Thursday, August 8, 2019

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
A web and print experience structured in the style of a 1969 lifestyle magazine. Fans were able to dig deeper into Taratino's world.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Trusted Marketing Partner of Instagram Caught Tracking Millions of Users

We are living in a post internet era, and in this era people are starting to become increasingly aware of just how common it is for tech companies to take advantage of the wild abandon with which people tend to use the internet, as well as to use unscrupulous practices to acquire information that...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

YouTube’s new feature: More user-friendly interface to interact with videos

We live in the era of a digital world where there is a huge variety of social media platforms. Among those, YouTube is one of the largest social networks that always try to provide a variety of services just to bring comfort for its users to interact with the platform. YouTube is experimenting...

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by agha ali via Digital Information World

Facebook’s Creator Studio Feature That Lets You Schedule Instagram Posts Is Rolling Out To More Users

Facebook has been attempting to position itself as prime real estate for content creators for quite some time now, and the main reason for this is that it has a lot of competitors out there, with the biggest of them being YouTube, that are quite adept at providing content creators with a platform...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World

Ionic Mobile App Templates for eCommerce

CSS Timeline Style 76

The post CSS Timeline Style 76 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Product Grid Style 72

The post Product Grid Style 72 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery