Tuesday, January 3, 2017

5 jQuery Print Page Options

An interesting thing you might not know is that you can dynamically control the print preview UI on your site. By default the browser will choose what to print (most likely the whole window itself), however there are several jQuery plugins out there that will give you control over what is printed.

While print plugins might not be the most exciting plugins out there, here are some you might want to look into. We'll also touch on how you can build this functionality yourself if you're adventurous.

Note: Ancient browsers (I'm looking at you IE8) might behave strangely when using some of these plugins. However all modern browsers handle print previewing in a consistent way so keep that in mind if you need full comparability.

jQuery Print Preview

jQuery Print Preview

This small jQuery plugin lets you open a new browser window to display specific parts of your site for printing. Unlike some of the other plugins on this list, this plugin doesn't directly trigger the browser's print functionality, it simply opens up a minimal window (which is perfect as you can now print it directly).

The plugin's usefulness is for when you have sections of data you want to print e.g a card of information or a row in a table. You can open it up in a new window (providing configuration options to the plugin) and then print from there. This ensures that you're only printing the content you need.

Its browser support seems pretty comprehensive and worked well across my modern browsers.

It's unfortunately not on GitHub so it's hard to know if this is being actively supported. However that shouldn't deter you, You should see if it works for you and then use it 'as is'.


jQuery Print Plugin

jQuery Print Plugin

Don't let the ugly demo fool you. The jQuery Print Plugin works well and offers a range of settings for you to customize your printing needs. For example, you can set if the popup will take place in the current widow (via an iFrame), set the time to wait before the print display renders and place content before / after the popup.

To get up and running just pass it a jQuery object or selector and off you go, the plugin does the rest.

The author has pushed out a few commits in 2016 to improve the plugin. While there aren't many commits, it still looks like it will continue to grow.


Continue reading %5 jQuery Print Page Options%

by Simon Codrington via SitePoint

IoT Predictions for 2017

To consider how far the Internet of Things (IoT) could take us, consider the example of comic book superhero Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) and his virtual assistant, JARVIS, an artificial intelligence.

The name JARVIS is an acronym for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System,” but is also an obvious hat tip to the idea of a human butler. JARVIS takes care of all the things a butler would — he runs Tony’s home, keeps an eye on his master’s health, and helps him with administrative tasks.

But JARVIS can do much more than merely dim the lights at Tony’s command. He also controls his car and computers. JARVIS is like Siri on steroids, able to fulfill nearly any request once asked.

Each year, IoT gets a little closer to JARVIS-level intelligence in real life. We’re excited about smart home gadgets like the very tech-savvy Samsung Family Hub Refrigerator, as well as personal trainer substitutes like the HOIST fitness machines.

What will happen with this technology next year? In the next 10 years? To date, most of the buzz around IoT has concentrated on technology in the home. But will other spaces start to see the impact of IoT, too? How much is the phenomenon predicted to grow?

Here’s what you need to know about where IoT might be headed.

Continue reading %IoT Predictions for 2017%

by Hunter Jensen via SitePoint

Scrum Roles: Scrum Master

The following is an extract from our book, Scrum: Novice to Ninja, written by M. David Green. Copies are sold in stores worldwide, or you can buy it in ebook form here. Scrum is a system that supports sustained productivity for a team. But if you try to adopt scrum, and don’t give adequate consideration […]

Continue reading %Scrum Roles: Scrum Master%

by M. David Green via SitePoint

MenuSpy – Javascript Library to Highlight Menu Item Based On Scroll Position

MenuSpy is a JavaScript library to make navigation menus highlight the item based on currently in view section.

  • No dependencies
  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight and fast

by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed


JAMstack | JavaScript, APIs, and Markup

Informational One Pager explaining what the 'JAMstack' framework is all about while including resource links and community Twitter buzz.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Veintidos Grados

Unique and innovate projects which enhance the web experience though design, creativity and technology
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