Wednesday, February 1, 2017

30+ #SocialMedia Marketing Stats for 2017 (infographic)

As social media usage continues to grow at a steady rate it’s essential that entrepreneurs and marketers implement a social media marketing strategy for their business. A key part of any successful strategy is understanding the stats and trends that can affect the outcome of your efforts. To...

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by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Animated Filtering & Sorting with the MixItUp jQuery Plugin

Filtering and sorting parts of your website is a great way to organize content. Portfolios, albums, and blogs are just a few examples of things you might want to categorize. To achieve this, many JavaScript libraries can help. Two of the most popular ones are the MixItUp and Isotope libraries.

In this article, I'll go over the basic features of MixItUp 3 (the latest release at the time of writing) and show you all the steps needed to take advantage of it in your projects. To better demonstrate how this library works, I've also created a demo, which I'll refer to throughout the article.

Note: This article was updated in February 2017 to cover v3 of the MixItUp library

What is MixItUp 3?

As mentioned above, MixItUp 3 is a dependency-free, JavaScript library that allows you to filter and sort elements using CSS-based animations. Created by Patrick Kunka, it comes with a number of different customization options and detailed documentation. You can integrate it easily into your existing layouts. All that's needed is to target the desired elements and the library will do the grunt work for you.

For non-commercial projects, you can use it for free. However, commercial projects require a license. More information is available on this page.

The library works in all modern browsers (including IE10+ with full functionality, and a fallback functional but with no animations in IE8+).

Now that we've seen what the library does, let's see the required steps in order to use it.

Getting Started with MixItUp 3

To get started with MixItUp 3, you first have to include it in your projects. You can download it by visiting its GitHub page or by using a package manager like npm.

For our demo, we'll use the first option. The required script will be placed before the closing </body> tag, like this:

  <script src="/path/to/mixitup.min.js"></script>

Continue reading %Animated Filtering & Sorting with the MixItUp jQuery Plugin%

by George Martsoukos via SitePoint

Tilt.js – Tiny Parallax Tilt Hover Effect for jQuery

Tilt.js is a tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax tilt effect for jQuery.

by via RSS Feed

Turn Your Side Project into a Full-Time Gig: Tips from Hacking UI

Based in Israel, David Tinter is one-half of the masterminds behind Hacking UI and Side Project Accelerator, two hugely successful projects aimed to inform, inspire and showcase the evolving world of technology. The other half of the creative duo is Sagi Schreiber, whom Tinter met when they both joined as co-founders of another startup called Moolta.

While Hacking UI serves as a digital magazine, along with its own podcast series and a newsletter released regularly, Side Project Accelerator is an eight-week course that teaches you how to turn your side project into a full time gig - a dream held by many emerging entrepreneurs.

Tinter said that the “lightbulb moment” to construct Hacking UI came when he and Schreiber decided to create a script that exported SVG files from Photoshop. At the time, there was no solution to this never-ending dilemma which frustrated both designers and developers, so of course, the two tech entrepreneurs took matters into their own hands.

“We wrote the script, as well as a couple of articles about it and our workflow, releasing it publicly for free download,” he said.

Continue reading %Turn Your Side Project into a Full-Time Gig: Tips from Hacking UI%

by Aleczander Gamboa via SitePoint

Java’s Switch Statement in Three Minutes

Java's switch statement allows the comfortable selection of one of many execution paths based on a variable's value. The variable must either be an enum, a String, or an integral type like int. Given to switch, it is compared with a list of case labels that each specify a value - as soon as the first one matches, the corresponding statement block is executed. The switch statement works much like a long if-else-if chain and can often be used to replace it.

This article only requires working knowledge of integers and strings but the more you know about if and particularly if-else-if the more you will get out of it. Experience with other numeric types, enums and methods are a bonus.

Using switch

Let's jump right in and start with an example! The following switch statement writes a textual representation of the first three natural numbers to the console:

// any number is fine
int number = 2;
switch (number) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:

Just from looking at it, what do you think will happen?

The switch will look at number, which is currently 2, and compare it with each of the values behind the case keywords. It's not 0, it's not 1, it's 2. Bingo! So off it goes calling System.out.println("two").

Syntax of switch

You can use the switch statement with variables of type int, byte, short, char (note that long does not work), String, or an enum (or enumeration type as they are formally called). Here's how it works:

switch (<variable>) {
    case <value>:
        // statements
    case <other-value>:
        // statements
    case <more-values>:
        // statements
        // statements

You use the keyword switch followed by the variable you want to switch over (as it is commonly phrased) and a pair of curly braces. Inside those curly braces, you list as many branches as you like.

Each regular branch consists of the keyword case, a value that matches the variable's type (meaning it could be assigned to it), and a colon. Together, these three things are called a switch label. It is followed by the statements you want to execute if the variable has that particular value. Unless you have a very good reason, every switch-branch should end in a break. (I'll explain in a minute, why.)

If you need a branch that is executed if none of the labels matched, you can create one with default. It works much like a regular branch but takes no value.


Continue reading %Java’s Switch Statement in Three Minutes%

by Nicolai Parlog via SitePoint

Mastering Complex Lists with the Android RecyclerView

The RecyclerView was introduced with Google’s material design in Android 5.0 Lollipop.

If you are getting started with Android development or are already an experienced developer the RecyclerView is something worth investigating.

The idea of view recycling has been in Android since version 1 in the form of the ListView. The idea is simple, to present large collection of data using a small collection of views, by recycling and rebinding these views.

Continue reading %Mastering Complex Lists with the Android RecyclerView%

by Valdio Veliu via SitePoint

This Week's HTML5, CSS and Browser Tech News #275

Read this e-mail on the Web
FrontEnd Focus
Issue 275 — February 1, 2017
“We’re excited to announce the preview availability of the WebRTC 1.0 API and support for the H.264/AVC and VP8 video codecs for RTC in Microsoft Edge.”

A beginner-friendly Webpack 2 tutorial showing how to set up and configure Webpack to transform and bundle all your frontend assets.
Mark Brown

Nitish Kumar digs into the workings of the auto-placement algorithm in the CSS Grid Layout module.

Frontend Masters
Uncover how to think deeply about new ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, destructuring, generators, classes and computed properties with Kyle Simpson of the "You Don't Know JS" book series!
Frontend Masters   Sponsor

Greg Hovanesyan documents and showcases a ton of interesting CSS properties and values. You may find some handy new solutions to old problems here.
CSS Tricks

Are you using the full capabilities of modern OpenType fonts from your CSS? Chris Lilley runs through their potential in this dotCSS talk. 19 minutes.
Chris Lilley

Chrome now has new page reloading behavior which maximizes the reuse of cached resources, results in lower latency, power consumption, and data usage. Shift + Reload will still work as before, luckily.

If you are not an npm expert but want to learn more, Louis Lazaris created a great beginners’ guide to npm for front-end developers.
Louis Lazaris

Uses Service Workers in the browser to let you set up a mock API without using any servers at all.
Service Mocker

Baljeet Rathi demonstrates writing element queries using the EQCSS plugin. Element queries are similar to media queries but based on the properties of individual elements (e.g. its width).

Jobs Supported by

Can't find the right job? Want companies to apply to you? Try

In Brief

Web Components Remote Conf: February 16-17, 2017 news
An online conference with 16 great sounding Web Components talks.

Learn to develop your next web or mobile application with ReactJS. 
Register for Rangle’s React online training course for developers on February 7, free of cost!  Sponsor

Implementing 'Save For Offline' with Service Workers tutorial
The offline web experience we’re providing users is something we all need to start thinking about. Una runs through how to get started.
Una Kravets

Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font Icons tutorial
A scalable solution for solving the alignment issues of SVGs.
Elliot Dahl

'ack' for CSS Developers: A Command Line Tool You Could Find Useful tutorial
Harry Roberts

A Clean Responsive Web Design Menu Tutorial using CSS, HTML, and jQuery tutorial
Alex Caldwell

Building a Morphing Hamburger Menu with CSS tutorial
Luis Manuel

Ensuring CSS Animations Run and Stop Gracefully tutorial
Tommy Marshall

A Basic Introduction to CSS's Attribute Selectors tutorial
Tiffany Brown

Source Maps with webpack in Chrome tutorial
Erik Aybar

Executing Millions of SQL Statements in Milliseconds in the Browser with WebAssembly and Web Workers tutorial
Mike Parsons

Beware of Mixed Content and Responsive Images tutorial
Images defined in a ‘picture’ element on an encrypted page (i.e. https) will not load if they are served from an unencrypted context (i.e. http).
Jonathan Snook

Polyfills: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know (Maybe) tutorial
David Gilbertson

[Whitepaper] The Future of JavaScript—2017 and Beyond 
2017 predictions for the key and rising JavaScript libraries and frameworks and JS’s New Frontiers in this whitepaper.
Progress  Sponsor

Working with Vertically-Written East Asian Languages and CSS Grid video
Chen Hui Jing

gotem: 'Copy to Clipboard' for Modern Browsers in Under 1KB tools
Michael Cavalea

qart.js: Merges Pictures and QR Codes for Artistic QR Codes code
Clever, I’m surprised the output worked (I tested it!)
Lee Sun-Hyoup

keyframes-tool: Convert CSS Animations for the Web Animations API code
A tool that converts CSS Animations to a keyframes object suitable for the Web Animations API.

Parasail: A Minimal Sass and Flexbox-Oriented CSS Framework code

multi.js: A User-Friendly Replacement for 'select' Boxes with the 'multiple' Attribute Enabled code
Fabian Lindfors

Animography Text Editor: A Text Input Field With Animated Letters demo

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress. If you like this, you may also enjoy: JavaScript Weekly, Node Weekly, and React Status.

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by via FrontEnd Focus