
If you can write clean and reusable code using the latest front-end technologies, are keen to collaborate with a team of talented designers and other engineers to build award-winning work and are constantly working on ways to improve performance, we want to talk to you. (vimeo.com)
Front-End Engineer at Omada Health!
Omada Health is on a mission to make healthy behavior change more accessible and achievable. We are constantly creating new interactive content for our customers — you’ll play a key role in delivering and maintaining these features. (omadahealth.com)
Need to find passionate developers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter
From The Blog
The Battle Royale: Atom vs. Sublime
Dennis Gaebel has been on a mission of late in search of the perfect text editor. In this post, he gives GitHub’s Atom a week trial and talks about his experience. (web-design-weekly.com)
Last but not least…
Paul Irish performance audit screencast of various sites (youtube.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #197 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.
by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly
Stacky – jQuery Plugin to Create Stackable Panels
Stacky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to open panels horizontally, as you need them. Panels can be opened and closed, and also expanded and collapsed.
by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed