According to Counterpoint's Global Extended Reality (AR/VR) Headset Model Tracker, the global VR headset shipment has declined 4% YoY and 16% QoQ in Q3 of 2024. Tethered VR headset segment saw a big drop in Q3 2024 at 50% and it is the primary reason for decline of VR headset shipment this quarter. Despite the decline, Meta is still dominating the global VR market at 65 shares this quarter, but it still saw some decrease in its shipments as compared to previous quarters. The reason was decrease in sales of Meta Quest 3 because consumers wanted to buy a cheaper headset, Meta Quest 3S.
Apple Vision Pro saw a double growth in its shipments because it was launched in Europe, China and APAC. But there are predictions that Apple is going to see a decline in shipments of Apple Vision Pro in Q4 2024. In H2 2024, total shipments of Apple can be 90% international sales. Now we have to see once the data gets shared. Pico also released its latest Pico 4 Ultra in Europe and China and this helped in the 6% QoQ growth of this headset, but there was a 2% decrease YoY in global shipments of the same model. China was really anticipating Pico 4 Ultra because it can be used in entertainment projects and large-space VR tourism.
There was a 29% decrease in Sony’s YoY shipments but when its PC adapter launched, its QoQ shipments increased because of the hype around this VR model and the promotional campaigns in Europe and North America. DPVR also saw a good growth with 14% QoQ increase and 67% YoY increase. Shipments of VR headsets that had MR capabilities increased to 80% from just 6% in Q3 2023. It is also expected that it can increase to 90% in Q4 2024.
Many VR companies are testing different features on their latest headsets to stand out in the market, with Apple also testing OLED displays on its Vision headset. It will be cost effective too, but won't make the experience for users bad. There are some industry advancements in Snap’s Spectacle’ 24 AR glasses and Meta’s Orion AR glasses. AR+AI smart glasses are going to see some growth in late 2024, which will gain momentum in 2025. Many of the companies are now working on AR+AI glasses and we are sure that we'll see some new products within next year.
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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World
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