Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind.
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"Mr Branding" is a blog based on RSS for everything related to website branding and website design, it collects its posts from many sites in order to facilitate the updating to the latest technology.
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Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind.
Do you want to add video to your social media content mix? Looking for ways to keep production costs low? Creating a video doesn’t have to cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in high-end production tactics like live actors or 3-D renderings. In this article you’ll discover how to create and promote social media [...]
This post How to Create Social Media Videos on a Budget first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle
Do you use your Facebook page to like and comment on other Facebook pages? Are the recent changes making it difficult for you to engage on Facebook as your page? In this article you’ll discover how Facebook page admins and Business Manager users can continue to engage on Facebook as their page. What Facebook Changed [...]
This post How to Engage With Other Facebook Pages Using Your Facebook Page first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle
Inspired by Basecamp, Daily Messages is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a custom message for each day of the week.
The post Daily Messages : jQuery Custom Message Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Grafi.js is a library intended for learning about how image processing works. Each modules are intentionally kept small and users are encouraged to read the source code to learn about different methods and algorithms. In result, grafi may not be the most performant or the most sophisticated image processing library, but that’s the point.
The post Grafi.js : JavaScript Image Processing Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.