Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Best Gmail Labs Features (To Improve Your Workflow Now)

Gmail Labs lets you try new Gmail features as they become available. You can find what is new in Gmail and add the latest capabilities to Gmail—even as Gmail tests them. Many Gmail users don't really make full use of Gmail's latest features. Some don't even know that Gmail labs are...

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by Web Desk via Digital Information World

3 Ways Your Website Can Increase Business Potential #Infographic

The advancements and developments of the web are unceasing. Just after a few tweaks in algorithm, a new feature is suddenly formed; the cycle continues, the loop seems to have no ending. This is why websites are good investments, especially when marketing a business. They always have something new...

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by Web Desk via Digital Information World

The Ultimate Listing of Paid Influencer Marketing Solutions

The below technology vendors were part of the native advertising technology landscape research presented at the beginning of the year. One of the categories that falls under the native moniker is paid influencer marketing or influencer advertising.

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by Web Desk via Digital Information World

7 places you can’t find on Google Maps [video]

Google Maps is one of the most amazing pieces of technology to come out of Silicon Valley. You can explore the entire world without ever leaving the comfort of your living room. However, there are a few places on Earth that Google won't let you see.

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by Web Desk via Digital Information World

14 Image Optimization Tips You Need to Know

We’re living in an increasingly visual world. And in this world, the value of image optimization can’t be overlooked. Images make your webpages more appealing. More likely than not, there’s an image on every page of your website. Without the proper optimization, however, you’re wasting a valuable...

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by Web Desk via Digital Information World


Unconquered is a creative agency based in NYC with a knack for creating beautiful imagery.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Google Tricks That Will Change the Way You Search [video]

Google Search’s learning curve is an odd one. You use it every day, but still all you know is how to search. But the search engine has plenty of tricks up its sleeve. Here’s an overview of some of the most useful Google search tricks, from basic tips to new features just recently released.

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Web Desk via Digital Information World