Monday, January 5, 2015

An Introduction to the Genesis Framework

It doesn't matter whether you've been using WordPress for years, or if you're just starting out. WordPress can be a complex content management system with a lot of options. These options include themes, plugins, products and services. It's very easy to get overwhelmed with everything. That's why it's important to find the best products to make your life easy. One way to do this is to use a trusted theme framework. One of the most popular theme frameworks is called the Genesis Framework by StudioPress. StudioPress Genesis

What is a Theme Framework?

You may have heard of WordPress themes, but you might not know what a theme framework is. A theme framework is a WordPress theme structure that is put in place to be built upon. Think of a theme framework like the framework of a vehicle. The only difference is, you can build on top of this framework to build any type of theme that you'd like. Theme frameworks make it extremely easy to create the look and feel of any type of website you want.

Why Genesis?

Genesis is among the most popular WordPress theme frameworks, let's take a look at some of the main reasons why.

Continue reading %An Introduction to the Genesis Framework%

by James George via SitePoint

Taking the Mootor HTML5 Framework further

In my previous tutorial, we saw how to get started creating a mobile app using the Mootor framework. We implemented user sign in functionality using the Mootor framework and Firebase.

In this tutorial, we’ll implement sign up functionality with Firebase as a back end.

We’ll modify the sign in implementation since firebase released a new version and the standalone FirebaseSimpleLogin client that we used in the first tutorial has been deprecated and added to the Firebase core.

Continue reading %Taking the Mootor HTML5 Framework further%

by Jay Raj via SitePoint

10 Web Predictions for 2015

Happy New Year! 2015 is 11111011111 in binary so it's got to be a great year for technology! My 2014 predictions were half right so let's see if I can do better. The mists are clearing and there's ectoplasm seeping from my keyboard…

1. Responsive Images Will be Usable!

It's taken too long but we'll finally have good responsive image support across several mainstream desktop and mobile browsers (other than just Chrome/Opera):

  • the img srcset attribute allows you to specify the same image at different resolutions according to the device's screen capabilities

  • the picture element permits art direction. Different images can be presented based on the device's size and orientation. For example, you might offer a photograph of a forest on a desktop but a couple of trees on mobile.

Use cases will differ but the important point is the browser decides which asset to use -- you just provide the choices.

2. The Rise of Web Components

If Google are to be believed, Web Components is the future of the web platform.

Continue reading %10 Web Predictions for 2015%

by Craig Buckler via SitePoint

Automating Icons and Splash Screens

What’s the first thing users see when they download your app? What about after they install it and start the app?

An app icon and splash screen (launch image) are important parts of any app, yet making them used to be incredibly tedious. You needed numerous icons for iOS and Android, and then you had to deal with splash screens and all their different sizes.

To save you the stress of dealing with all that, we’ve made it possible for you to generate app icons and splash screens via the Ionic CLI.

Generate those Resources

With the new CLI, all you need is a resource directory and two images. These images can be .png files, Photoshop .psd files, or Illustrator .ai files, named icon.png (for example) and splash.png. With the images in a resources directory, ./resources, the ionic resources command will generate the icons and splash screen images for each platform setup in the project, sending them to Ionic's image resizing and cropping server, so you don't have to install extra dependencies.

$ ionic resources

After the images are generated, the CLI will update the config.xml to include the icons and splash screens , so they will be transferred over in Cordova's build process. NOTE: This process requires Cordova CLI version 3.6 or higher.

If you only need to update one of the resources, or you only want to generate icons and not both, the ionic resources command has two flags that allow you to target each asset, instead of generating both.

$ ionic resources --icon
$ ionic resources --splash

Image Sizes

In order to be able to crop and resize images to fit the various needs of each platform, icons and splash screen images should meet a minimum size requirement.

The icon image's minimum dimensions should be 192x192 px and should have no rounded corners. Note that each platform will apply its own mask and effects to the icons. For example, iOS will automatically apply its custom rounded corners, so the source file should not already come with rounded corners.

Splash screen dimensions vary for each platform, device, and orientation, so a square source image is required to generate each of the various screen sizes. The source image's minimum dimensions should be 2208x2208 px, and the artwork should be centered within the square, because each generated image will be center cropped into landscape and portrait images. The splash screen's artwork should roughly fit within a center square (1200x1200 px). This template provides the recommended size and guidelines about artwork's safe zone.

Platform Specifics

Want different icons for the iOS and Android versions of your app? No problem; we’ve got that covered, too. To use different source images for individual platforms, place the source image in the respective platform's directory. To use a different icon for Android, the image should follow this path: resources/android/icon.png, and the image for iOS should use this path: resources/ios/icon.png. This way, you can have an iOS icon with native rounded corners and an Android icon with a transparent background.

This is just one more way Ionic aims to make developers’ lives easier, not to mention more fun. Update your CLI and try out the resource generator today.

$ npm install -g ionic

What's Next

As we mentioned in our Beta 14 blog post, we've been working on adding Crosswalk integration for Android into our CLI. Josh has been hard at work on this, and it will be landing in the CLI as a beta feature soon. Keep an eye on the CLI!

by via Ionic Framework

Automating Icons and Splash Screens

What’s the first thing users see when they download your app? What about after they install it and start the app?

An app icon and splash screen (launch image) are important parts of any app, yet making them used to be incredibly tedious. You need numerous icons for iOS and Android, and then you have to deal with splash screens and all their different sizes.

To save you the stress of dealing with all that, we’ve made it possible for you to generate app icons and splash screens via the Ionic CLI.

Generate those Resources

With the new CLI, all you need is a resource directory and two images. These images can be .png files, Photoshop .psd files, or Illustrator .ai files, named icon and splash. The ionic resources command will generate the icons and splash screen images for each platform setup in the project, sending them to Ionic's image resizing and cropping server, so you don't have to install extra dependencies.

$ ionic resources

After the images are generated, the CLI will update the config.xml to include the icons and splash screens , so they will be transferred over in Cordova's build process. NOTE: This process requires Cordova CLI version 3.6 or higher.

If you only need to update one of the resources, or you only want to generate icons and not both, the ionic resources command has two flags that allow you to target each asset, instead of generating both.

$ ionic resources --icon
$ ionic resources --splash

Image Sizes

In order to be able to crop and resize images to fit the various needs of each platform, icons and splash screen images should meet a minimum size requirement.

The icon image's minimum dimensions should be 192x192 px and should have no rounded corners. Note that each platform will apply its own mask and effects to the icons. For example, iOS will automatically apply its custom rounded corners, so the source file should not already come with rounded corners.

Splash screen dimensions vary for each platform, device, and orientation, so a square source image is required to generate each of the various screen sizes. The source image's minimum dimensions should be 2208x2208 px, and the artwork should be centered within the square, because each generated image will be center cropped into landscape and portrait images. The splash screen's artwork should roughly fit within a center square (1200x1200 px). This template provides the recommended size and guidelines about artwork's safe zone.

Platform Specifics

Want different ocons for the iOS and Android versions of your app? No problem; we’ve got that covered, too. To use different source images for individual platforms, place the source image in the respective platform's directory. To use a different icon for Android, the image should follow this path: resources/android/icon.png, and the image for iOS should use this path: resources/ios/icon.png. This way, you can have an iOS icon with native rounded corners and an Android icon with a transparent background.

This is just one more way Ionic aims to make developers’ lives easier, not to mention more fun. Update your CLI and try out the resource generator today.

$ npm install -g ionic

What's Next

As we mentioned in our Beta 14 blog post, we've been working on adding Crosswalk integration for Android into our CLI. Josh has been hard at work on this, and it will be landing in the CLI as a beta feature soon. Keep an eye on the CLI!

by via Ionic Framework

ZingChart – jQuery Charting Library

ZingChart jQuery wrapper is a lightweight extension of the ZingChart library that allows anyone to create, modify, and interact with charts entirely with jQuery syntax and functionality.

by via RSS Feed

Usability Testing Goals: Knowing ‘Why’ Before ‘How’

Figure out your direction before testing designs Like all significant undertakings, you need to go into usability testing with a plan. But as you’ll see, a little extra time planning at the beginning can pay off in the end. By following a few simple guidelines, you’ll know what to expect, what to look for, and […]

Continue reading %Usability Testing Goals: Knowing ‘Why’ Before ‘How’%

by Jerry Cao via SitePoint