Thursday, December 31, 2015

5 Digital Marketing Resolutions You Can’t Afford To Break In 2016

5 New Year’s Resolutions For Digital Marketers - #infographic

Welcome to 2016!

It's the start of a New Year. And time to think about the future.

“Many of you are probably using this time to reflect on 2015 and make resolutions for 2016. Don’t forget to do the same with your marketing – think about what well in 2015 and what you can do to make sure 2016 is even better.”

The following infographic from Compete proposes 5 New Year’s resolutions that should be on your 2016 digital marketing to-do list.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Athena Partenos

Athena Partenos, the art of translation

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

How to Set, Get and Delete Cookies in WordPress

Unlike most modern web applications, WordPress is stateless. If you’re going to build a web application on top of WordPress, you’re going to need some sort of a system to maintain sessions.

Cookies provide a simple, conventional mechanism to manage certain settings for users who have signed in on the front-end.

In this article, we’ll briefly discuss cookies, why they’re needed in WordPress and how webmasters can benefit from them. We’ll also walk you through the process of setting, getting and deleting cookies.

Let’s get started!

Continue reading %How to Set, Get and Delete Cookies in WordPress%

by Rafay Saeed Ansari via SitePoint

What a Year! Help Us Make 2016 Even Better!

It’s been a wild ride here at the PHP channel. The peer review program took full swing and produced results so good they resonated across other channels. Our average traffic has continued to gradually rise, and reader engagement is up, too - no doubt owing to our transition back to a more user friendly commenting system.

We’ve begun an open source program in which we’ll do our best to develop and maintain high-utility packages intended for wide consumption, and we’ve initiated the #sourcehunt effort, a continuous series of posts targeting low-profile packages in need of contributors in order to give them much needed exposure. We’ve even adopted the wildly popular awesome-symfony list of Symfony resources.

In 2016, we’d like to do even better - and we’d like to start by clearing some of the bad rep that’s stuck to us from days long gone (somewhat reminiscent of a certain programming language, eh?). To that end, we’ve set up a super short survey below. We’d like to know how you feel about this channel - the positives and the negatives - and where we could most improve. This is super important to us, so please let us know - be as wordy as you wish, explain / complain about anything as much as you want, just be honest and objective. Try telling us what we’re doing wrong, what we’re doing right, and what we can do to shift stuff from the former section into the latter.

There’s only one rule - no complaining about the ads, popups, and other marketing things. We all hate ads, but they’re our bread and butter. Our advertisers are who make it possible for our content to remain free and accessible to everyone, and if you’d like to bypass this funding model we do offer SitePoint Premium.

Continue reading %What a Year! Help Us Make 2016 Even Better!%

by Bruno Skvorc via SitePoint

Free Course: How to Become a Web Developer

Web development can be a daunting topic to get started with. Unlike with conventional applications, not only do you need to be familiar with how the web works, but you also have to understand a variety of technologies and languages. 

In our free beginner's course, How to Become a Web Developer, you'll get a solid introduction to the most important aspects of web development.

What You’ll Learn

Envato Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will teach you everything you need to know to get started with web development. You'll learn how to create web pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Not only that, but you'll learn about some of the fundamentals of the internet: URLs, DNS, HTTPS and more! 

Watch the Introduction

Take the Course

To take this free course, simply go to the course page and follow the steps to create a free account. If you already have an account, just log in and you’ll be able to get started right away.

To help you get started as a web developer, you can also check out some of the most popular scripts, plugins and code snippets on Envato Market.

by Andrew Blackman via Envato Tuts+ Code

Magento Theme Development: Series Finale

2016 Social Media Marketing Predictions From the Experts


Are you wondering what marketers should plan for in 2016? Do you want to know where social media pros are focusing their attention? In 2015, new platforms made a big splash and several popular networks monetized. To get you ready for what’s coming next, we asked 14 social media marketing experts what to watch for [...]

This post 2016 Social Media Marketing Predictions From the Experts first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Lisa D. Jenkins via