"Mr Branding" is a blog based on RSS for everything related to website branding and website design, it collects its posts from many sites in order to facilitate the updating to the latest technology.
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Monday, December 31, 2018
Facebook again amidst controversy: Accused of tracking non-users via Android apps
[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website http://bit.ly/1b4YgHQ for full links, other content, and more! ]
by Saima Salim via Digital Information World
WaPo's Ad Engineer, Ex-Reddit CEO Calls Out Most Digital Marketing Metrics As Fake On Twitter
[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website http://bit.ly/1b4YgHQ for full links, other content, and more! ]
by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World
Stickybits : Lightweight Alternative to Position Sticky Polyfills
Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky
polyfills. It works perfectly for things like sticky headers.
The post Stickybits : Lightweight Alternative to Position Sticky Polyfills appeared first on Best jQuery.
by Admin via Best jQuery
PewDiePie’s YouTube Rewind 2018 surpasses the official video: Gets major views
[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website http://bit.ly/1b4YgHQ for full links, other content, and more! ]
by Saima Salim via Digital Information World
ScrollDir : Leverage Vertical Scroll Direction with CSS
ScrollDir, short for Scroll Direction, is a 0 dependency, ~1kb micro Javascript plugin to easily leverage vertical scroll direction in CSS via a data attribute.
- showing or hiding sticky elements based on scroll direction
- only changing its direction attribute when scrolled a significant amount
- ignoring small scroll movements that cause unwanted jitters
The post ScrollDir : Leverage Vertical Scroll Direction with CSS appeared first on Best jQuery.
by Admin via Best jQuery
Facebook and Google Unwittingly Helped Sustain Child Porn Apps
[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website http://bit.ly/1b4YgHQ for full links, other content, and more! ]
by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World